Before the Dawn

I had him

I'm one hundred and eighty years old. Quite young for a vampire. But that doesn't mean I am inexperienced. I've killed around 30% of the population of this town, keeping the numbers down. I'm a humanitarian really. That's the problem with the way I was turned, I can't leave this stupid little town. It's cold and dark out here in the forest. I can't remember why I even came down here in the first place. Here I stand, the huge thin trees looming over me like a primitive stick fence, caging me in forever. The old barns stood up ahead like buildings in an abandoned city.

I looked towards the faded yellow square of light coming from the tavern window. I could smell hot churning blood and stale beer. It drew me in, and I knew suddenly that I would have to get a feed today. I took a few steps in the direction of the tavern, ignoring the wind that was desperately trying to push me back, to stop me from causing inevitable pain. However I proceeded forward, feeling weaker and weaker every step I took, hungry for blood. As I entered the tavern, I was hit by warmth, stench of stale larger, and the sound of drunken folk singing merrily. I glared all around, willing it into darkness, however my power was weak and the atmosphere resisted, much to my annoyance.

I walked, or glided, over to the darkest corner of the tavern, and slumped on a bar stool. I looked out at the scene with my deep hazel eyes, scanning the room for a victim. Found him, a young boy, probably only about seventeen, working behind the bar. He looked up at me and flashed me a smile. I had to admit, he was pretty hot. I really fancied him, shame about the age difference, and the small fact that he was human, and I would probably end up killing him in a few hours.

The young man left the bar and came over to me, flashing me that cute little smile again. I looked up at him, taking in all the details. He had dark hair that hung over his face, slim and he had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. His skin was a creamy white, so I guessed he had some Italian in him. He was wearing a tight black outfit that showed off his abs, and I had to stare, he was just so beautiful? Perfect? Ok. As I looked at him, I couldn’t help lusting a little bit, and I wanted to grab him and drain him right there and then, but of course I didn’t.

“Can I have a mug of ale please,” I asked, flashing him one of the best smiles I’ve ever given anyone.

“Sure you can,” he said, flashing one back.

He walked over to the bar and filled a mug, then brought it back over to me. I couldn’t help but notice how nicely his hips swayed when he walked.

“What time do you get off your shift?” I asked him, as casually as I could.

“Twelve, why?”

“I could walk you home?”

“I can walk by myself thanks,” he said, taking a step backwards. I was loosing him.

“Yeah, but I want to walk you home, get to know you or something,” I tried, hoping I wouldn’t resort to hypnosis.

“I guess it would be ok,” he said hesitantly.

“Great, see you at twelve,” I said, smiling at him.

I downed my ale and left, turning quickly to see he was still staring at me, and one part of me in particular. I smirked as I pushed the door open. I had him now.
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ok, so i think there will only be a few chapters... should i continue?