If I Was a Puppet, Then You'd Be My Master

If I was A Puppet, Then you'd Be My Master 06

"Jared. Jared, you've got to get up and get out of here."

"Calm down, it's only 6 a.m."

"NO!" she hissed. "Jared you're going to get me into trouble. It's 7:25, my mom is gonna be in here in like three minutes." she whisper whined. I just pulled her close to me and contiuned to lay there. Just then there was a knock at the door, Megan had a look of horror on her face and I almost pissed myself.

^in the closet^ she mouthed. I got up quickly and made my way to her closet. It was a mess, I had a hard time fitting and Ms. Hallet was standing at the door waiting for Megan to "get dressed". I was so greatful she didn't pull the 'you don't have anything that I haven't seen before, simply because if she had. Well we'll just say that I would have been caught. I stayed as quiet as I possibly could, waiting for her to leave. I had to sit there and listen to her tell her mother that she wasn't seeing anyone, which even though we both knew the truth it was still painful to lie about. Her mom was starting to get supicious I guess that I'm lucky that she didn't decide to check her room. We both would have been dead. When she finaly left Megan fell back onto her bed, I waited a few minutes before getting out of the closet.

"That was a close one." I told her while taking her hand and sitting donw next to her in the bed. She leaned her head on my arm

"I wish that we didn't have to sneak around, or worry about getting caught." she mumbled. I wrapped my arms around her and rested my chin on her head.

"We've really only got what, two months before we're tour, a month and a half until your out of school for the summer and then we can spend what time we have together." I planted a kiss on her forehead

"mhm." she said while winding her arms around my waist. We just sat there holding eachother for a while and then she decided that she reall did need to get dressed. THIS IS THE OUTFIT THAT MEGAN CHOSE!

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When she was ready I took her bag with me and climbed back out the window. I met back up with her 10 minutes later when she climbed in my car. I'd been taking her to school, well techincally Mac had, at least that's what she told everyone. I took her and told the guys that I'd decided to drive from now on. I don't think that anyone suspected anything and if they did then they didn't say anything about it.


"Hey, Mac is gonna pick me up after school today, so uhm don't wait okay?"

I wasn't jealous, she'd told me months ago that the infamous Mac was gay, so I had nothing to worry about. I knew what she was doing anyways, I'd asked her to go the prom with me. So she was probably having him take her and get a dress.

"Yeah, that's fine, just call me later?" She leaned over the car and kissed me on the cheek.

"Duh, I've got to have someone to tell about the hell that it Jr. High."

To an outsider our relationship might have been disgusting considering the fact that she's now in the eighth grade and dating a senior in High School. However I've found that she's more mature than most girls my age.

"I'll be looking forward to it." I told her kissing the corner of her mouth. She smiled and got out of the car and walked inside, when she was almost gone she turned around and blew me a kiss, which I caught and stuffed it my sweatshirt pocket


Okay so when I said that none of the guys had noticed. I was wrong.

Matt, he's a smart mother *$%@#! and he's got it pegged. He told me that Mike is the only other one who noticed anything everyone else is too caught up in their own thing to care. I don't care if the guys know, well maybe Eric. If he finds out then so will Rachael and that's not good.

I feel absolutely pathetic right now. I'm about to sound like a big cheesball, goofy ass, kid but have you ever been in love so much that it hurts? Have you ever been in love so much that you miss the person every single minute you're away from them. I'm addicted and she's my drug.
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So the usual! Feedback makes me happy :)