In Loving Memory of...WHAT?!

Chapter 12 Bunny & Tiggy

Gerard closed the garage door, making sure not to whap Frank on the doorway, and carried him up stairs. They had to wait a few hours, before Mikey would let Frank out of the house.

So…knowing how easily Frank can be tempted to snoop and wander on his birthday, Gerard had to find a way to occupy him. But, there’s just one little problem, what could he do to occupy at least a few hours?

“Bunny?” Gerard asked, letting Frank get off of his back.
“Yeh?” Frank replied, sitting down on his back.
“You…uh…you never told me what you wanted for your birthday.” Gerard said, awkwardly.

Frank smiled and stood up. He walked over to Gerard and embraced him. “Gerard, the best gift you have given me is what you’ve already given me.”
“What?” Gerard asked, smiling at Frank.
Frank stood on his tipi-toes, smiled, and whispered in Gerard’s ear, “You”.

Gerard leaned down, met Frank’s lips with his, held Frank close, and gave him a very passionate, but gentle kiss. “I love you, bunny” he said.
“I love you, too, Tiggy.” Frank replied.
“Tiggy?” Gerard smiled, thinking over his nickname.
“Why not? Tiggy, my protective and passionate Gerard. “Frank said, smiling into Gerard’s neck.
“And Bunny, my gentle and loving Frank.” Gerard said, kissing Frank’s neck and shoulder.