Status: Active: I'm taking a break for Christmas!

The Last Warrior

History's first mention of a race of warrior women is found in Homer's ILIAD, an account of the Trojan War, probably written in the 8th or 7th century B.C.. Homer's Amazons, a race of fierce women who mated with vanquished male foes and kept only the female children they bore, were believed to occupy the area around the Black Sea. Amazon women also crop up in Greek myths. One of the labors of Hercules, for example, required him to acquire the girdle of the Amazon queen, Hippolyte...

Hyppolyte was my mother. I am the last of my kind, the legendary Amazon Warriors (who were a female race.) As princess, I was born only six years into this world before Hercules came to our village and destroyed us. He thought we were all dead, but I was still very much alive.

Growing up, I became bloodthirsty for revenge. He murdered them, and I knew I had to regain the legend. He was known to the world as a hero to the rest of the world, but to me, he is a killer...

There's one problem, though.

How do you kill a God?

(Keep in mind, at the end of the story of Hercules, his human flesh is burned, and he goes to live on Mount Olympus with his father, as a full fledged God. He is no longer half and half.)