Status: currently being writen

The Dark Shadow Within.

The Creature

The trees flying past me, as I speed through the forest, running away from the dark shadows of an evil creature. Shadows creep towards me as the moonlight starts to appear, the dark sky covers over the trees reaching out towards me, to swallow me into that dark hole. The moon, lights a path of clear pure goodness, where nothing but the good can touch. Following the clear lit path I run faster and faster until darkness covers the edges; luring, calling for me to step into that dark shadow. Those shadows calling my name over and over as I keep running, focusing on nothing but the lit path I am on. A scream from the creature is heard farther down the dark path that I am currently traveling on as I freeze in my steps.
“w...wh…who is there?” my voice shaky as can be as I become frozen with fear. I stand unable to move as the path I am on from behind me starts to fade into dark shadows. Those dark shadows coming back, to where I was, at one point safe. My mind races, as panic fills my head. “What do I do?” I yell out to the sky.
Nothing. Nothing, but silence is all that I hear. Another groan like scream comes from behind me as I am jolted from my frozen fear. I take off once again towards that angelic exit that begins to appear in my view. Picturing the angelic face I will soon be faced with, I run as my name is called by that angel voice for me to hurry. The Dark creature’s voice is scratchy and sharp as it beckons for me to return to it. I run and run as I am about an inch away from that sweet angelic face; I am yanked away by that dark creature.
“I don’t think so, Princess.” The creature strains out in an eerie tone.
“Let me go! Luc, don’t let him take me! HELP ME!” I scream back as that creature pulls me in more. I fight back as the grip is now gone I stand up, running out of that evil bestowed forest. I run so I am as far away from that forest as I can be. Never looking back, I run right into an elf, short and petit.
“Oh. I’m so sorry, Aimee.” I strain to find what little voice I have, as Luc appears in my view. Aimee looks at me and says
“You look like you just saw a ghost. Are you alright, Princess Zoey?” Aimee says with a quiet voice. I shake my head no as Luc grabs me from behind in comforting hug.
He whispers in my ear “Your okay my Princess, the creature is gone.” I relax as my vision gets dark and hazy. I see the moon and then nothing at all but that darks shadow again. Hours pass on when I suddenly jolt up as Luc lays his hand on my shoulder.
“You’re safe, princess….” He whispers soft and angelic. “The dark creature is gone, I promise you.”
I lay my head back down as I listen to his soft music he soothingly plays. I listen to his music as I hear an eerie noise come from that evil encased forest and I jump up behind Luc cowering behind him,
“What’s wrong, princess?” Luc says as he looks back at me.
“Th…Tha…That noise out there in the forest, what is making it?” I say with a frightened tone. “Whatever it is tried to kill me and hurt me. It didn’t want me to go to you. It’s evil.” Luc looks at me and I look back.
“I’m not sure princess, but it won’t hurt you anymore.” Luc says reassuring. I relax a little more as he hugs me into in arms, encasing me in warm fuzzy feelings. Luc is the only family I have; you see I am the princess of Nightlynn Island. My father, King Ryan, passed away and left me to take care of the city. All of my family is gone; Luc (my knight, protector) is my lover. He has been taking care of me since my father passed away, a few years ago.
I hear once again that eerie screech coming from that creature in the forest. I stir in Luc’s arms as I stare out the window into that evil forest.
“What does he want with me?” I whisper as the night time fades away and the sun appears brightening the day.
“I’m not to sure, Zoey.” Luc says, kissing my head and getting up to go get breakfast started. I stare watching the forest as the shadows of darkness shows its face to me. You see here in our home land of Nightlynn Island, we have the city of Oricanna and the forest of Elden. Elden is what we call the forest of death, the great creature of the dark lives inside the forest. Oricanna is the city of the elves, we here are nothing but good. Here in this city, our only job is to keep the dark in the forest and protect the villagers, from the dark shadow grip of the Elden forest.
As for the creature we are not to sure what he could be. He comes after the young girls and children of the village and comes after me. He steals them away, as for what he does with them well I can’t tell you.
“Zoey, breakfast is ready for you, princess.” Luc calls out from the kitchen. Our little palace on Nightlynn Island is small but better looking than the other cabins here. I walk into the kitchen to find the smell of bacon and eggs. I walk to the table and sit down.
“Wow, Luc it smells and looks wonderful.” I say as he sets a plate of food down in front of me. I grab my fork and dig into the bacon and eggs.
“Mmm…” I say as I eat. “It’s amazing, Luc.” Luc has a satisfying look on his face as he starts to eat. A scream is heard as I drop my silverware. Luc and I run out to see, A little girl age of 5 being pulled in by a big black shadowy hand.
“RAYNE!” I yell as I run towards the little girl. The creature’s eyes appear, big and red. Luc grabs onto me and the creature snarls. Rayne screams more as the creature pulls her in closer and her mother throws rocks at the villainous creature.
“Let her go!” I yell to that evil creature. I get free of Luc’s grip and I run to Rayne, grabbing her hands pulling hard.
