So Much to Say, But You're So Far Away

Chapter 2

I woke up early the next morning and went to take a shower. When I was done I got dressed in a graffiti Zoo York shirt, with a pair of holey blue jeans. I straightened my long blonde hair that had rainbow and rainbow cheetah print streaks in it. I put a little bit of eyeliner around my brown eyes. When I was finished, I walked downstairs and began putting the boxes in my father’s, well technically my, Ford Explorer. When I had finished putting everything in the car, I then walked back into the house. I grabbed the phone and dialed Barbara’s number. It rang twice and Jimmy answered.

“If this isn’t Aurora I’m hanging up,” he said.

I laughed, “Jimmy it’s me.”

“Are you on your way yet?!”

“Yes Jimmy I am on my way.”

“Well hurry up and get here!” he exclaimed.

“Ok, ok. I’m leaving now.”

“Good. I will see you soon,” he said and then hung up.

What a weird individual…

I hung up the phone and walked back out to my car. I got in the driver’s seat, and started up the car. I back out of the driveway and started making my way to my new home.

It took me about twenty minutes to get to the neighborhood, and about five to figure out which house it was. It wasn’t until Jimmy ran outside and started jumping up and down, waving his arms, did I figure it out. I laughed quietly to myself as I pulled into the driveway. As soon as I turned the car off, my door was jerked open and Jimmy was trying to pull me out of the car.

“Jimmy calm down! I haven’t even taken my seatbelt off,” I told him, pushing him away.

“Well hurry up! I want to show you to your room!” he yelled excitedly.

I laughed as I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. As soon as I closed the door, I felt the earth come out from under me, and I was looking at the ground. I realized that Jimmy had me in a fireman’s hold.

“Jimmy what the hell are you doing?!” I yelled.

“I’m bringing you to see your room!” he told me as he carried me into the house.

I saw our mom sitting on the couch in the living room as Jimmy carried me past. She looked up and then started laughing. I gave her a wave as Jimmy was going up the stairs. He opened a door to the left of the hallway, and then dropped me down onto a queen-sized bed.

“This is your room! You can paint it whatever color you want. We can go to Lowe’s and get the paint and stuff after you bring all of your stuff into the house.”

I raised my eyebrow at him, “Ok. And what about things to decorate my room with? I didn’t have much of that stuff at my house.”

“After we get the paint and shelves and shit, we can go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond to get stuff like that. But look! You have a desk, and your own bathroom!” he said.

I shook my head and got off of the bed. I walked over to where he indicated the bathroom was. I opened the door and saw that the bathroom was bigger than I expected it to be. The sink was big enough to where I could put all of my make-up, and hair supplies on. The shower was big enough to hold three people, and the tub was round and had whirlpool jets in it.

“I love the bathroom. I want to sleep in here,” I said while laughing.

He laughed, “If you love the bathroom, wait until you see the closet.”

He led me over to where the closet was and opened the door. My eyes widened as I saw that it was a walk-in closet. It was about the size of my old room at my old house.

“I changed my mind. I want to sleep in here.”

Jimmy just shook his head, “No, you are not allowed to sleep anywhere but your bed.”

I frowned and feigned tears, “Why must you be so mean to me?”

He had a smug look on his face and he crossed his arms, “Because I am two hours older than you, that’s why.”

“Dang it! I was hoping I was the older twin.”

He laughed, “Well too bad sistah. Now I get to be the protective older brother! Muahahaha!”

I just shook my head and walked over to the bed. There were two things I noticed about the mattresses. One, they were pillow topped mattresses. And two, the tags were still on them. I grabbed the tags and ripped them off.

“Muahahahaha!!! I just ripped the tag off of my mattress!!!”

Jimmy looked over at me, shocked, “You’re not supposed to do that! It says right on the tag that you’re not allowed!”

I looked over to him with an evil smile on my face, “I’m a rebel. Plus I hate those fucking tags.”

He just shook his head and walked out of my room. I followed him out, and as soon as we reached the living room, I noticed that there were two guys that I recognized from school, but I didn’t know their names.

Jimmy waved to them, “Hey Matt, hey Bri. What are you two doing here?”

“Well, we were at my house, sitting outside smoking a cigarette. Then we saw you carrying a girl into your house. We came over here to make sure you weren’t doing unspeakable things to said female,” one of the boys said.

I took a good look at him and noticed that he was seriously buffed. His arms were the size of my head. He had his lip pierced, and he had the prettiest hazel eyes that I had ever seen. His head was shaved, so I couldn’t tell what color his hair was. I then looked at the other boy. He had shaggy black hair, and brown eyes. He had his nose pierced, and he was a little bit buff.

“Well Matt, I wouldn’t do unspeakable things to her, she’s my twin sister,” Jimmy told the first boy.

“When the hell did you get a twin sister?” the other guy, I assumed was Bri, asked.

“When I went to that funeral Mom dragged me to. Apparently the guy that died was my dad. And then in his will he said that Aurora was my sister.”

“Wait, Aurora from school? The Aurora who is the smartest girl in our grade who is a bit antisocial?” Bri asked.

I moved out from behind Jimmy, “Yes that Aurora. And I’m not antisocial, I just can’t stand anyone in my classes. They are all snobby, and dorky.”

Bri, and Matt just stared at me while Jimmy laughed. He came up and put his arm around my shoulders.

“Don’t worry about those two, they’re stupid,” Jimmy told me.

I smiled up at him, and he turned back to the guys.

“She’s actually pretty cool. I talk to her all the time in homeroom. You two would know her better if you guys didn’t skip all of the time,” Jimmy told them.

“You talked to her before?” Matt asked.

