Status: I will post a few chapters, but I may take a while to continue it. I have many ideas, many stories and very little time, oh and Happy Halloween!

The Roommates

Oh Hell No.

“Naomi! Where are the file reports on the beer shipment we received today?”

My eyes widened. Oh shit. I was going to pay for this. “I-I’m sorry sir, I don’t know where they are.” It was true, I didn’t know. “I swear I thought I saw them this morning.” Boss glared. “Well find them and bring them in in five minutes. Or you lose your job. I’ve let it slide three times this week. Next time. . .” he trailed off. “Well there isn’t a next time.” He left me then and I sighed as I slumped back into my chair. Rubbing my temple, I yawned. Only three hours of sleep every week isn’t good for a person’s health. When I get home I was going to take a nice warm bath, eat some take out, and sleep for as long as I could. And maybe listen to some soothing, relaxing mus—

“Naomi! WAKE UP!” I jumped to attention looking around. “I swear I’ll find them!” I heard laughter from behind me and I glared angrily at the cubicle wall. “God Lexi. What’s your problem? I wasn’t even asleep.”

She smiled at me. “Yeah, but you were about to be. So what’s with the shout out?” she asked resuming her typing, or whatever she was doing before. We were in the back of the bar, so we would do paperwork before the night crowd came in and demanded beer and alcohol. Then we would serve. Joy. Horny, drunk men groping us at every possible chance, yeah, my job is certainly the life of the party. But it paid the rent so I didn’t complain.

“Boss was up my ass about the paperwork for the beer shipment that just came in.” I groaned as I started typing up some other project I had to finish. “Ah I see.” Then her voice brightened. “Sean!” I looked up to see Sean at the window that separated us from the bar. She looked at me anxiously. I gave her a short smile. “Go on. Go have fun. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She gave me a side look then glanced longingly at Sean who waved. “Really, are you sure? I mean I can—“ I shook my head interrupting her. “No, its alright Lexi. Go. God knows you deserve it.” I smiled at her and watched as she grabbed her coat before running to her boyfriend who gave her a hug. “Thanks Naomi. I owe you one.” I waved it off.

“Hey Naomi,” boss’s head popped up around the corner. “I saw Vera leave, why you don’t go with her? You look dead tired.” I looked at him skeptically. “Really?” He nodded. “Go on, I’ll call Sophie and Mark to replace you two. “ I donned my hoodie. “Thanks. You’re awesome.”

“But I expect those papers by tomorrow.” I smiled and nodded. Same old boss.


I was walking down the street when my pocket started vibrating. I glanced around warily then pulled it out and whispered a hello. I didn’t want anyone to hear me. It was deserted and I wasn’t sure if anybody was out there. “Hey baby.” I smiled slightly. “John?” I asked cautiously. “Yeah its me darling.” I heard giggling in the background. I was instantly pissed. “John, are you watching television?” I asked him like I hadn’t heard anything.” No. I’m with Valerie.” I stopped walking. “What? You mean the Valerie?” I glared at the phone even though he wouldn’t see it. “Yeah. We’re together now. She gave me something you didn’t. We have been since last year. By the way we’re over. Goodbye.” He hung up and I stared at the phone like it had burned me.

Great, just great. Anything else? I went to flip my phone closed and it slipped out of my hand hitting the concrete and broke. I leaned against the edge of the brick wall and slid to the ground. Putting my head in my hands I sighed. I really needed a break. And right now would be awesome.

Something grabbed both of my arms and yanked me to a standing position. I kicked the person in the face and heard them curse. Smiling wickedly, I pulled my dagger out of the holster on my boots and slashed left and right. I heard groans of pain and many swear words. Now free, I ran for my life but was pulled back to the ground. I heard a sickening snap and felt pain course throughout my ankle. Holding in a scream, I slashed backwards and the guy let go but not before slicing open my back and side.

