Status: In progress

Untitled So Far (NaNoWriMo)

Chapter Four


My body was tingling slightly after being carried through the portal by that girl who feeds me. I glanced around, my vision suddenly changed and saw my little cage broken into pieces. Confusion filled my head as I attempted to flick my tail, and the motion didn't commence. What was going on here? The humans were surrounding me with their mouths agape, had I done something un-cat-like? I tried to meow out to my Genesis, who always loved me even when every one else thought I was a nuisance, but it came out as a strangled cough. What was happening to me?

Looking down, I saw hands where my paws should be. Tanned gorgeous human hands, but where were my paws, my claws? Attempting another meow, it too came out as a cough. Was I really human again? My eyes widened as I stared around at the other people still staring at me.

"G-G-Guildy..?" Genesis said with a start, staring me down with her own eyes just as wide as mine. She very obviously couldn't believe it, but, could I really blame her? A small laugh escaped my lips and I grinned.

"Yes, my dear Genesis?" I say with a coy smirk, my words still coming out a little slurred. It's been so long since I've truly spoken, but at least my accent is still intact. I pulled myself off the ground on shaky legs and began testing the terrain. The ground felt just as solid and firm under my feet as it had when I was a cat, but my balance seemed off. I flopped down to all fours again, looking up at the people surrounding me. A cold breeze blew over my skin, and suddenly I realized I no longer had my fur. No longer had my protection from the weather. I was naked, vulnerable and without anything to wear.

"You're.. A.." Genesis began, still stuttering.

"He's in need of some clothes." Dean spouted out, amused and smirking down at me. He'd never liked me much, but now that I was human that might change; although my dislike for him wasn't going to change any time soon. A sudden blush was creeping upon my cheeks though. I was, in fact, without a scrap of clothing and my body was more exposed than I would have wished for my first meeting with the lovely Genesis.

"Where.. could I get some clothes.." I breathed out lightly.

"Here." Dean stripped off his coat and handed it over to me, "It's not much but here you go."

I might be liking this chap after all, coming to my rescue with his coat. I stood once more, still feeling shaky on my human legs and pulling the scrap of clothing onto my body, it wasn't much but it was better than being completely naked, right?


I couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't have imagined anything more bizarre, not even aliens invading Earth and abducting people. My little Guildy was now a man. A quite attractive and naked man. I couldn't believe it.

I watched bewildered as he stood, fell back to the ground, and then stood again to take the jacket that Dean had offered. What the hell was going on here?

"Guildenstein, you're going to explain to me this instant why you're not still a cat!" I glared at him, mostly out of confusion, and bit my lip. "Where did my little kitty kitty go..?"

"Awe, Gen, I'm.." he lifted an eyebrow as if looking for an answer himself and stared at me awkwardly. "It must have been the stress.. I.." an annoyed look pushed his brows down into a furrow. "I'm not really human, not really cat. I'm a little in the middle. So, whatcha think about that, my sweet?" a little wink was sent in my direction after the last words rolled off his tongue. His voice was sweet, with just a little rasp and his German accent rang through strong and true.

"I.." my breath was still caught in my throat from surprise.

"This is a waste of time!" Allen growled, looking at the group, distancing himself from us.


Every moment that Gensis sat around gaping at just another supernatural event in our lives was a moment more we lost to resolve the first one we'd already encountered.

"So, he's a man. Aliens are attacking, Callie has been abducted. It's just another bizarre circumstance. Who cares? Let's move along." I turned my eyes to Guildy "All of us." I started off into the strange new world we'd entered. It definitely was no longer the Redwood forests. Apparently that glowing dome the extra terrestrials had installed changed the world. There was bright green and springy underneath my feet. The trees were thin and swaying in a light breeze that seemed to be blowing from everywhere yet nowhere. It had no definite direction and flowed back and forth periodically. "This place is.. Weird.." I said softly, glancing back to make sure everyone was following me through this strange new world we'd been thrown into.

A distant scream put my hair on edge, it sounded strange. I didn't think the alien show down was going to come so soon. "Get ready guys.." I breathed, but they all heard me as everyone had gone eerily silent after that noise.

"I bet it's just some animal that's been mutated by this crazy world." Dean said with a grin smeared across his silly face. I rolled my eyes at him and continued to walk forward, silent as the grave; afraid of entering an early one.

"Don't be such a wuss!" Genesis mocked, skipping ahead of me and taking the lead. I fell back a little, happy to let her wander into danger if she so desired. Another blood curdling yowl rang out through the strange forest and I hesitated to take another step, this one had seemed louder, closer, and even more menacing than the first.

"What was that?" Dean said, a hint of caution playing in his voice, his eyes widened as I looked at him, too afraid to look back ahead and see what he was looking at. "Fuck yea, man!" He called, excitedly, running up to Genesis' side and laughing wildly. I turned to look, and immediately regretted that decision. Standing not even fourty feet from us was a pack of velociraptors, they were deadly and terrible looking. Walking slowly towards us, they didn't seem to be aware of our existence, but I was terrified out of my wits.

