He Says, She Says

He says

Sid and I were sitting in front of the TV as Cat was running from my room to theirs piling up all the necessities. Or what, to Cat, seemed like necessities. Sid picked up something in front of her and looked at me, "this is so high maintenance, I'm not the four suitcase kind of girl, I'm more the one bag kind of girl." She tossed it back and continued, "all stuffed, not folded."

"Yeah," I said, "I'm a one bag kinda gal too." She pushed me lightly and laughed while shaking her head.

Cat walked into the room angrily and gave me a look of utter disapproval. "I've spent years improving your wardrobe and you insist on keeping these stupid shirts," she said, "you never wear these things anymore, why not just throw it out."

"I only keep the one's that are sentimental," I said defensively.

"What's sentimental about these?" Cat tossed three shirts over to me. I held them up one at a time. The first one said Man Candy and I couldn't thin of a single reason to keep it. I looked over at Cat blankly and she nodded. I tossed it back at her and she dropped it in the trash and then I held up the next one.

"Open the door, Get on the floor, Everybody walk the dinosaur," Sid read out loud. "Why even by this one," she said, "it's so stupid, but then again I had some stupid t-shirts when I was a teenager too." I nodded and pointed to Sid as if it were a sufficient answer. She nodded and said, "but I threw them all out." I rose my eyebrow at her and she shrugged, "fine, I still have a few."

"Well," Cat said, "I say that one's for the trash too." I gave in and tossed it to her.

I held up the last one, which read 'don't make mistakes date them'. Sid took that, "wait," she said, "I actually like this one, I feel like it rings true."

"You guys are ridiculous," Cat said, "these t-shirts have no sentimental meaning." She crossed her arm and said, "give it here."

"Just wait one second," I said, "I have a reason for that one." She looked at me expecting something good. "I wore this the first time I met Sid," I pointed back slightly.

Sidney held it up and said, "oh my god, how can you possibly remember that? I mean I don't know what I was wearing, I barley remember what I wore last Tuesday."

"Yeah," Cat added, "and I don't even remember what I was wearing when I met that cute guy at the mall the other day."

"That was yesterday," Sid said.

"My point exactly," Cat said.

"Well I remember," I said, "and you," I pointed at Sid, "were going to see my brother, and you were wearing those black jeans, you ripped like a year later, and that one blue top that you wear all the time."

She thought for a second, "oh yeah, I loved those jeans so much."

"How do you remember all that," Cat asked sincerely.

"Well," I said, "Sid makes quite an impression." She stuck he tongue out and I just laughed.

"I don't think I've heard this story," Cat said, "the version Sid told me was, I met Kyle's little brother, he's cool." I looked at Sid who just smiled and shrugged innocently. "So what's the real story?"

"Alright," I started, "so I was on the bus going to my brother's house for dinner, we were supposed to meet his new girlfriend." I looked at Sidney. "About halfway there Sidney enters the bus and sits next to me, and then she turns to me and yells, 'do I look like a fucking prostitute?' I was scared out of my mind."

Cat looked over at Sid and started laughing, And at that Sidney intervened, "in my defense I was having a bad day. I had to get off the subway because this creepy dude kept trying to feel me up, and then at the bus stop this guy stopped by and asked how much it was for a ride." Cat laughed even more and she turned to me, "so I'm sorry if I freaked you out."

Cat looked intrigued, "what happened next?"

"Well, we got to talking," I said, "and then someone got to flirting." I looked over at Sid who's jaw was dropped completely.

"No, no, no," she said, "you were definitely the one flirting with me."

"Fine," I said and then turned to Cat, "but she did tell me that her name was Emily and she was going to see a friend, and she did stress just a friend. And when we both got off at the same stop, we exchanged numbers."

Sidney laughed, "yeah that made for a really awkward dinner."

"Wait," Cat said confused, "I thought you and Kyle were just friends?"

"Thank you," Sidney said, "and if you'd imagine, that made it even more awkward. I thought we were just friends and he thought we were together. His brother and I had exchanged numbers and I told him my name was Emily, and worst of all I was meeting his family."

"My family love's you," I said looking at her.

"Yeah," she said, "but it's still awkward every time I come over. You're mom's always telling Kyle's new girlfriend about how they thought we were going to get married, but I broke his heart, but they still like me better." Cat and I both laughed and she rose her eyebrow, "but it gets worse. Then she always asks me when Anderson and I are going to get married."

"What is it with mom's and marriage," Cat said, "it freaks me out."

"Me too," Sid agreed, "and she does it every time, I mean I was never really with your brother and I never even thought about being with you."

"Sidney," I said looking at her, "you and Kyle were sleeping with each other."

"So let me get this straight," she said, "every girl you've slept with is your girlfriend, how do you keep up with all of them."

I shook my head, "let's just get back to packing."