In Loving Memory of...WHAT?!

Chapter 2 Beloved Sister

The woman flung the mouse at the mamba and, when the snake caught it, smiled. “That's a good Bama.” she said. She turned to Saunto and sighed. “Well, don't just stand there like that, come in. My name is Abmam, but you can call me Aba.” she said, watching the boy as he carefully stepped into her shop. He never took his eyes off of that cursed snake, and this brought a kind of pleasure to Abmam.

“My mother…she’s-” Saunto began.
“…dead? Hmph, not hardly; turn around.” Abmam said.
“Abmam.” Kina said, just outside of the doorway.
“Ah, so Bama STILL didn’t kill you ‘eh? I’m relieved.” Abmam laughed.

Kina just stared at her, a death glare beaming from her orange left eye and her yellow right eye.
“You…MONSTER!” Kina cried.
“Good to see you, too, sister. Well, don’t just stand there, you may come in.” Abmam chuckled, motioning Kina inside.

“…sister; Wait, what!” Saunto asked, confused as ever.
“Bama, go to my nephew and show him about our family.” Abmam said.

Bama, Abmam’s snake, sprang itself at Saunto and bit him on his shoulder. The poison explored his veins, slowly killing him. After a few moments, he was dead.

“Abmam! I’ll rip your heart out!” Kina yelled, lunging at her sister.
“Oh, do shut up. Look, he’s right as rain.” Abmam snapped flatly.