Wish you were here

where am i

I felt the bright light pierce my eyes, although I could not blink, I Could not move, I heard people mutter around me although I could not speak, could not answer. It was pointless trying, so I sat back into my mind and tuned into the conversations around me
‘’Is she going to be ok?’’
‘’I’m not going to lie to you ms. There is a chance she will pull through on the other hand…..’’
A woman who’s voice resembled my mother began to cry, her tears like an unexpected monsoon against my frail ears. I tried to open my eyes but it was usless, I would have had a better chance opening a baracated door.
I didn’t understand.. Where was I? What had happened? Am..am I dead?
No..I can’t be..
I started thumping on the walls of my mind, I was trapped in my own head, in complete darkness, My day flashes before my eyes. Yes. My day, not my life. My whole life would flash if I were going to die I suppose, but I’m not. I can’t yet, there are still things I have to do. The smaller the damage, the more minor the flashback right? It seems to make sence. My eyelids begin to tremble, and I start to see the day.