In Loving Memory of...WHAT?!

Chapter 14 …and have you understand.

Frank sighed, knowing there was no turning back not that he’d said something. “Look, I wanted to tell you. But, this isn’t something where you go, ‘Hey, my name’s Frank and I’m immortal. Now that you know, do you want to go out with me and act like you don’t think I’m insane?’ Okay? When you asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I wanted to say, ‘For you to know who I am, what I am, believe me, and still love me’.”

Gerard looked up, from the button on his shoe that he’d been playing with, and saw tears streaking Frank’s beautiful face. He got up, walked over to the bed, sat beside Frank, and pulled him into arms and onto his lap. “Well, now I know who you are, I know what you are, I believe you, and…you know what?”
“What?” Frank sniffled.
“I still love you” Gerard said, right before pulling Frank into another passionate kiss.