You Are An Example Of Better Things To Come

And I'll decide this one in the light

About 3 weeks after i sent Josh his letter i got my reply. Trying to keep my mail a secret from my roommate was a nightmare. I wasn't quite prepared for my eardrums to bust due to her screams. I couldn't help the smile as i tore open the envelope to reveal his scrawny handwriting.

Why hello there love :)

Sure i meant to keep in contact. I wouldn't have gave you my stuff if i didn't want to talk, well write. I think it's sorta cute when you babble. I can just imagine your face going red as you wrote it. The guys all said hi and as for the kisses you told me to give, max gave you one back. Wasn't the best moment of my life. But we do what we gotta do right?

You living all alone in the big bad world is cool. your roommate sounds cool. At least she has fucking good taste in music right? It must be nice walking into the kitchen and being met by my handsome face. I would like that. Max told me to tell you that the dust in the empty room makes good company and you should give it a try sometime.

Awwwwwwww did you miss us? i bet you did! I missed going on your walks/runs too.It was weird how well we got along when we only just me. I don't normally talk that much at first. You must be a good influence for me.

Well the little birdie was right! Is that the only reason you wrote? to get tickets for our gig? I'm sure i can talk to the important person in charge of the improtant stuff and get you tickets. I'll call or text you when i have details.Sending a letter would take to long and you would probs get it after we had played there. You could even take us out for the night and show us how to party Scottish style. Oh just make sure Lauren is it? doesn't rape any of us except Max he might be up for it. I'll ask. Plus it would be pretty cool to see you again.

We are going to record soon. I'm looking forward to it. Had a burst of insiration so i think the new songs are cool. Hope you saved some of that beer for us, you alcoholic!

Anyways going to play 5-a-side with Dan and some friends. It really was nice hearing from you. Sorry it took me so long to reply.

Love Josh xxx

It was funny how simple things can make you happy. Just by that simple letter i was able to go to uni for the day and the smile never left my face. When i got home, Lauren was yet again dancing around to one of the boy's songs.Today it was 'Save it for the bedroom'. I couldn't wait to tell her i knew them. Her birthday was the day of the gig so i was really hoping this could be her birthday present from me. I decided to scare her and join in he singing.

"TO FAR! SAVE IT FOR THE BEDROOM!!!" I yelled once i got to the kitchen making her jump and me burst into fits of giggles.

"I hate you right now Amelia!" She pointed her finger in my face trying to fight back the smile slowly creeping onto her face.

"Sorry i couldn't resist. Anyways, i'm going to head for a shower."

"Ok i'm going to do some work anyways."

Whilst in me shower i heard the door and then a huge scream and then my name being yelled again and again. My heart began to beat faster. Had something happened to Lauren? had someone broke into our house? I quickly turned off the taps and grabbed the first towel i found and wrapped it around me. It covered what it had to and no more but that wasn't my priority. I ran as fast as i could to the living room.

What i saw was what i least expected. Lauren standing by the open door,eyes wide and mouth open and five boys looking as awkward as i when i first met them. My eyes caught sight of those blue ones i had missed and he just smiled in return.

"You going to let us in Amelia, it's fucking freezing out here."
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Comment please since i don't have any! anyways thanks for reading and those who have subscribed. xx