A Message to the Unknown

A Message To The Unknown 03


Two Weeks Later

I was on my porch waiting for the rest of the guys to arrive. I was holding a cookout, Jared and Tellie would probably get here first, followed by Craig and Gabby, and then Matt and Kelsey, Deana and Eric would probably arrive at the same time.

Corey should have been here twenty minutes ago. Then again, I hadn't heard from her since she left that one night. We were all kind of begining to worry. No one had seen nor talked to her, it wasn't out of the ordinary that she would disappear sometimes but usually after a couple hours she'd have called some one. Within the next forty minutes everyone was here, excluding the one person I'd been longing to see.

Everyone had tried to get a hold of her and tell her about the barbeque, just in case she forgot. All we got were voice mails. When we called her home phone, it said that it was currently disconnected.

We decided to go on without her, Jared was the grill master, Matt's job was to keep Eric away from the grill...bad experience last time. Kelsey was inside tending to a salad, while Deana and Tellie were making the maccaronie. Craig and Gabby took Leila [a/n:i think that that's Craig's daughters name, it's like Leila Rose or something like that.] went to go get the drinks and ice that I so stupidly forgot. That left me to gather up the plastic cups, condaments and all that jazz and set it ong the long table set up in the back yard.


I was putting the plates on the table along with the potato salad that my mom had made when my phone rang. It was Corey,"Hey Co.."

"Mike, help me." she said in weak and whispered voice.

"Corey, where are you."

"Mike please..ahh.." next think I know the line is dead. I didn't tell anyone where I was going I just pulled my keys out of my pocket, hopped the fence and ran to my car. I heard Eric and Matt screaming after me but I didn't have time to stop. It sounded like Corey was being hurt and I may not know exactly where she is but you bet your ass when I find out that person is dead.

I raced across town to the apartments that she lived with along with her mother. Once I got there I began looking for anyhting that would give me sign that she was here. I stopped and thought for a minute, a while ago she told me that it was apartment 12 luckly it was right at the entrance.

When I got out of the car you could definitly hear the sounds of something being thrown and curse words being screamed. That's when I heard it though. Corey screamed, running up to the door I twisted it to see if it was unlocked, I must have been lucky today because the door just sprang open.

There was Corey on the floor pinned under a nasty looking man. Her forehead was all cut up her arms were bruised along with varioius other places but you could bearly see it because of the lack of light. I watched as the man reared back his hand to hit her. I couldn't control my rage anymore. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" I yelled as loud as possible.

The guys turned around and started staring at me. "Where the hell did you ocme from?" he roared.

"Let her go?"

"Get the hell out of here." This time I ran at him knocking him off balance. He stumbled a little but regained it in no time. I was close enough to the guy to tell that he'd had a few. His breath reacked of alcohol. I caught him a couple times when he wasn't paying attention and and threw in a couple good punches. Corey was huddled up in the corner now behind a chair. I punched the guy a three more times then made my way over to her. While I was trying to calm her down so I could get her out of there, I felt something smack me in the back of the head, Corey scream even louder and then everything went black.


One Hour Later

I woke up with an awful headache and a severe pain in my right leg.

"Oh my god, Mike are you okay?" Corey shriecked making my head hurt even worse. I tried to sit up but she wouldn't let me, instead she pulled my head back into her lap. That's when I got a real good look at her face. She had two black eyes and couple cuts on her cheek. I gently reached up and ran my fingers over one of the cuts.

"God Cor, what happened to you?" she just shook her head.

"Mike can we just get out of here?"


I was lighting the charcoals when Mike's phone rang. I watched as he turned as white as his hair. He looked way upset and just confused really. After a couple of minutes he hung up the phone and hopped the fence not telling anyone where he was going. I watched as he climbed in the car and sped off like a mad man, with no explanation. When Craig and Co. got back he looked at me funny.

"Did Mike just leave?"-Craig

"Yeah, I think that he did."

"He seemed to be in a hurry" I just shook my head. What was so important?
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it's majorly apprecieated