Status: Got This Idea From My Brother Stealing My iPod

The Boy in Blue and the Girl in Red



“Officer Sanders?” Once again the girl sounded frantic and out of breath.

I wonder if she always sounded like that.

“Is this Carly?”

She made a surprised noise like she was shocked I remembered her name; I surprised myself.

“Y-Yeah. Can you come to my apartment; you still have the address right?”

“Yeah, I’ll be right over.”

“Okay, hurry please; I don’t know how long he’ll stay here.”

“Does he know we’re coming?”

“No,” she seemed nervous.

“Ok we’ll be right over.”

I waved Officer Denton, my partner, over and explained to him what was going on. He drove to the address and we both got out. I didn’t really have to look for Carly; I assumed she was the short red head yelling at the larger male in front of her.

We rushed over and they both looked over; her brother’s or I assumed he was, eyes widened.

“What’s going on here?” My partner asked.

“Nothing, just a little chat with my sister. Sorry the neighbors probably called you for nothing.” The brother lied.

“I called them Art,” Carly admitted and he shot her a look of shock. “I want my iPod back.”

“You called them over a stupid iPod!”

When his voice rose I grew a little frightened; not for myself; I was half scared he’d hit the girl. I didn’t know him or what he was capable of.

“Sir, if you took it it’d be best to hand it over,” Denton said.

Art looked over at us and took a moment to think before sighing.

“I don’t have it; I sold it but I’ll show you where it is.”

“We’ll take you to it,” I said and he looked over at me warily.

“We can’t arrest you unless your sister presses charges if you do get it back,” Denton explained and he shot Carly a look but she ignored it while walking over to the cruiser.

They both got in and Denton drove following Art’s directions. After 10 minutes we pulled up to a home and all got out. Art knocked on the door and we stood behind him.

A man opened the door and looked shocked but focused his attention on Art.

“Man I need the iPod back,”

“But I bought it!”

“Sir you purchased stolen property; I’m sorry but if you don’t return it you will be charged also,” I said and he glared at me before heading back inside.

When he came back he tossed the iPod touch at Art and he handed it to me before stomping back over to his sister.

“You called the fucking cops over this?! You’re pathetic!”

Something in her snapped then; her nose flared as she glared at the other male, she may have been shorter than him but she successfully stared him down.

“Me? Pathetic?! Oh of course Arthur, I’m pathetic! I work for everything I have; I have my own place, I have nice clothes, I have an iPod, computer, a phone that doesn’t constantly get shut off because I work. What do you have?

“Everything you have you either borrow, or steal, or comes from the pawn shop. You haven’t seen your kids in God knows how long and you don’t even live anywhere! But yes Art, I’m pathetic! God you’re so dense; get a fucking job!”

He stared at her in shock; we all did. Finally he moved and placed his hands on her shoulder before giving her a shove. That snapped us out of it and we rushed over. I went to Carly while Denton went and grabbed Art.

Carly surprisingly didn’t fall and fought against me.

“Let him go!” she hissed which confused me more. “Let him hit me; that’s all he’s good for, hitting women smaller than him; does it make you feel like a man?! Huh?!”

He paused and did nothing, she calmed down too.

“Let me go, I’ll leave,” Denton looked over at Carly and she nodded.

“Let him go,” he walked away down the road and while I was watching his receding figure Carly jerked in my arms shoving me off of her.

I pursed my lips and cocked a brow at her but she ignored me and walked back over to the cruiser. We soon followed and got in to drive her home. Halfway there I looked up at her in the rearview mirror and saw her staring out the window; then I saw it, her mouth was pursed and her fists were clenched, tears slowly rolled down her face.

I had a sneaking suspicion they weren’t sad tears, no I knew she was angry. She didn’t seem like the type of girl to cry over anything sad. Finally we pulled up to her apartment and she muttered a thanks before I opened the door for her before handing her the iPod and she rushed to her door.

I stood there until she closed it behind her; there was something about her I couldn’t put my finger on and I wanted to learn more.

“Get in, we gotta go,” I listened to my partner and got back in.
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Longer; comment and suscribe.
-Neche Narcissist