He Says, She Says

She says

I was in a complete panic attack, leave it to Amber to accidentally ruin my life. I walked out the back and quickly said, "I hate you so much," to Amber before jetting out the back door. Where was I going to go, I hopped in the nearest cab and probably stole it from someone else. My mind was a bit frazzled, but I was probably throwing this completely out of proportion. "Where to," the taxi driver turned in his seat to ask.

I thought about it, well I couldn't possibly go home that would be the first place they check. I no longer have a boyfriend, so that is shot to hell. If I knew where my sister lived I'd be willing to drive all the way to Jersey. I guess the only person I really had was Liz.. I sighed ,"1 Riverside Drive at 72nd Street." Liz was lucky, this was on of the most coveted locations in Manhattan.

The cab stopped in front of the nice building and I rang in. Liz of course was always enthusiastic to get company. I took the elevator up to the 11th floor and walked down to her room. I knocked slowly on her door and it opened quickly, "Sid, Oh my god, I've been so busy and so have you and it feels like it's been forever since I've seen you."

"Yeah," I sighed as I came in, "I just sort of needed to get away from everything and sadly you were the only person I could think of." She gave me a look, but then gestured to the coach and we sat down and I told her the entire story.

And as usual, Liz only heard what she wanted to hear. "This is perfect," she said getting a confused raised brow from me. "Alright," she looked at me ready to explain, "it's time for the winter carnival back at home, both you and Anthony are single for the first time since and he hasn't seen you in years and you look incredible now."

"So let me get this straight," I stood up, "all you really got was I'm single, nothing else."

She sighed, "yeah, the Anderson shit, it's awful, but let's face it Sid you can lie your way out of pretty much anything."

"So you want me to spend my winter break in California," I raised my eyebrow, "and try to get back together with my high school boyfriend." She nodded while smiling and I rolled my eyes, "do you know how insane you sound."

"Sid, you haven't even called your mom in three years, that is sad," she gave me a disappointed look and I rolled my eyes. "And let's face it Anthony was your longest most successful relationship, and you were in love, but long distance scared you."

I laughed, "I was not in love with him." She gave me a look that said come one, and I continued, "I haven't seen him in years, he might have completely changed."

"It's been five and a half years and he looks the same," she said.

"Fine," I said giving into this ridiculous idea, "but you have to help me with my other problem, it's time to go back to our high school scheming."

"Alright," she smiled sitting down, "time for a very elaborate lie to get Sid out of yet another dilemma."

I went and grabbed a pen and paper from the top rightmost drawer in her kitchen. "First things first," I sat down and put the pen and paper on the coffee table in front of us, "we have to find a girl, who knows Anderson and preferably likes him, and looks a lot like me."

"Let's see," she thought while tapping the pencil to her forehead, "there is Emily Greene from that one class the three of us took together."

"Good one," I said, "but that was about three years ago." She gave me a lost look and I said, "how do we know she still likes me, or she looks the same." I thought for a second and then took the pen from her, "Valerie," I thought, "I don't really know her last name, but the one from... shoot I don't know how I know her."

"The one who dated Anderson's brother," she rose her eyebrow.

"Oh yeah," I said biting my lip, "I guess that wouldn't really work out would it."

We sat there for a few seconds before we both got it at the same exact time. We looked at each other completely lit up, "Rebecca." Rebecca was our waitress almost every time we were at East-West coffee house and she had the hugest crush on Anderson. We got a lot of free stuff. And we could totally pass as sisters, same hair color, same eye color and we were generally the same size. "Perfect," I said and she nodded.

"Oh my God," she picked up her phone, "let me call her." She dialed the number and then put it on speaker phone. "Hey Becca," she said as we both leaned our ears to the phone, "it's Liz and Sidney."

"Oh hey," she said, "what's up."

"Boy do I have a proposition for you," Liz got up and ran away with the phone, "you still like Anderson right, great, how would you like it if I could personally set you up with him."

"That would be fantastic," she said.

"Alright," Liz smiled, "Sid'll give you the whole story." I explained everything, the reason, her fake story and my plan was set in motion, I was completely off the hook. "Does everything sound good, can you remember it all," I asked.

"Yeah," she said unsure, "but is it right to start off a relationship with one huge lie."

"Oh please," I said, "it's destiny." She bought that, I knew she would and she was completely excited. And I was in the clear.