Jimmy nodded, “I had to find someone to talk to, you guys weren’t there.”

I rolled my eyes, “Thanks Jim. I’m glad you only talked to me because you were lonely.”

Jimmy laughed and hugged me, “Aww don’t be sad little sister. You know that you’re fucking awesome, and I know once the guys get to know you, they’ll love you too!”

I just shook my head and looked over to Matt and Brian, “Well since you guys are here, you can help Jimmy and I move my shit into the house.”

They both groaned, but didn’t deny my request. I watched as the three guys walked outside. I followed them, and I noticed that there was one box on the ground, busted open.

I stared at it, flabbergasted, “What happened?”

Brian looked up at me innocently, “See what had happened was, there were these three ninjas and a blue monkey, and well it really wasn’t my fault.”

I just stared at him shocked for a minute, and then I stared laughing. The three of them joined me.

“Ok, I’ll let you have that one. But don’t do it again or I’ll have to kill you.”

Brian just nodded, and picked up the box, and put all of the stuff back in it. He walked towards the house, holding the box tightly so he wouldn’t drop it again. I walked to the car where Matt was handing some boxed to Jimmy. Jimmy took two boxed and walked toward the house. I held my arms out to Matt so he could load me up with boxed.

He looked at me strangely, “I would have thought you would wait in your room to unpack the boxes we bring in.”

I shook my head, “I’m not going to unpack them until after we go and get the paint and the rest of the stuff to decorate my room. There would be no point to unpack them just to take them back out again.”

He nodded his head, “Smart thinking. No wonder you’re in the smart classes.”

I laughed, “Just between you and me, I hate them. I wish I wasn’t in them.”

He stared at me, “Why not?”

I gestured so he would notice my appearance, “I don’t look like your average nerdy kid. Plus the other kids hate me because I ruin the curve for the tests.”

He laughed, “Ok I get the picture. I’ll grab you some boxes.”

He handed me three of the smaller boxes and shooed me away when I started to tell him to give me bigger boxes. I glared at him as I made my way towards the house. I walked up to where my room was and was shocked to see the scene that was in front of me.

“What are you guys doing?” I asked the two idiots as I put the boxes down.

Jimmy looked up at me and smiled, “Lookie what I found!”

I looked to what he was holding. My eyes grew wide with excitement, “Ooh, bubble wrap!”

I lunged at him and tackled him. I ripped the bubble wrap from his hands and started popping the bubbles. I heard Brian laughing as Jimmy pouted. Matt walked in and just shook his head as he set down the boxes.

“Are you guys going to help anymore, or am I going to have to do it myself?” he asked.

“I’ll be down in a minute, I must pop the bubbles!” I told him.

“Well Jimmy, I guess that leaves us to go help Matt. I don’t think Aurora is going to be any more help. There’s tons of bubble wrap for her to go through,” Brian said.

I heard Jimmy sigh as the two of them got up and walked out of my room.
The boys made three more trips before they had all of the boxes in my room. I was still popping the bubble wrap when they were finished. I looked up at them as soon as I popped the last bubble. All three of them had their arms crossed looking down at me.

I smiled innocently, “I just want you all to know, I love bright colors and shiny objects also. I’m sorry I am easily distracted.”

All of them just shook their heads.

“Now that all of the boxes are out of the car, are we going to go to Lowe’s now?” Jimmy asked.

I nodded and got up off of the floor, “Let’s go, I’ll drive.”

As we began to walk out of my room, I accidentally tripped over one of the boxes, and my face became acquainted with the floor. All three of them burst out laughing.

“Oh my God, you should have seen your face as you fell!” Matt exclaimed.

I pushed myself up off of the floor, “I didn’t fall! The floor looked sad so I gave it a hug!”

That got them to laugh even harder. I glared at them and walked out of the room and down the stairs. I heard them follow me, still snickering. We walked outside to where my car was and climbed in.

“Attention passengers, this is your captain speaking. We are all awake and well up here. Both my copilot and myself are sober and wearing pants. Enjoy the flight,” I said, mimicking an airplane pilot.

Jimmy looked over to me, “Who the hell said I was sober?”

I looked over to him shocked, “What! You are unsober and didn’t share the wealth with me! I now disown you as my brother! Get out of my car!”

I heard the two in the back laugh as Jimmy started pouting, “But sissy I love you! I swear I was just kidding! I’m stone cold sober!”

“Ok, I forgive you this time. But if you ever get unsobering substances you better share.”

He nodded enthusiastically, and I started the car. I began backing out of the driveway, and we made our way to Lowe’s. The three guys were talking about people I didn’t really know personally, but I knew of them. I heard Matt mention Zach Baker and it caught my attention.

“I wish Zacky was back from his trip already. He could have helped us paint her room. He’s good at that sort of thing,” he said.

“Same here. Where the hell did he go anyways?” Brian asked.

“He went with his parents up to Big Bear. They decided to stay a little closer to home this Spring Break,” Jimmy answered.

“That fucking sucks. This is the third Spring Break in a row where he wasn’t here. I miss causing chaos wherever we went,” Matt said.

The other two agreed, and stayed silent for a minute, until Jimmy started bouncing up and down excitedly.

He rolled down his window and stuck his head out, “MOO!!! Hey cows, MOO!!!!”

I shook my head, “I don’t understand this, why do people moo out of the car window when they see cows in the pasture? Do they think the cow will say, ‘What a lucky cow! They can drive.’”

Jimmy brought his head back into the car and looked at me, “Actually, I was hoping one of them would moo back, but that would be so awesome if they actually thought that!”

We all laughed as we pulled into the Lowe’s parking lot.