Status: NaNoWriMo - 21,112 words.

Exits and Entrances

thomas shannon.

I can hear your laugh every turn I make, and smell your skin, that intoxicating mixture of vanilla and cherries. I can feel your lips against mine, smiling as we laugh and press our foreheads together, more in love than anyone else in this terrible place we call high school. And if I close my eyes and focus really hard, I can almost feel your entire body curled up into mine, our breaths clouded and dark as we attempted, and failed, to keep warm in the New England winters.

Do you remember?

Do you remember the nights we spent curled up beneath blankets with hot chocolate burning the flesh off our hands and the roofs of our mouths, and how we’d spend all our time playing that dumb game, “Would You Rather?”, which would always send you into fits of giggles?

I remember, Cady. I remember.

School’s a nightmare without you. Its like I simply glide through the day, my face always a blank expression. I miss kissing you outside your classes, and how you’d bound into the cafeteria and always tried to make me guess. And though I pretended not to, I always knew it was you, Cady.

No one else has hands that small.