In Loving Memory of...WHAT?!

Ch. 3&4 Beloved Daughter- Bubba’s Back

It only took about three hours for Santo to fully grasp what was going on. He had been born into a family of immortals, so he had the same abilities as his mother and aunt.

“So, how’s my niece? Sakami should be seventeen by now, right?” Abmam asked, walking over to a pallet of lilies.
“She’s gone. Owlet took her when she turned three, right after Saunto was born.” Kina tried hard not to sob.

“Wait, mom, I have a sister?” Saunto asked.
“You mean he doesn’t KNOW!?” Abmam whipped around to face them.
“No, he doesn’t. And I plan on KEEPING it that way!” Kina said.
“Mom…” Saunto whimpered, quite shakily.

Kina sighed, realizing she had lost this argumental fight. “Sakami is your elder sister. She was taken from me the night after you were born. By now, I have little hope in ever finding her…”

A boy walked into the shop and ran up to Kina. “Mom!” he said, embracing her. “Coolios, I actually found you! Oh my god, you would not BELIEVE how many new people are coming to our school this year!” he said, pulling away.
“Otnuas?” Saunto asked.
“Oh, will you stop it with the twin name talk and call me by ‘our names’?”
“Okay, Frank.”
“That’s better, my big ol’ Mikey.” Frank chuckled.
“So, where have YOU been?” Kina demanded, as they got into the car.

“Mom, I told you, I had to get us registered for school.” Frank said.
“I already did, so don’t even use that as an excuse.” Kina said, a little exasperated.
“MOM!” Mikey said, stopping her at the intersection stoplight.
“Oh My God; is everyone okay?” Kina said, looking back at the boys after stomping on the brakes.
“I’m fine” the boys said, again, in unison.
“Anyways, mom, they sent us a letter about two weeks ago that they lost server connection when we submitted it. So, I went to go and submit the forums while you and Mikey were shopping.” Frank explained.
“Well, we need to talk…about the family you both have been born into” Kina dreaded even having to say it.
“What do you mean?” Frank asked

The three of them talked about the past five hours, got some flavored ice cones, made a stop at Spencer’s and Hot Topic, did some retro and rocker shopping, and went home.

Mikey and Frank are twins, separated by only thirty one seconds. Mikey was born first, so he’s the ‘elder’ brother. Each generation has at least one set of twins, by a genetic force by the ability of immortality. The first twin to cone out gets the original name. The second twin has the same name, but spelled backwards. At the age of three, the children can choose their oven preferred names.

Kina’s true name was Mamba, because of her birthmark. Oh yeh, that’s another thing. The twins have the same, but reversed, birthmarks as well. Kina’s was almost identical to a mamba, hens her name. Abmam is the reversed name of Mamba.

Otnuas is the reverse of Saunto. When they were born, their birthmarks were that of two interlocked rings and a freckle in each.