You Are An Example Of Better Things To Come

So I could make up my mind

The more i chatted and got to know all the boys from You Me At Six, the more i grew to love them. The all had their own qualities that made them fun to be around. Although they were only here for 2 more days which was rubbish. It would be really quiet around here without them. Even though i hadn't known them that well i would miss them. Josh still joined me on my runs which had now turned into walks every morning.

"Whats wrong with you this morning?" Josh nudged my side removing me from my daze.

"Huh?" I looked at him causing him to laugh.

"Have you even been listening to anything this morning." I shook my head. " I was asking what was wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong"

"You might want to tell your face that then love." He tapped my nose lightly causing me to scrunch my face up. "You look cute when you do that." My face lightly blushed so i turned away from him to stop him seeing it.

"Shut-up Joshua." I got up and dusted down my trousers and pulled him up to start making our way back to the house. After walking about half the way back i decided i couldn't be bothered walking anymore. "I'm tired Josh carry me." I pouted hoping it would work.

"Hop on m'lady" He stood in front of me and and let me jump on his back.

"Why thank you kind sir" I ruffled his hair and laid my head on top of his. "I don't want you guys to leave. I'll be all lonely when your gone."

"You will still see us, we can keep in contact. The guys love you like a sister. Well besides Max he loves you like Max loves people."

The next 2 days flew by and before we knew it the boys were all packed an ready to leave. I had to try my hardest not to cry. How silly do i sound, they had only been there for 3 weeks. We all said our goodbyes and gave each other a hug until it got to Josh. He pulled me into a bone crushing hug and gave my cheek ( well really the corner of my mouth) a kiss and it seemed to linger for than longer usual but i wasn't complaining.

"Here this is for you" He handed me a crumpled bit of paper.

"what is it rubbish?" I laughed as i tred to straighten it out.

"Well it kinda was." he rubbed his neck." But i wrote every possible way to contact me on it. Twitter, phone number, address, email etc is all on there. so now you don't have an excuse for not keeping in touch love." He gave my cheek another peck before running off to catch up with the others.

That night i decided to call him just incase he hadn't given me the right number. After about 4 rings he picked up.

"Hello" he sounded sleepy, like i had woken him up.

"Hello Joshy."

"Steph?" I laughed.

"My names amelia not steph. Yeah it's me."

"I thought you'd never call me." He said overdramatically and i could hear Max yelling in the background, i think they were playing fifa and boy do they get competitive.

"Stop being such a girl Josh."

"JOSH IS THAT AMELIA? IS IT? IS IT?" I could hear Max yelling again but this time it sounded closer and i could almost imagine him jumping up and down. I heard Josh groan which made me giggle.

"Sorry about him he's had too much beer and skittles."

"I love skittles." I instantly replied

"God you sound just like him." he laughed.

"Why aren't you staying up late and partying Joshua?"

"I was tired from all the fresh air i'm not used to it."

We talked for about an hour before i heard him yawn.

"Joshy go to sleep."

"I like talking here i'm alright." He said whilst yawning again.

"Yeah you sound it!" I mocked. "I only called to make sure your number was right and you didn't give me a fake one."

"You didnt' think i would do that did you?"

"I didn't know whether you would or not, i know not you didnt."

"You don't know me at all m'lady." He tried to put on a southern american accent but it didn't work which caused both of us to laugh.

"Well sir i guess i have plenty of time to figure you out."

"That you do, we have all the time in the world."

I went to sleep that night with a huge smile on my face for a holiday that i didn't want to go on, gave me 5 new friends and brought me closer to my family.
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Sorry it's taken so long to upload again but i sort of lost interest in all my stories but i'll try and update quicker. xxx