“Princesssss.” The creature hisses out at me. He lets go of Rayne, as we tumble backward. Rayne cries out in tears, I scream as the creature is now reaching for me. I scoot back as I hold the crying child tightly. Luc runs into the forest as the creature disappears, watching him go I yell out,
“LUC, NO!” My voice trails into a scream. My love just took off into the forest of Elden. No one knows if I will see again. I hand Rayne to her mom, Layna as I say to her
“Get her and everyone else inside.” I run to the forest and I look around for Luc. No where is he to be found. God what had I caused, where did the creature take him?
“LUC! LUC!” I scream out into the forest. Inside my mind, I can see exactly what happened to me. The darkness grabbing me, pulling me away from that angelic hero, I love so much. I hear more screams covered up by the snarls of that horrible creature. I grab a bow and some arrows and head into that forest of Elden. The shadows once again reach out for me, pulling me deeper into the forest.
“Princessssss…” I hear coming from deeper in the dark abyss. “You will never make it.”
The outline of dark shapes start to form as I start to strain my eyes to see. I listen close to the noises of a single sword. Screams continue to call out to me, pulling me to what could be my death. The screams lead me to a death cave I was at one point in.
“ZOEY!” I hear yelled out from a dark covered tree. Looking closer into the tree, laying there is a small hole like door. I walk towards it as a dark shadowy hand yanks me in. I fall farther down the hole, hitting the ground hard.
“Owww!” I yell as I hear Luc screaming. I look around for him, but nothing except the darkness is all I see. I hear and see nothing at all, nothing is anywhere to be known. I suddenly began to fade away from this reality, the darkness covering me as I am swallowed up by that dark shadow. The same dark shadowy haze sends me into an unconscious state.
Last thing I hear is Luc screaming my name and evil laughter as I fall unconscious. Hours pass by as I feel the tender caress of a hand on my cheek. I jolt up to feel cold cuffs yank me down, by my wrists. Luc screams my name and I open my eyes, instantly searching for my lover. I tried to run to him, but I am unable to move.
“Good try, Princesssss.” The villainous creature hisses out. I look down my arms chained to the wall and my legs chained to the ground. The silver, cold on my skin, and darkness covers everything.
“Zoey! Zoey…..” I hear and angel’s voice trail off near me.
“Luc? Am I dead?” I say not able to see anything. Suddenly I feel a hand on my back.
“Princesssss….You aren’t dead…..yet.” the creature snarls out as I hear him come closer to me. That single hand suddenly turns into a claw at my back. The claw of that monster, dig into my back making me scream in pain.
“Leave her alone, you monster!” I hear that angel voice says that I soon realize is Luc. I scream again as I feel the claws drag against my now blood covered skin. The creature makes an evil hiss as his claws leave my back and those sharp pin like claws scrap against my cheek.
“I will never let her go again!” The creature hisses out at Luc when suddenly sharp spiked teeth rip open my shoulder as a scream like screech escapes my lips. A loud crack of metal echoes through the death cave and next thing I know the pain disappears from my shoulder as Luc yells,
“I’m the one you want, demon.” The creature then snarls a growl and Luc screams as I am now straining to see what is going on. Soon it is clear that Luc is fighting the fiend as the sun comes up and the night fades away into nothingness. I can now see the outlined shape of a demon with sharp teeth and dagger claws, as the demon bites at Luc. Luc lets out a scream as the demon rips open Luc’s arm. Luc drops the sword and I rip my arms away, finding strength I never knew I had.
“LUC! GET UP, FIGHT BACK.” I yell as the other chained hand breaks away from the wall. I think up a quick plan as I am soon using the broken chain as a whip to hit the demon, wrapping the chain around its neck. The only thing I can think of is pulling the chain tightly towards me as it snaps the head off the fiend, we were once afraid of.
One finally growl leave the fiend as it goes limp and we set fire to the fiend’s body. Luc looked at me, wide eyed and speechless.
“What just happened?” He says as I look at him. The wound on my shoulder is still weak and bleeding. I break the chains on my feet as I walk to Luc.
“My dear, I believe the princess has saved the knight.” I giggle at him, helping him to his feet. He looks at me surprised as he kisses my forehead.
“I must be one weak knight then…” he looks at me and then at the pile of ash. “We did it, princess.” He grabs my hand after ripping part of his shirt off and wrapping it on my shoulder. I look at him and I wrap a cloth off of my multi layered skirt, tying it around his cut arm.
“There we go wounds all taken care of.” I look at him as I climb up the cave’s entrance. We get up, out of the cave and head back down the now sunlight forest.
“Princess, now that this forest isn’t a threat to us we can no longer call it Elden, what shall it be?” Luc asks me kindly and sweetly. I look at Luc, my lover for life, and I think hard.
“It shall be called Onella. Onella for light.” I smile as I speak it quietly. “For this forest is the forest of Onella, nothing but goodness is inside.” Luc smiles and we enter the city once again.
Ever since that day the fiend took over it was always dark, now it is the forest of the light, which we call Onella. Well as for me and Luc well we are now married and has a little girl named Noelle. Noelle will now be the princess of this small once haunted island of Nightlynn.
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Okay here it is finished. Let me know if you like it. PLEASE EDIT IT AND LEAVE ME A COPY OF IT PLEASE AND THANK YOU