He Says, She Says

He says

Now I'll bet Sidney started on some stupid day, like every other day. Let me get straight to the point, on the night this entire mess started.

I was waiting in Sidney and Catherine's living room, which is where I spent most of my days. It was before one of Sid's gigs and of course Cat was helping her get ready, Cat figures herself a makeup artist just because she owns a whole bunch. They both came out of the room real fast, Sidney in the lead and Cat following swiftly after her. "Come on Sid," she yelled as they crossed the room, "I swear the lipstick goes with your look."

Sidney grabbed her purse, "it's so not going to happen, it's too bright and I'm too white."

"The fifties were filled with girls who looked like you and wore bright red," Cat said, "besides your shirt is red it matches." Sid shook her head as she sat next to me and threw her boots up onto the table. "Fine," Cat sat across from her, "are you at least coming to April's party tonight."

"Henry and I might go," she shrugged, "but I sort of hate the whole labling thing." I rolled my eyes. The party theme was heaven and hell, basically if you were in a relationship you were supposed to wear white and if you were single, it was red.

"Me too," I leaned back and they both looked at me. I just shrugged, "all the hot girls are in relationships."

"I'm single," Cat reached across the table and hit me.

"Cat, we're friends," I said, "it would be completely inappropriate if I called you hot." Cat was not my type, I knw some guys have that weird asian fetish, but I'm not into that. Especially Cat, she's not even the really thin asain, but she's very tempermental so I have to stay in her good graces.

Sidney laughed, "nice save," she scoffed under the chuckling.

"I wish you were single Sidney" Cat said as she got up and headed for the door, "then you could finally wear that dress that I gave you, show off your legs." I almost laughed, Sid wasn't the sexy tight dress type like Cat was.

"I am never going to wear that dress," she shook her head following her and I got up to do the same, "and even if I did, I'd wear it with leggings and these boots." She shook her boots around. Sidney wasn't really comfortable in her own skin, she was much bigger in high school. I never saw that, but according to Liz it was bad.

"No," Cat sid angrily, "you have to take the legings off and put some heels on some day, you have freaking sexy legs." Sid just shook her head. "Anderson tell her she has sexy legs," Cat demanded.

I gave an unsure look before saying, "I don't know about sexy, they're more like chicken legs."

"See" Sid laughed, "no one needs to see my chicken legs." Cat just glared at me before we all piled into the cab.

It took a whole silent two seconds before Cat started talking again, "So is Henry going to be there tonight."

"Please say no," I whispered getting hit on my shoulder by both of them.

"He's not," she sighed, "he's gotta work late, he's got some big architecture thingy due tomorrow." She rolled her eyes mockingly but then smiled. She was always real chill about these things.

"Why don't you get upset that your boyfriend never makes time to support you," I said.

She stuck her tongue out and smirked, "because he said he was sorry and that we could do whatever I want when he get's back."

"I'd be more worried about his tramp of an intern who is always at his beck and call," Cat said, "what's her name again," she snapped thinking about it, "Sarah, right."

"I trust him,"she shrugged.

"I've seen Sarah," I said, "and from a guys perspective I wouldn't trust him."

"Well Anderson," Sid smiled, "that is because you are a pig, Henry is mature and I trust him, end of story." We were there in minutes and Sid ran up on the smallstage and Cat ran over to where Liz was and I took my place in the small crowd.

CT, as Sid liked to call them, wasn't really a good band. They got their little attention because their lead singer Camile was very good looking. Unfortunately the saucy hispanic didn't have the gratest voice. Sid was too good for them, but she didn't believe it. She wasted her talent on back up vocals and keyboard.

After the show we rode back to our apartments and quickly got ready for the party. I walked into their livingroom in all black except my red tie. Cat was on the couch in a tight red dress with heels on their table. "Hey douch" she put her hand up and I nodded, "I know it'll be hard to tell through my mask and your drunken haze, but try to stay away from this dress." Yeah we also had to wear masks, April loved making her parties seem more sophistocated than they really were.

"I'll try to controll myself," I sat down.

"Sid hurry up," Cat yelled.

She came out in a white bubble dress with leggings and white flats on. "I'll just meet you guys there," she smiled, "Henry's been trying to call me all night."

"Alright let's go," Cat demanded and I willingly left. I'm always good for a party, becuse the girls are even more willing to do pretty much anything. And the whole hell thing basically means if you're in red you want to be a slut for the night.

When we got there Cat and I separated at once and to be honest until about threeish the party wasn't interesting at all. Thats when a girl walked in white heels, red dress, white mask; I was all confused, intrigued and a little drunk.

I got up and walked straight to her and watched hergrab a cup and throw it back. "You know, I'm a little lost," I said gesturing to her look.

"I've had a bad night," she sighed, "my boyfriend and I broke up, so I changed into the only red dress I have and well had no time to buy new shoes and mask." I just nodded and she continued, "basically I'm just trying to get back at him."

"Well you're in luck," I said as I went in, but she beat me to it and before I knew it we were full on making out pushing things off the table and then as suddenly as it started she stopped. She got up and left.

And the chase begins.
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dress: http://www.newyorkdress.com/Mac_Duggal/81200R.html
mask: http://thebestmasquerademasks.com/masquerademasks/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/41ebW6mt3YL._SL500_AA300_.jpg