Tell Yourself


"So how was class today?" Aki asked as I sat down on the couch. Byunghee's in the kitchen doing something at the sink; I'm pretty sure he's taking his sweet ass time on purpose, by the way. 

I took a sip of my soda, "Long. I had my least favorite classes today, so it just kind of dragged on forever," I said, as I traced the rim of my plastic cup with my finger. Today was a long day, I'm not just lying to make small talk. Hell, I think even after Aki leaves, I'll be too tired to yell at Byunghee for making this little... get together

"Oh," she said while looking at Byunghee in the kitchen, "random question, and not to change the subject too much, but has your good friend over there been teasing you about me recently?" she asked with a straight face. 

I was waiting for this to come up. I guess my suspicion was true, and he has been teasing her about me, too. Asshole, I'll get him for this.  

I sighed and nodded my head, "Yup. Sorry about that, he's just... like... that, I guess. He doesn't mean anything by it," I said. I'm pretty sure she's sensible enough to realize that Byunghee's just being... well, himself, and that she shouldn't take his teasing seriously. 

"Oh yeah, of course. I just said you were attractive,  and I guess he took it as I'm gonna marry you. Sorry about that," she said, as I raised my eyebrow. 

I took another sip from my soda, "So you think I'm attractive?" I asked, completely disregarding anything else she said. 

She laughed, and took a deep breath, "Well, you are. He asked me what I think of you, and I said you seem nice and you're attractive," she said in a matter of fact kind of way. Not meaning that she's interested in me, just... attractive, I guess. 

I like her, she's honest. 

I laughed, and looked down at my pants. I'm not gonna lie, I'm flattered. I think the last time someone's called me attractive was in high school, and it was by the creepy lunch lady. You can tell I'm a hit with the girls, right? It also doesn't hurt that she's a pretty girl calling me attractive. I think this could be the start of a wonderful friendship. 

"Well, that's nice. Aki, I think this could be the start of a beautiful friendship," I teased, as I put my hand on her arm.  

Byunghee came back from the kitchen, "So, who's ready to watch Lion King?!" he said enthusiastically, as he plopped down on the couch next to me with a piece of pizza in his hand. 

He flicked off the lights, and turned on the tv and the Bluray player. You know, for someone who girls tend to drool over, he sure has a thing for Disney movies. When Tangled came out, he made me go with him to see it in the theaters. I can't tell you how gay that was, I even made him sit a seat away from me. He doesn't even care much for any other kinds of movies; he only has Tarzan, Peter Pan 1 & 2, and Beauty and the Beast on his iPhone. 

Byunghee is Byunghee, and that's why he's my best friend. 

After the movie, we kind of just lounged around the living room. It wasn't too late, but it wasn't too early either. We sat on the couch nibbling on cold pizza and sipping on what remained of our beers. We kind of had that "drunk-tired" conversation going, where we kind of cracked jokes and talked about anything. Everything was funny, and the word "fuck" rolled off our tongues a little easier. Conversations were a little less formal, and our jokes became raunchier. 

"Fuck, marry, kill, Megan Fox, that hot chick in your history class, or... Aki," I asked Byunghee, some how our conversation got to a session of fuck, marry, kill. We used to play this game all the time in high school (and not even gonna lie, we still play it from time to time now, but never with anyone besides us in the room), and I guess through a few beers this game came out again. 

"Fuck you man, Aki's right here," he said, giving my shoulder a push. 

I laughed and took a swig of my drink, "And? Answer the question, man," I said as he shook his head, and pointed back to me, "fuck you, fine I'll answer it first. Kill Megan Fox, fuck the hot girl in your history class, and marry Aki, since she's nice to me," I said, as Byunghee let out a snort. 

"Sounds like you like her, hmmm?" he said, raising an eyebrow to the now sleeping Aki. Poor thing fell asleep on the couch. I guess she can't really handle her liquor well? 

"Oh  screw you," I said, and pushed his arm. He always teases me about girls, always. It's been like this since high school, but back then he'd tease me about bitches, not about girls who're actually nice. I feel kind of bad for Aki, I wouldn't want to be teased about me, either. 

"Come on man, she's asleep. Be honest, do you like her or not? I'm actually rooting for you two, if you haven't noticed Aki's not the most outgoing person in the world so... I guess you could say she has a hard time making friends, and I think you would be good for her," he said, as he looked at Aki. She was just peacefully sleeping on the couch, her head rested on the arm rest. 

I would have never thought she'd be the loner type, to be honest. She's so nice, I can't imagine she'd have trouble making friends. I mean, sure I don't know her that well, but from what I can see she seems like a pretty pleasant person to be around. 

"What're you trying to say? You want me to go for her?" I asked, getting confused. I understand this is what he's asking me, but it just seems like such an odd request. Why would you ask your friend to go for someone else romantically because you think they'd be good for the other person? That's just odd to me, or maybe I'm just naive. 

"Well," he said and stretched his arms into the air, "basically yes. Listen, she's always alone. I'm the only one she talks to in class, and she never hangs out with people. She always sits by herself and studies, and well... I feel bad for her. If you don't like her like that, it's fine but, could you be her friend? I mean, just talk to her, and hang out with her?" he asked in a soft voice. This is definitely a side of Byunghee I've never seen. He's always so easy going and loud, I've never seen this... almost brotherly side of him before. 

"Sounds like you know her pretty well. I mean, it's not that I don't see her that way, she's nice and pretty, but... I just can't wrap my head around what you're asking me," I said, as I adjusted myself to face him. Shit's getting serious. 

"I know it's weird of me to ask you this, but," he said and gazed over at Aki on the other side of the couch, "I've actually known her for a while, and I care about her, you know? She's actually a pretty good friend of mine," he said, and I nodded my head. I'm not really sure how to respond to this. 

"Well I'll tell you this much, of I spend enough time with her, I'll end up liking her. That's just how it goes, right? I can't guarantee I'll fall in love with her off the bat, but I'll... like her. I know I will," I said, focusing my gaze on the rote on the ground. I'm not lying, if I get to know her I'll like her. I'll eventually fall for her, too, and what I don't want is to get hurt. Thinking about falling head over heels for someone just makes my stomach drop.  

"Well... you'll at least be her friend, right?" he asked hopefully. 

"Yeah... I will."
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Hi :)
Sorry for the wait, I had a mean case of writers block >.<
Gah, so I'm at a sleepover and my friends are all asleep, so I figured I'd write an update :)
Hope you all have a great Friday! :)