You Are An Example Of Better Things To Come

It takes one, it takes one, it takes one, takes one to know one

I had packed my bags and made sure I had everything. Once we had stopped for a bit and everyone was off the bus getting something to eat I sat down at the table. I stole 2 bits of paper from Josh’s stash and wrote him and Lauren a note.

I wanted to say bye but knew I wouldn’t be able to do it in person. So this letter will have to do as I have to go catch my flight. I decided to go home because, well i didn’t want to make you awkward and not enjoy the tour because I’m here. You have this sparkle in your eyes when you perform and for the past few days it’s as if you’re a different person. When you asked me to come on tour I got so excited about seeing places I’ve never seen, I loved the idea of getting to see you every day instead of like once a month and watch you perform every night. It hasn’t turned out like that and I know it was my fault not yours.

I promise you nothing happened between me and Chris. I wouldn’t do that to you. Especially since I’ve been where you are now but i know how it looked. I was stupid. I know that now. So now it’s up to you whether you believe me or not. I hope you do because you have been the best thing in my life the past year and well I can’t imagine my life without you there.
I love you Josh Franceschi. Call me when you’re ready to talk.

Amelia (Steph) xxxxxxxxxxx

After I finished Josh’s letter i wiped away the few stray tears and carried on to write Lauren’s before my taxi arrived to take me to the airport.

The only reason I’m writing this is so you know I’ve not been kidnapped or ran away. I’ve just gone home for a bit so don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine back in our freezing flat while you get to watch our boys rocking out. Have fun on the last weeks on the tour and look after the boys for me, especially one in particular.
Can’t wait to hear all the gossip when you get home.

Love you! Xxx

I placed the letters on their bunks just as a car horn sounded outside. The driver helped me put all my bags in so within a few minutes we were on our way to the airport. I took one last look back at the bus to see everyone heading back onto it before facing the front.

All the way to the airport tears fell down my cheeks and the view’s that had looked so nice on the way there were now all blurry. I wondered what their reactions would be to me leaving, if they had my letters yet if they tried to call me. With that thought I checked my phone to see it had died so even if they did try and call me I couldn’t answer and explain everything. I knew leaving was a bit of an over-reaction to the situation but the decision was made and I had to stick to it.

Checking in went quickly so i decided to go get something to eat and read a magazine to waste the time. Although I had a few hours the time went so slowly and every glance at my watch only made me notice it more. The hands didn’t seem to want to move fast. I took one last look at my watch and started to pack everything up to head to security. I picked up my bag the wrong way and everything inside it fell onto the floor and scattered around the small cafe.

“Here let me help you.” A voice from behind me spoke gently.

“Thanks.” Talking to him made me nervous when I shouldn’t be.

“Was running away really the best option?” He laughed.

“It was the only one I could think of.” I shrugged and looked up into his blue eyes.

“Come here you idiot.” He pulled me into his chest and rubbed my back.
“I really am sorry Josh.” I held onto him as if he would disappear when i let go.

“I know you are love, It’s just took me some time to get my head around it. I trust you, just not him. “

“So can we go back to normal yet or are you still not taking to me?”

“I can try being nice Josh again as long as you don’t scare the shit out of me by running away again.” He laughed and helped me up.

“I won’t.” I laughed. I took another glance at my watch. “Josh I have to go get my flight.”

“I was hoping you would stay no we’re talking.” He played with the hem of his shirt.

“I think it’s best if i go home but I promise to come pick you up at the airport when you get back. It might do us good to have some space and you have time to get over it properly.”

“You’re right i guess. Let’s get you to security then m’lady. Hop on.” He turned round so i could jump on his back.

“Promise you’ll call me?” I got off of his back as he nodded. “Good, I should go. I love you.”

“I love you too Steph.” He leaned down to give me a kiss before I had to go. “I’ll see you soon.”

“I’ll see you soon.”

I was glad he was talking to me again and hoped the time apart would bring us closer. After all my mum always used to say ‘Absence makes the heart grow stronger.’
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I couldn't handle them being angry at each other and not talking so I made them ok again. Thanks to: saveredheads for your comment and omgzitsjen for the recommendation.

Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think. xx