Status: One-shot.

Jar of Hearts

One of One

Cameron Carlson darted her bright green eyes over the hoards of people infesting West Acres Mall. She shifted on the hard, wooden bench, focusing strongly on her attempt to single out her ex-boyfriend, Chase.

Cameron licked her red-painted lips with a vicious hunger glinting in her irises as she saw a tall, gangly body shooting above the rest- Chase James Mickelsen Junior. She made her way to the lanky boy, black pumps clicking rhythmically against the tile.

"Chase!" Cam's nasally voice called out. Her high voice was blanketed with feigned affection. Chase immediately whirled around, Grey eyes locking on the petite red-head.

"Hey, Cameron," He greeted her plainly, trying not to groan the words falling from his thin lips.

"Chasey, baby, I've missed you so much!" She placed her expensively manicured hands at his thin waist, drawing him closer to the start of her evil little games.

His lips curved down into a half-moon. An unpleasant frown marred his features.

"Babe," Cam continued, not taking notice in his clear distaste for the situation, "can we give us another shot? I'm so sorry about that thing with Jason; it didn't mean anything. I love you."
Her sugary words held no truth, no real meaning.

"I don't know, Cameron.." Chase scratched at the back of his neck, feeling nervous perspiration beginning to form a sticky layer on his skin.

"Please?" She begged at him with black-rimmed eyes. Pleading him like that made her resemble a raccoon on acid, wide-eyed and not as innocent as in reality.

Chase bit his chapped, cracking lips, drawing coppery blood from the brakes in the brittle skin. He nodded mechanically. He had barely even liked her to begin with, but there would always be girls like Cameron; hustlers. Those unscrupulous girls would never cease to be. Girls like her used their looks and undeniable charm to get whatever they wanted.

"Great!" She linked her short fingers through his much longer ones, tugging him in the opposite direction of the shop he had initially come to the mall for. "Let's go see a movie!"

Cameron made sure they remained incredibly close to one another, like a dog marking their territory. She flipped her siren red hair over her shoulder and tightened her death grip on his hand.

At the theater, the two saw a chick flick that was cheesy, mediocre to say the least. And is was what Cameron wanted to see-- of course.

"So, should we go back to my place?" Cam queried, winking seductively. The offer before Chase was all too familiar. In the back of his mind, it sparked that all he is to her may be good sex.

"I-uh-no, Cameron." He dropped her hand from his, and the corners of her mouth dropped down. "I don't really think we're good for each other."

The seventeen year old scoffed, rolling her eyes, "Fine, Chase, I have plenty of guys who would love to take your place."

With that, she stormed off, already searching for a new victim.

Who do you think you are?