Merry Christmas, Kiss My Ass

So I wrote you a song, Hope that you sing along,

2nd January.

I sat next to Jacob on his hospital bed as mother packed away his things. He was still low, but that was because he’d had pneumonia all through Christmas and they wanted to keep him in throughout to make sure he was okay. Sure, it was probably the worse Christmas I’d had, but it was worth it to know my little boy was okay.

“Mommy? I heard you and Rewby talking the other day.” He coughed. “Why did you say you wasn’t my mommy?” He asked and I mentally groaned as I dropped my head into my hands. I really didn’t want to tell him this soon.

“Oh honey-” She started but I cut her off as I put up my hand.

“Because she isn’t your mommy Jacob..” I stuttered. “I am.” I said and he looked at me, not believing me at all.

“But, you’re my sister Rewby.” He said and I gave him a soft smile.

“I was your sister bud. When I had you, Mommy took care of you so children wouldn’t pick on me at school for being fifteen and having a child.” I explained and he nodded his head as he coughed vigorously.

“So, you’re my mommy?” He asked for confirmation and I nodded my head softly as I laid on his bed with him, I pulled him into my arms. “So can I start calling you mommy now?” He asked and I nodded my head softly as I rested my head on his. “Can I go home yet, mommy?” He asked, it still sounded weird to me but I’d get used to it.

“Not yet babe, your still not well enough.” I said and he just nodded in understanding. I was just so glad at this moment in time that he was young enough to just go along with anything.

“I’m going home to wash his clothes, I’ll be back in half an hour.” My mother said with a soft smile as she exited through the door. I kissed Jacob’s forehead softly as he rested his head on me, almost instantly falling asleep. A knock came at the door not long later and Alex walked in, Jacob instantly woke up and grew excited as he saw Alex.

“Lex!” Jacob exclaimed and Alex smiled at the little boy softly.

“What’re you doing here?” I asked, anger flooding through my veins as I stared at him.

“Don’t worry, I’m not here for you.” He seethed and I just scoffed as I held the little boy in my arms.

“Mommy, why you and Alex being mean to each other?” Jacob asked and I sighed as I kissed his forehead. Alex scoffed as he walked around the bed to sit beside Jacob.

“How you doing, buddy?” Alex asked Jacob and he stayed silent.

“I don’t wanna talk to you.. You’re being mean to mommy.” He muttered into my t-shirt and I sighed as I looked over at Alex.

“He has a bad case of pneumonia, he’s not going to be here for a while.” I said and he just nodded his head softly as he rose from his seat.

“I better be going.” He said and with that, he left the room without another word.

“Why is Alex being so mean?” Jacob asked sadly and I just sighed.

“Alex didn’t know that you where my son, and he got angry about it.” I explained and he just nodded, not questioning it further. Which I happily thanked him mentally for.

Alex’s POV.

I walked out of the room as quickly as I could and instantly threw my head into my hands as I sat down on a chair. I only went to see Jacob, and now he didn’t want to know me either! I sighed softly before re-standing up and quickly making my way out of the hospital. I hated this place, it just reminded me of Tom. I walked out and sat in my car for a few minutes before driving off to my house.

“Mom, I’m back I stated as I walked through the door.

“Did you see Jacob honey?” She asked and I shrugged softly as I sat down next to her on the sofa.

“A little, but he doesn’t want to talk to me now. With me not being to fond of Ruby.” I explained and my mother sighed softly as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

“Don’t you think that maybe there was a reason she went through with this? Have you actually even asked how it happened? Maybe it’s something serious Alex! You’re just thinking about your feelings during this. She was an amazing lady Alex, she wouldn’t have done that to you on purpose.” My mother said before exiting the room, walking upstairs. She had a point, I guess.. I was going to talk to her, just not yet. After graduation. I’d talk to her then. No way was I talking to her just now, I’d instantly look into her gorgeous blue eyes and just melt. I needed time to get over her first..
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so this story is going to be over soon, but no fear! there shall be a sequel :) ahah
tell me what you think of the filler?