You Are An Example Of Better Things To Come

It's a shame you do

Two weeks later and still nothing from Josh. I began to wonder if something was seriously wrong with him. Although I knew nothing had happened to him because i sort of became a Twitter stalker. Since he wouldn't let me know what was going on in his life himself twitter did. Oh how i loved social networking sites these days.

I tried to think of what could have made him turn into such an ass between asking me to be his girlfriend and standing me up. Lauren was pissed at him and i could hear her yell at Max on the phone whenever he called to see how we were.

"HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW WHY HE DID IT MAX?" she yelled. I actually began to pity the guy. I decided to become nosy and picked up the other land line phone to listen.

"I mean it. He was so excited for it and then well he didn't go."

"YEAH I CAN TELL HE DIDN'T FUCKING GO MAX! MY BEST FRIEND WAITED HERE AGES FOR HIM TO TURN UP!" She was yelling so loud i had to remover the phone from my ear a little.

"Look i know he's being a prick love, but well we'll work on him, find out for yah ok?"

she sighed. "Yeah sorry for yelling." I could hear him chuckle on the other end.

"It's ok. I would yell at you too if your best friend was Josh. I got to go now love. Talk soon yeah?"

"Yeah bye Max."

About an hour later i my phone flashed to show i had a new tweet. it was from the person i least expected:

@joshmeatsix: I wanted to say a big sorry to@ailema:)

I instantly replied to him hoping we could figure out what the hell went wrong. At least i would know.

@ailema: Call me you idiot @joshmeatsix.

Within a minute i could hear the sweet voice of Travis Clark coming from my phone.

"Oh so you're alive then?" I wouldn't just give into him. I could be a little bitchy right?

"Steph...... don't be like that." He sighed.

"Like what Joshua? How do you expect me to talk to you when one week you ask me to be your girlfriend and then the next week you don't turn up to our date and don't talk to me for weeks." I could feel anger growing in me but i didn't want to say something i would regret.

"You have every right to be mad i know that, just please listen ok?"

"Ok i'm listening, it just better be good." I sighed

"Well i guess i got scared."

"Of what?"

"You would do the same as my last girlfriend did to me. You would find someone better and i would be left alone again. You would wait till i went on tour and then be with the other guy behind my back. It's happened before Steph." I gripped onto a pillow pretending to give him a hug.

"So you think i'm just like her then?" It sounded harsher than expected.

"No i don't. I just................I dunno Steph maybe i did. I got scared, freaked out and i'm sorry."

"You think that makes it ok?"

"I was hoping so yeah." I could almost see the hopeful smile present on his lips.

"You know before this call i probably would have just said yeah alright everything can be normal, but i'm like you Josh i know what it feels like to be cheated on. It broke me. To think you thought i would do that to you means that you don't know me at all do you?" My anger had now turned into hurt. "I hate that you think i'm just like her. That probably hurts more than being stood up."

"Can we try again? Please." He was almost begging.

"I don't know Josh can we? You're the one who doesnt trust me, who's to say you trust me anymore now? I can't always be compared to her. I don't compare you to my ex because i know you are ten times the man he was."

"Please don't be like this Steph."

"My names Amelia not Steph Josh." With that i hung up.

Was i really that bad that he thought i was just like his cheating ex. I know what he was feeling going through all that. I needed time to think. I wanted Josh. But i also wanted him to trust me
♠ ♠ ♠
So i had to change tiny bits in my last chapter because reading over it, it made no sense at all. Silly me. Oh and the twitter name is crappy because i couldnt think of anything else except putting her name backwards lol. If you can think of a cool one let me know. And another thing, i don't know whether to end it soon or keep it going a bit and maybe they could get together again. Let me know.

Oh and thanks to LookingUp93 {Nice new name by the way :) } xx