He Says, She Says

He says

After the brief talk with her mom, I lost Sidney, she practically ran away. There was nothing left for me to do, but wait and avoid the only other familiar face, Liz. I just took a seat somewhere, listening somewhat to the near conversations. Then this little blonde with a tight dress and too much makeup came up to me. "Hello there," she put her hand out, "I'm afraid I don't know you, and what kind of a hostess doesn't know her guests."

"Oh," I said taking her hand, "you must be Kayla Greene."

She smiled a cute smile, "well, you know me, how is it that I know you."

"I'm a friend of your sister's," I said, "you two actually look a lot alike, probably more than either of you'd like to admit."

"Well it's been years since I've seen Sidney," she said, "she said she ran away to be a musician, but personally I think she left to get away from the family." I opened my mouth to protest, but she continued talking. "I mean I'd want to get away too if I were living in the shadow of my younger sister, mom and dad had always been more proud of me. And let's face it, it's never easy being the ugly duckling." The two were different, there was no doubt, but I would never say that she was better looking.

"How did I know you'd find my sister," Sidney said as she jumped on my back, "hey Kayla, long time no talk." She hopped off my back and came to my side, "I doubt he's mentioned this, but Anderson here is in relationship."

"Sidney," she looked at her shocked, "you look fantastic." Her voice was a tad condescending, "when did you lose all the weight," she looked at me, "you should have seen her before, she was a cow."

"And you look exactly the same," Sid said, "still a whore." Her sister glared and Sid shoed her, "now run along." She rolled her eyes and stepped in front of me, "do I know you or what?" I gave a serious expression and she laughed, "lighten up, I was kidding."

"Where'd you go," I asked.

"Into my own personal state of depression," she said as if it were nothing, "but worry not because some one helped me get over it." I gave a curious look. "Speaking of which," she took a step towards me and grabbed something behind me, or better yet someone, "this is Anthony." I looked at the guy in front of me and then looked at Sid, I don't think I've ever seen her so happy with some one. "Anthony," she said, "this is my best friend Anderson."

I went in to shake his hand and said, "I bet you've got some interesting stories of this one in high school," I pointed to Sid, "I'll trade you for some embarrassing college ones."

She hit me on the shoulder and glared, "you say one wrong word and I swear on your life, you will be dead."

I looked at her unsure as to her seriousness and then turned to him, "has she always been like this."

"Since the first day we met," the guy said.

"Good," I said, "sometimes I think it's just me." She laughed insincerely, something that was hard to pick up on and then nodded for me to come to the side. "Yeah," I said as we separated ourselves from Anthony.

"I have to go become reacquainted with more family members," she said, "babysit him and don't say anything stupid." I just saluted her and she walked away, from us. I had the feeling this was going to be as awkward as the evening Mike and Ross spent together on Friends.

I walked back over to him, "I'm supposed to babysit you." He gave me an unsure look, "in girl that means, make sure you don't go hit on some other girl." I stopped and looked at him, "even though I'm pretty sure you wouldn't."

"So you do this a lot," he asked eyebrows raised,

I nodded, "more than I care to admit." It was silent for a while and then I decided to break the awkward silence, "so you've known Sid for a long time."

"We've been neighbors since we were about five," he said, "and you two."

"She dated my brother and then held me captive after their relationship died," I said. He looked at me, "not that I mind, Sidney is by far the most entertaining person I know."

"Yeah she's always had a spirit, it's why I fell in love with her," he said and I looked surprised, that talk usually would freak Sid out. "She's always been odd, never really liked the typical high school fantasy, she liked me. She actually never liked anything conventional, but I knew with time I could change her opinions."

"How so," I asked, "Sid is strong-willed and extremely stubborn."

"She says she never wants kids," he smiled, but stare off, "just look at her." I looked over at Sid playing with three little kids. There was a little girl in a red dress who was trying to tug on her pants. A little bot in a Christmas sweater jumping on the couch behind her. And the last little boy was struggling to get out of Sid's embrace. And she was smiling.

"So you too seem to be real good together," I asked.

"Well, we agreed we could make long distance work and then, Sid left a day early," he shrugged, " I tried to call her, but she changed her number. I wanted to go after her, but no one, not even her family knew where she was."

"Ah yes," I said, "sounds like Sid, maybe you haven't noticed, but she has a slight fear of commitment."

"I've noticed," he said. He was still watching Sidney, it was like I wasn't even there. I looked over and watched Sid walk outside with her cousins and saw a slight smile on that guys face. "Let's go outside," he said motioning for me to follow, "you're going to get a kick out of this."

I followed him, "what's going on."

"Mrs. Greene always allows karaoke with the DJ, if anyone wants to, usually it's a bunch of drunk middle aged men," he said, "but Sidney never fails to do it." We walked out the doors and Sidney climbed the stage, "her little cousins, they love it so she always does."

They put on Whitney Houston's "All I want for Christmas" and he sat down on a chair. I sat down and watched attentively, I loved when Sid sang, and she hardly ever did it. She was so much better than she knew, and she let herself be in the background. "Isn't she just amazing," I said looking at him.

"Yeah," he said unsure, "she always had this crazy dream of being a star." I looked at him shocked, but he continued, "it was easier in high school, I could tell he that she just didn't have the looks, but now," he paused and looked at her, "look at her."

I was still surprised, "I happen to think she's great,way more talented then she's given credit for."

{"You've obviously listened to her too much," he said, "you're delusional."