In Loving Memory of...WHAT?!

Chapter 15 Cat’s out of the bag

Frank and Gerard spent the next hour, and fifty seven minutes, talking about Frank’s family history and how it all began.

“No way, a vampire?” Gerard asked.
“Yep, a vampire. About three and a half centuries ago, a vampire named Sophia came to find my family. My ancestor, Samuel Iero, came across her. Sophia held her secret well, until the night Samuel was going to propose.” Frank began.

“Don’t stop, keep going!” Gerard begged.
“Okay, okay…” Frank smiled. “Anyways, Samuel was going to propose to Sophia. But, when he went to call on her, she was nowhere to be found. He went into her dwelling and, as he neared her bedroom, heard a small whimpering. He opened the door and saw an infant, wailing and bawling, on her bed.”

“Wait, they had a baby?!” Gerard asked.
“Yeh, but let me finish.” Frank teased.
“Well, then, go on!” Gerard smiled.

“So, Samuel picked up the baby and saw a piece of parchment, tucked away, in the outer foldings of the blanket, of which the baby was wrapped in.
'My dearest Samuel,
This is your son, Franklyn. He is the eldest of two twins. I would've given you the youngest, but the girl needed to come with me. Nylknarf is with me. Narf is the youngest but, as I've already told you, will remain with me. Samuel, my love, let nothing happen to this child. These two will be but the first in a long line of immortals. In time, I will explain to you about my intentions. But, for now, they must be apart. It isn't safe for them to be together at such a young age, especially in my current condition. The birthing has left me weak and vulnerable, so I have fled this village. We will cross paths again, fear not. I love you, my dearest Samuel. Never forget that, nor the reason why I am leaving...'