"Dean, you better be kidding! You better not be excited about that.. that.." I couldn't even finish my sentence. My legs felt like jelly and my stomach was flip-flopping like crazy; my life was about to end, and I knew it.

"Run!" I screamed suddenly, bolting off into the trees off to the left of us. I wasn't planning to stop running until the thudding of the ground beneath me stopped. I wasn't going to stop running until the very thought of the raptors had been blown out of my head.

"What the hell man?!" I heard someone call out behind me. "They heard you, they're on our tail" I couldn't tell who it was, I couldn't tell anything anymore. Now, even more fear was flooding my brain, I was about to be a meal to a prehistoric creature. The racing of my pulse was uncontrollable and my breath was coming in wild gasps. Every footfall that rung out behind me sounded like the crashing of symbols, even on the mushy moss under our feet. That's when another voice rang out in my ears, a soft one that sounded sweet, who was that? It sounded as if it was a voice from the heavens, calling out from above.

"This way!" There it was again, soft, sweet, urgent. I glanced up into the sky and saw a small bird flying in the air, a beautiful multi-colored parrot; but could that have possibly been the voice I heard? Might as well believe it was. I turned slightly, following the bird through the waving trees, all my focus on keeping it in sight. I could no longer hear the pounding of feet behind me; all my other senses were shutting down with all the concentration I was putting into running and watching the bird fly up above. "Come on." I heard another sweet whisper and was led up and hill, following until I reached a little rut that the bird flew into, I climbed down in and began down the rocky tunnel before collapsing on the hard ground of a low cave.


Tucked safely within the small, darkened cave, I glanced around taking in the basic surroundings of our newly found shelter. The cave was cramped, and the floor was hard; very unlike the wide open and springy mossed forest before. A bluish glow lit the walls, and I sighed a deep, soft sigh of relief that everyone -even the stupid cat man- was safe.

I scanned my eyes around once more, doing a basic once over just to double check that everyone in our little search party had made it away from the snapping jaws of the prehistoric monsters outside. Everything looked just as it should, until my eyes fell on Genesis, who made me do a double take. Her hair -once a light mousy brown- was now giving off the very light that lit the walls around us. Her hair itself was a darkish blue color and my eyes widened with amazement, confusion and a slight sense of fear. Had it been that way since passing through the alien border? Had everyone just been too preoccupied with a shape-shifting cat to notice the strange things happening to other members of the group? I looked down, searching my own body for any abnormalities and sighed, once again, when everything seemed just as it had before. My eyes averted back to her, and confusion showed in them as she caught my gaze.

“Earth to Dean..” she said in a half-amused tone. “Is there a reason you’re staring at me like I’m a freak?” The same confusion in my eyes was matched in hers as she stared me down.

“It’s just..” I began, before smirking at the realization of just how silly my words were going to sound. “Look at your hair, m’dear.” I reached forward a little, wanting to touch it, feel if it felt like normal hair or if it were warm like a light bulb giving off light would be; but she leaned back and raised an eyebrow at me before running her fingers through it softly.

“Okay? What’s wrong with it?” She lifted a lock into her line of vision, shrugged, and let the lock fall back down to it’s place on her shoulder.

My face twisted into even more of a bemused grin as I glanced around the cave to the other inhabitants of our little cave. “So, has Genesis always had crazy, glowing -” I emphasized that word and then continued “blue hair, and I just never noticed?” Everyone’s eyes fell to Gen, and the gasp of intrigue that followed told me that this was, in fact, not the case. But, the now human form of Guildenstein just nodded.

“Stressful situations have, for as long as I have known her, caused her hair to change and match the situation she’s in.” After his short, matter-of-fact, explanation, Genesis began to speak.

“It’s happened forever. Started when I was just a baby. Back then, it was uncontrollable, and every time I was hungry or needed to be changed it was start flashing all the colors of the rainbow. It’s… partially why my father left, he thought I was born of the Devil…” she paused momentarily and a soft voice rung out into the stiff air.

“I’m sorry to interrupt your heartfelt story..” a true note of regret seemed to be ringing through the words “but we need to come up with a plan as to what to do about what to do now. Hiding in this cave won’t keep the raptors out forever.” I wondered where the voice was coming from, when Allen turned his face toward a beautiful multi-colored bird perched in the back of the cave and began to respond.

“Thank you for saving us back there, by the way..” he trailed off for a moment, looking almost embarrassed. “We didn’t have a clue what to do, without you’d they’d probably be picking their teeth with our bones right now.” After another short paused he got to his knees and looked the bird squarely in the eye with a large smile on his face. “We’re completely in your debt.”

The bird, though it’s face didn’t change much, seemed to be contemplating just what to do with this power over a bunch of young kids. “It would be nice if you could help me rid this forest of those damn raptors..” she spoke softly, cooing out the words like a song. It seemed everyone was entranced by her voice, until Guildenstein opened his trap.

“And why should I help a stupid bird?” a strange hissing noise came from the back of his throat as he finished the statement. The little bird’s eyes hardened, and her tone as she replied was stern, yet very matter-of-fact.

“Because, if not for me, you’d be dead.”