Merry Christmas, Kiss My Ass

You told me I was lucky,

Merry Christmas, Kiss My Ass.

I sighed softly as we arrived at our new house, It was a lot bigger than our old house in Delaware, but it still didn’t feel the same. I used to love my old house, It was cosy and it felt.. Lived in. This house was cold, new and strange. I stared at the door, hesitating a little before the little boy beside me tugged at my hand.

“Ruby, why you look so scawed?” The little boy said in his cute little baby voice, Instantly making my heart swell.

“It’s nothing, Jacob. Ruby’s just not used to the new house.” I explained softly as I picked him up.

“But Mommy said you’d like it here.” He said, His voice seeping confusion.

“I know Mommy said that and I will eventually Jacob, but Ruby’s gotta get used to the change first babe.” I explained to my two year old brother. He nodded his head thoughtfully. I sighed softly, my voice going slightly raspy with nerves towards the end. I stepped forward into the house slowly, and groaned as the smell of fresh paint over took my senses. I put down Jacob and looked around my new house. The walls were painted an aqua blue while one was black and the black furniture worked well together. But still, It wasn’t my house. I wondered up the long staircase to a set of five doors. Three on one side of the hall, and two on the other. I walked into the nearest one and looked around the large, spacious room. It wasn’t home, but it was definitely nice. I stared at the stacks of boxes just waiting to be opened. I sighed softly as I looked at the box which held my bed that was in the middle of the room, plenty of other boxes surrounding it. It was a shit tip momentarily, but I knew as soon as I made the room my own I’d be okay.

“Ruby, honey, would you like any dinner?” I heard my mother say happily as she entered my room. “I see you’ve found your new room honey.” She smiled happily and I gave a slight smile back, not wanting to seem too rude.

“Yeah mom, it seems lovely.” I said softly as I started to un-pack one of the boxes.

“I know you’re not looking forward to this baby, but think of this as a new start, a fresh beginning. Show them kids at school what you really are. What your capable of. No one is going to know what happened, here, love.” She said as she softly wrapped me in her arms. I smiled softly into her shoulder as I hugged her back. My mother always knew what to say to cheer me up.

“Thanks Mom,” I smiled happily. “I new beginning is definitely what I need.” I stated with a grin as I continued with my un-packing.

“Pizza for dinner, Is that okay?” I heard her ask softly and I smiled with a soft giggle.

“Isn’t it always time for Pizza, mom?” I asked with a slight giggle, she laughed herself before exiting the room.

“Ruby!” Jacob screamed as he entered my room.

“Hey buddy, what you doing in here?” I asked softly as the little boy sat in my lap.

“I was taking a nap, and I had a bad dweam.” He whined softly as he buried his head into my chest.

“Don’t worry babe, those things in your dreams aren’t real.” I whispered quietly into his soft brown hair.

“B-but each dweam is the same. Each has a horrible man and he chases me.” He said as he started crying again. I stroked my brothers hair softly and rocked him in my arms. It was all I could do at a time like this. He constantly had these nightmares. The only time he didn’t have them was when he slept in the same room as me. According to him, I ‘chased the monsters away.’ I didn’t argue with him, he was two years old after all and I was going to do all I could to make him happy. I’d already got my bed set up, So I laid him down and tucked him into the covers before kissing his forehead and making my way towards the door to grab my food from downstairs. Once I grabbed a slice of pizza, I made my way back upstairs to my little brother before he woke up. I stepped inside the room and smiled softly as I saw him still sleeping soundly where I left him. I quickly finished the pizza that I was eating and climbed into bed beside Jacob. I set my alarm for school the next day and instantly attempted to get some sleep.