Status: Ongoing

AOI : Forged Memories

Chapter One

Thump! Thump! Thump! Happily jumping down the stairs step by step, a little girl revealed herself to the first floor of the house. Tables off on the side were wiped down clean, as the young bartender faced the wall, searching for specific bottles of wine. The bartender was very tall, being 6"3, yet he was very handsome. Only twenty-two, the male had a calm dark-olive complexion with eyes of newborn leaves. His light brown hair sways in front of his eyes, making him constantly annoyed with his bangs. "Huh." the young bartender muffled.

"I thought I heard a little bunny going down the stairs," the bartender joked. A little girl slide behind the counter. The little girl had bright blond hair with dark green eyes, as she wore a giant over coat that seems to create her body shape as a small ball. The little girl crept up behind the bartender and raised her hands into a killer-tickling motion. Right before the little girl's squirmy fingers reached the lumbar sides of the bartender, the little girl surprisingly levitated into the air. Shocked by the smirk of the bartender, the little girl threw a pitiful tantrum.

"Big Brother! Put. Me. Down!" The strict tone became a terrifying screech that ended with a couple of wasted tears. The man with the expressionless face was holding the little girl in the air finally placed her on the high chair. The man has a dull shade of brown hair, accompanying his plain, brown, leather trench coat. His eyes were covered by the glares of his glasses and his mouth appears to be stiff. "Oi, Mocha. Cilian's has to work." The expressionless man handed a plate of eggs, grits, and bacon on the countertop in front of the little girl's eyes. "And so do you." The man replied. "Eat up." The man reached for another high top chair and placed it next to the little enthusiastic and hungry little girl. The bartender spanned around and place both hands on the counter top. "So, my little princess Mocha... what will you have today?"

The little girl tilted her head sightly towards her left side to decide on a beverage. "I want...a Mocha Coffee...With SUGAR!" The little girl's eyes sparkled with amazement as the bartender and the man giggled and smile. The bartender turned towards the man, "And what would the Boss have?"

"Imsts sBussonm...itams..." replied the little girl who dived into her bacon and grits. "Mocha, eat before you talk." The man stated. The man also tilted his head slightly towards the left, deciding on what beverage to get. "Give me a skinny Cold Black, Cilan. And really, its been a year. Jules is just fine." The man smiled poetically at the bartender as he also smiles back with promising relief.

As the bartender turned his back towards the consumers, the man watched the little girl gobbling the food down her throat as if she'd been hungry for days. "Hey Mocha," The man mumbled. "After school, make sure you go straight home. Don't go wondering anywhere else." The worried man continued to glare at the hungry child as she smiled back and nodded in reply. A heavy sigh was slowly released into the atmosphere as the bartender placed the drinks onto the counter.

"Really...Jules, don't worry. Its dangerous out there, and you know it. Especially with all of the Abysses and Cutters out there, it isn't safe for our little princess." The bartender suggested as he grabbed a cloth and polish the glasses.

"Cilan, you've been working all the shifts possible for the last seven days. You need a break." The man slowly blew onto his coffee. Before taking a sip, the man suggested back,"If you just want to see her, you should just tell her." The man's eyes of experienced peered out of his glasses as he sees his red-faced employee. The clattering of silverware stopped as the man peered to his left, finding the little girl ready to go.

"Let's go." The man chuckled as he reached into his pocket to pull out a smoke. The little girl grabbed the man's empty hand as they walk through the entrance of the Leather Spice Bar.