He Says, She Says

She says

It was New Years day, January 1st, exactly 10:14 as I walked into our hotel room. I was trying to be quiet because I thought Anderson was asleep. And he was, but stealth was not my strong point. When I shut the door his head popped up and I cringed, "shit," I gave an apologetic face, "I was so trying not to wake you up."

"It's alright," he said in a groggy voice.

"So how was your night," I asked curiously as I hopped on the bed and laid next to him , "did you decide to stay faithful or did you have a good night." I winked and he just looked at me completely unsure. I shrugged, "it's alright, everyone gets a free pass on New years."

He shook his head, "nothing happened, but it could have, Rachel and I broke up."

I rolled my eyes, this was unbelievable. "Seriously, already," I was disappointed, "you going on about how perfect this girl was and even getting so crazy as saying you'd marry her. And what do you do, you find her, and you dump her with in a week." I shook my head not waiting for a response to continue, "that is just sad."

"Sid," he sighed looking at me, "she wasn't the girl, Rachel tried to play me and she gave it away on the phone." I let slight shock hit, but only the normal amount necessary for the situation. I can't believe it, it's only been about a week, how was she that bad a liar.

I laughed, "wow, I didn't know Rachel had it in her." I gave a pleased look and said, "you gotta admire her effort." He looked, clearly without amusement and I rolled my eyes, "oh it's Rachel, I'm sure you were able to find someone at midnight regardless."

"You could say that," he said awkward before snapping out of it, "I bet you had fun last night."

I smiled, "besides a strange kiss at midnight it was fantastic." I swear Anthony had told me to meet him on the balcony and at midnight I kissed who I thought was him. Then Liz tapped me on the shoulder and told me he was waiting upstairs and the stranger was gone. It doesn't matter, just some crazy psycho afraid too actually talk to someone. Anyway he looked at me suggestively and I nodded, "that's right, mama got laid last night." His expression changed oddly. "What," I sat up, "is some one upset that they didn't get some last night."

He pushed me playfully and said, "don't be mad, but I don't really like Anthony."

"Is there no pleasing you?" I was so angry, "I'm with someone my age, he's not totally boring, obviously he's nuts for me, what the hell is wrong with this one."

He bit his lip unsure, something he hardly ever does. "He doesn't really support you," he said and I just rose my eyebrow unsure of what he meant, "the other day he said that you weren't good enough, you were never good enough to be a singer."

I shrugged laying back down, "come on Anderson," I practically laughed, "I'm not good enough, I sing back up in a shitty go no where band."

"Sid," he turned and looked at me, propping himself up slightly, "you are amazing and you deserve someone who tells you every minute that you are exactly that."

"I think I'd get irritated with that," I said laughing.

"I'm serious Sid," he said, "you need to know how great you are and that you deserve someone who believes in you." I was smiling and rolling my eyes at everything he was saying. "You deserve someone like me," my mouth went agape, my eyes wide and my mind went completely blank.

I opened my mouth to speak, but not a word came out. I regained my composure and tried to laugh it off, "you're kidding right." He hesitated and I sat up, "Anderson please tell me you are kidding."

"What is so wrong with the idea," he asked as if it were really as hard to comprehend as it was to articulate.

I stood up and paced with my hands on my head, "because we are both seriously messed up, please tell me this is a cruel cruel joke." I looked at him with any hope left inside me, what was wrong with this moment.

"Sidney," he said sternly, "I know it was you." I was a little shocked and tried to play it confused as if I hadn't a clue what he was talking about. He got up, "stop playing dumb, you were the girl at the party."

I bit my lip, "oh yeah, that." I tried to avoid eye contact while trying to figure out who it was who gave me away. I don't think Rachel came out and said anything.

"Sid, you sent me on this ridiculous wild goose chase," he said, "you lied to me, you set me up with Rachel." I turned around feeling a bit bad for him, I did do something horrible. "And you know what," he continued, "I think I'm in love with you."

I turned back eyes wide, "and you wonder why I didn't tell you," I put my head in my hands for a second, trying desperately to think. "You let your emotions get the best of you, you're not in love with Rachel and you are definitely not in love with me. It's all in your head, it's this compulsive thing you have going on up there," I pointed insistently, "it's just messed up."

"Your wrong Sid," he said looking at me, "I am in love with you, I've been in love with you since the day we met and I've just now realized it." I shook my head no, I was mortified. "Yes," he said, "and if not now, I would have realized it later."

"No," I shook my head, "whoever put this idea in your head was wrong." He went to say something and I shook my head again, "no, repeat after me, no. You do not love me, no, no no, no."

"Why is it so hard for you to get it through your thick skull," he said angrier than he had ever been in front of me, "I love you, why can't you give this a chance."

I started backing away, "because you are my best friend and you know I can't reciprocate these emotions." I grabbed my bag and opened the door, "I don't know why you'd do this to me, but I can't deal with this." I shook my head, slammed the door and ran toward the stairs. I was going to stay with Liz no matter how miserable it made me, we were going home tomorrow. The home right across the hall from me, the home he's always in. I hate this, I hate this more than I've ever hated anything in my life.