In Loving Memory of...WHAT?!

Chapter 8 You Just Made My Day

The two boys got many different looks, and a Wednesday school, for their cheer…not that they cared.

Though in trouble, Frank and Gerard saw it as extreme fun. They didn’t see any harm in it, so this became a little ritual for them each Friday after the last bell rang. After two weeks’ worth of detentions, teachers and staff gave up on trying to get the boys to stop.

August and September went by quickly. Frank had joined the music club, jamming out on bass and rythemics. Mikey joined the art club, leading his group in scenic pictures and paintings. Gerard joined into the Arts & Crafts and Style clubs.

The week before Halloween, Frank’s birthday, Gerard came to stay over. Well…move in actually. Oh, about the whole birthday thing again…Mikey was born, officially, in the last few seconds of October 30th. Frank was born within the first minute of October 31st.

Well, Gerard’s parents…they got themselves legally emancipated from him. They said it was that or a divorce. Gerard told them he didn’t get how this was better, but that didn’t change anything. He told them he hated them both, packed up his things, and Kina adopted him. So, he moved in with Frank and Mikey.

Then, on Frank’s birthday, Gerard woke him up early. It was a beautiful Saturday dawn, and he wanted Frank to see the sunrise.

“Frank…Frank!” Gerard whispered in Frank’s ear.
“Mmgmnh” Frank moaned in his sleep, turning to face Gerard. “Mmg…what is it?”
“Come on. Put on your jacket and meet me downstairs.” Gerard said.

Frank got dressed, met Gerard downstairs, went outside with him, and they walked for twenty eight minutes to get to the pier.