I stood and took off, adrenaline urging me forward and past the pain. I finally arrived at my apartment and quietly snuck up the stairs. I reached Apartment 143 C and fumbled for the keys. After a few minutes I inserted the key and twisted. Pushing the door open with my foot, I removed the key. And lay them on the counter. I hope my super wasn’t still awake; he’d hear the creaks on the steps and see the blood trail. I groaned. Tomorrow I would have to go back down to clean it up, I was too sore right now to do much at the moment.

I heard a crash and looked up. It didn’t come from the kitchen, because it was empty. I checked the bathroom, but still nothing. Maybe it was the dog. “Osiris?” I didn’t hear anything. How strange, he would yip and howl until I petted him when I got home. I heard another crash this time, and wary, I reached to pull out the dagger again but it wasn’t there, looking down, it lay tucked in my fist. I didn’t even realize it was still in my hand. Softly, I put one foot in front of the other and silently approached the living room. I rounded the corner and still saw nothing, so I stepped toward the closet. I reached forward and grasped the doorknob. I twisted the handle and I did not like what I saw.

-Unknown POV- ҉ -Unknown POV-

“So you need a place to stay you say?” I nodded. Of course. Why else would I be at a real estate agency? Not for tea and biscuits. “Well we don’t have any open applications, unless. . .” the man looked lost in thought. “Unless what? I really need a place and I don’t care where or how bad of shape it is in. I’ll do anything and pay as much as I need to.” I hoped that would convince him. This was my last hope or I was screwed. I didn’t want to go back crawling on my knees to— “Unless you want to share with a roommate. She’ll be pissed, but it does have a free room.” He showed me a picture of the inside and I didn’t even glance at it. “So there is a free opening?” I asked making sure there wasn’t any confusion between us.

He nodded and retracted his arm. “Yes there is. You will have to share, but I’m sure she won’t bother you. As long as you leave her alone you should be fine. So are you interested?” I smiled evilly. “Yes.” I thought I heard the super mutter, “Your funeral,” But I could be wrong. He gave me some paperwork to sign which I did, and gave him the first 5 months rent in cash. I laid it on the desk and, hoisting my duffel over my shoulder, I walked out of the office and up the stairs. I found the apartment number listed on the papers and shoved the key in. I locked the door behind me and closed it. I examined the rooms. They weren’t too bad actually.

I went through the trash to see if there was anything important. There wasn’t really anything, so I stood and looked at the fridge. There wasn’t anything there either. I went to turn when a little piece of paper landed at my feet. I must’ve knocked it off. I bent down and stared at the only thing on the paper. It was a phone number. I read the number over and over before I remembered why I knew this number. Angrily, I shoved it back on the fridge. I don’t know why she had that number but I was going to find out. I kept looking throughout the house. I found the guest room and threw my bag on the bed. I entered the living room and glanced around to get familiar with my surroundings. I heard a curse and my heart pounded as I whirled to face the door.

My eyes widened. Had they found me already? Damn it! I wanted to live longer. I ran to the closet that was nearby and threw myself in it. Something crashed to the ground and I cracked open the door a little. I saw something furry on the couch wagging its tail and it looked about ready to howl. Lunging forward I snatched the animal and held it to my chest. I pushed myself backwards and landed in the closet. I petted the dog to keep it quiet and soothe my nerves. My breath held as my stomach felt like it was doing flips.

I heard someone curse. I held in laughter but a soft chuckle escaped my lips. I hoped to God the person; whoever it was out there didn’t hear it. The dog shifted and I flinched as in slow motion a glass tipped over and fell to the ground with a crash. I heard a shuffle and footsteps wandering away from the main door to the bedrooms and then back again. My heart beat frantically. The footsteps got closer and I thought to myself this is the end. I felt a gust of air hit me in the side as the closet door was flung open. This is it. I am going to die. Then I heard a voice. “Who are you?”


“Who are you?” I asked. There was a 18 or 19 year old boy holding Osiris for dear life. “And what are you doing with my dog?” The boy looked up at me and took in my appearance. He visibly shivered. “I- uh I’m sorry. I thought you were someone else.” He stood up and let the dog go who jumped up into my arms. “Who are you?” I asked again. “I’m your roommate.”
Oh hell no.
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So what do you think? Happy Halloween. What were/are you all for Halloween?