He Says, She Says

She says

When I got home that morning at four I took a shower and went straight to bed. I needed to wash it all off. I barley slept and Cat wasn't even home yet when I woke up. I couldn't wait for her to get home, I needed someone to unload on.

I was sitting down eating pancakes when she finally walked in, "last night was amazing." I looked up when the door slammed and she fell on the couch. "I was so drunk," she said and then popped her head up to look at me, "but I'm pretty sure we did it more than once and I think it was more than one guy."

"You are a slut," I said nodding my head.

"What about you" she smirked, "you never showed up, so I guess you and Henry had a night in."

"Actually," I sighed, "Henry never showed up, when I finally got a hold of him he was taking Sarah out for a celebration dinner." I put air quotes around 'celebration dinner'.

"Aww," she started.

"Wait, that's not all," I said, "I reminded him about the party and he said he was too old to be partaking in immature college parties and that he had never planned on going. And then I was upset and your whole talk about Sarah flashed to my mind so I started being the jealous girlfriend. He told me if I can't trust him we should just break up. And I said fine consider us broken up." I took a deep breath because I rambled that out really quick. I left my plate of pancakes and walked over to the couch.

"Honey," she wrapped her arms around me, "I'm so sorry, did you just stay here all night? Alone?"

I leaned over and put my head in my hands and said, "no." I shook my head, "I did something really bad."

"What, what, what," she stood up, "tell me."

"I took off the leggings, put on your dress, some bright red lipstick and heels; and I went to the party," I sighed. She nodded her head and motioned for me to continue. "I walked in stole the drinks from the first two people I saw, grabbed another one from the table and then made out with the first guy who came up to me."

"Oh my god," she jumped up, "I'm so proud of you, for the first time in your life you've done something impulsive and slutty." I sighed and put my head back in my hands. She tapped me on the back, "was it good?"

I shook my head, "Cat..."

"Was he hot?"


"Did you go further," she said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Cat," I yelled, "it was Anderson."

Her eyes widened, "how do you know, did he know it was you, omg that's so awkward."

"Alright," I said, "in order, I opened my eyes for a sec and saw his watch, I don't think so and tell me about it." I got up and started to pace, "and even worse," I sighed again, "I talked to Henry this morning and we cleared it all up and now I just feel so guilty."

"Are you going to tell him," she asked.

"Which one?"


"Well," I sat back down, "I'm going to tell Henry I was drunk and made out with a stranger and I'm just hoping Anderson was drunk enough that he doesn't even remember last night. Besides it's Anderson, he probably found another girl and took her home."

"Good morning," he came strolling through the door like clockwork, "oh you made pancakes."

"So Anderson," Cat smirked looking between the two of us, "how was your evening."

"Well," I answered before he could, "let's just see." I walked over to the peephole in my door to see the bimbo walking out. "Hmm," I made a face, "that's odd, there's no bimbo walking out, Hilary must be real slow."

"Actually" he said, "no bimbo tonight."

"Is that so," Cat said giving me a look to which I glared back.

I walked over to the table and sat cross from him, "so someone had a rough night."

"No," he said, "it was amazing, there was this girl, she was amazing, everything I've ever said I wanted a real game changer."

"What's her name," Cat said.

He looked down and put his hand on the back of his neck, "I don't know, but I think she's the girl I'm going to marry."

"What," I said in complete shock and they both looked at me. "Game changers, marriage," I said calming down, "that's crazy talk you don't believe in that stuff."

"No you don't believe in that stuff," Cat said to me. I stuck my tongue out and she looked over at him, "so this erfect girl what did she look like."

"She was wearing this dress," he said.

"Let me guess" I laughed, "it was red."

He hit my shoulder "yeah, but it wasn't a super tight dress. She had this innocent sexy thing going and her legs, they were amazing." I looked over at Cat and she stuck her tongue out.

"And her lipstick," Cat questioned.

"It was bright," he nodded and then looked over to me, "you know I agree with Cat, the bold color was so hot."

"Still never going to wear it," I looked at Cat.

She looked at her nails and glanced at me through the corner of her eyes "for some reason I find that hard to believe."

I rolled my eyes and looked back at Anderson, "you didn't even talk to her, you are building this girl up in your head. For all you know she might be crazy."

"Yeah," Cat said, "for all you really know it could be Sid." She laughed and I gave her the 'I can't believe you just said that look.

Anderson joined in her laughter, "no, Sid's not sexy, she's Sidney. Besides this girl was single and she was wearing heels."

"That and the fact that I didn't even go to the party," I said.

"Yeah, whatever," he said, "I just need to find this girl, are you two in."

I bit my lip, "I don't think it's a smart idea."

"See that's your problem," Cat stood up "you always think." I rolled my eyes and she ran to her room and back out with her box of lipstick. "All you need is a list of every girl who went to that party and then see which one owns the right shade of lipstick, so which is it."

"I doubt you have every shade of lipstick," I laughed.

"It was this one," he said easily picking out the one that I had used and Cat smirked before reading it aloud. "That's for sure it."

"Here keep it," she handed it to him. He smiled and ran out the door. I gave her an angry look and she just said, "what?"

"You were trying to hint," I said.

"So," she laughed, "Anderson's not smart enough to put the peices together."

"It would be more comforting if you didn't just send him out on a wild goose chase for me," I said and then let my head fall down, "why do you insist on ruining my life."