Status: One-Shot; Completed

A Haunted Halloween

Only Chapter

Screams echoed from the television set, the picture on the screen flickering a bit as the thunder boomed overhead. The windows shuddered in their pains and the girl looked out from under the blanket, she knew that this wasn’t a good idea to watch horror movies in a storm. It was mid-fall and the weather had been fair, the storm was called to be a small one but grew in size as the night wore on. The forecaster was wrong about it just being short with a drizzle of rain. It beat the roof and made everything so eerie, lightning lighting up the room every now and then along with the TV. Her whole body was shaking as another scream pierced the air and the woman on the screen fell to the floor in a puddle of her own blood. The girl stared at the screen, her eyes fixed on it until another clap of thunder and her door banging open; the popcorn bowl flying from her lap and onto the floor, a scream erupting from her throat.

“Don’t hurt me!” She called out, shaking as she tried to hide under the blanket, tucking the corners under her knees and her elbows, trying to curl into a tiny ball.

“Tabbyyyyyy,” The voice was gravelly, sounding like stones grinding against each other, causing the shudder of ear make its way down her spine, her body shaking even more.

The storm raged on outside as a crack, sizzle, zap and the lights and the TV had gone out; this only fueling her fear on the edge of pissing herself. The fear tore through her body like the plague tore through Europe, her body feeling so flushed. The air began to grow stale as her heart beat within her ears as the sound of footsteps came closer and closer. Heavy breathing filled her ears as she felt something pull the blanket from her, her mouth open as she let out a blood curdling scream, though the storm had drown out her scream; lightning sizzled in the air and the light of it glinted off the blade that was in the other person’s hand. She let out another scream until the lightning flashed, her eyes spotting her best friend there, a fake knife in his hand and a goofy grin on his face.

She glared at him and crossed her arms over her chest, after she pushed herself up from the couch cushion, “Fuck you!” She was pissed off, crossing her leg over the other not wanting him to see that she had pissed herself from what he had done to her. This was the millionth time that she had let him get to her and it was really starting to get on her nerves, a smirk forming on her face; glad that the lights had went out she got up and was going to give him a fright.

“I’m going to go see if I pop the breaker if the lights will come back on,” She told him and went to the kitchen, grabbing a flashlight and something else. She stuffed whatever it was, that she had in her hand, into her pocket and made her way to the basement; the one place, in the whole house, that gave her the creeps. She had to suck that up, though, because she wanted to pull this prank off because she felt like it’d be an amazing one. She clicked the flashlight on in her hand and pointed it in front of her, throwing something down the stairs to make it seem like she had fallen, than slowly makes her way down. On the last step she missed it and actually fell, letting out a scream just to make everything seem real. Everything was going according to plan until she felt something pierce her flesh, her screams becoming real as the searing hot pain went through her body.

Everything was like it was in slow motion for the teenager, as she watched herself from above. Her eyes vacant as she lay in a puddle of her own blood, her own prank having turned against her; something she should have seen coming, her bad luck with pulling pranks and getting hurt aided in her death.

“Finally!” She heard from behind her, the exclamation making her jump and turn to see her best friend behind her.

“What the hell are you? You can see me?” She asked him, confused on why he is able to see her, because she knew she was dead; her body proof as it lay on the basement floor.

“Of course I can silly,” he let out a laugh at her and looked to her confused look and sighed. “Look, I’ve been dead since I was young. I used to live in this house before you did. One night I was laying in my bed, my parents laying in the room next to me, I never seen it coming. A shadow had passed my door, but I didn’t think anything of it because I thought it was my parents. I didn’t hear a thing, next thing I know some guy in a mask comes into my room. I felt the pain before I knew what was going on and by that time it was too late. So, that is my story but it doesn’t explain why you can see me. The other owners were scared by me, because they could see what I do but not see me. I’m so glad that I finally have someone to play with,” he grinned.

She looked to him with wide eyes, not believing anything at all. Not believing that her best friend had been dead all along, just a soul trapped her on Earth looking for a friend. She shook her head and joined her hand with his, walking with him through the basement wall and into the light.

The babysitter closed the book and looked to the kids that were huddled together, clinging to one another.

That is just a story! “ The girl said defiantly.

“Oh really?” The babysitter asked, reaching out to touch the little children, her hand going through them. The kids let out screams and ran away from her, a smirk appearing on her lips as she looked to the pumpkins all over their room, it being decorated for Halloween the day she always comes back and gives kids a scare.

“Happy Halloween,” she spoke before she disappeared, waiting for the next Halloween.
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So this is just a short piece for my friend :). I was in the Halloween mood :)