He Says, She Says

He says

"I didn't see you this morning," Sid said as she took the seat next to mine for class, "it almost made me late." I let out a small smile while still concentrating my attention to the labtop tha was set in front of me. She angrily put her hand down closing the labtop, "we have a rutine mr and you messed it up, what do you have to say for yourself."

"Sorry," I said through my teeth, "can you please get your hand off my computer."

She did so and sat down taking out her Torts book. I personally don't know what she's doing here, she should be studying music. "What are you doing anyway," she turned to me and I just shrugged, "oh common, I know you're not that good a student." She pulled the computer over to er and looked at it and then at me questioningly. "I've known a lot of girls who facebook stalk, but I didn't think it was a guy thing."

I grabbed it and pulled it back towards me, but still allowed her to see it so I could explain. "I'm cross referencing every girl on the event page for April's party," I showed her the page, "cross referencing their looks and if they even match a little they go on my list," I turned to the list I was forming.

"So youre also cross referencing all the maybes and no responses right," she said and I nodded, "and then of course the nos becuse they may have changed their mind, I mean you did say she just broke up with her significant other." I kind of just paused because I had never thought of that. "And then your lengthy list will still be incomplete because there are those friends of friends who never got the event invite, but were there anyway." I had never thought of that either. She sat back smirking at my unsure expression, "so basically it's impossible and you should just give up now."

"Not going to happen," I said smiling.

"I don't get it," she sang and I looked at her, "you're putting in so much effort for some girl who may not exist, actually doesn't exist."

"That's because you are a cynic who doesn't believe in love," I said.

She looked away and pushed her hair back, "I believe in love," she turned back "it's just I believe everything ends."

"You have never said you loved anyone you've been with," I said.

"At least I've been with people" she said angrily, "you have never been in a relationship and now you're convinced this is the girl you'll marry, come on isn't that a little bit like a cliche movie from the 1950s."

"You love the fifties," I laughed.

She nodded, "but I hate cliche." I was going to say something, but our professor came in and she scares me. I looked over to see Sid smiling in success because she had, in her words 'won'.

"Alright," I said as we walked out, "some of these girls live in the drms here." She looked at me completely confused, "are you going to help me look for her."

She laughed, "Anderson, I have class in thirty minutes."

"Blow it off," I shrugged and her mouth opened wide, "I bet you've never blown off class before."

"Not without a good reason or an emergency," she said.

"This is an emergency," I practically begged, "you're best friend needs you."

She thought about it for a second, "fine" I practically jumped on her into a hug, "but," she stopped me, "next time I have a wardrobe crisis you have to help." She was smiling a sinister smile.

"O course," I said through my teeth, "here, is your list, you have tose two dorms,"I pointed and then continued, "and I have these two."

We reconvened after both our failed attempts. "Alright," she said, "I found no perfect girl, but I got several numbers from girls who think this is, and I quote, 'so sweet'." Sid said so sweet in her default girly voice.

"Well, where are they," I held out my hand.

She smiled, "I threw them out, if you're serious about this girl then you wouldn't even think about sleeping around."

"Are you trying to torture me," I asked.

She smirked, "of course I am."