‹ Prequel: Your Heart

Dark Before the Dawn

I'm on the inside looking outside.

“Now, today you’ll have got your first paycheque but what’s owed in rent will have gone straight to us – what’s left over will have gone into your account,”

I smiled at my supervisor and nodded. To be honest I’m still surprised that my meagre job of filing and making tea can actually pay the rent at all, let alone leave me some left over for food. But hey, I’m not complaining. It saves living off ramen.

“Thanks Tracey. I’ll see you on Tuesday,” I said gratefully, grabbing my bag from under the desk where I’d been working.

She ruffled my hair as I stood up, making me laugh softly. All the women in the housing administration office mother me non-stop like I’m a long-lost son or something, I swear.

“Don’t forget to take some cookies on your way out! You need to eat more!” Tracey called after me.

“Yes ma’am!” I called back.

Sure enough I grabbed four cookies, two for me and two for John, before leaving the building. John’s building…our building…is only a two minute walk, so I got there in no time at all. John was sketching rapidly onto one of his notepads, flashing me a quick grin as he saw me enter our dorm.

“Cookies from Tracey,” I told him, placing the two of his on his bedside table.

“Love that woman,” John laughed, taking a hefty bite of one.

I giggled slightly at how his cheeks bulged, turning my laptop on at my desk. I might as well check my bank balance online now before we go to the dining commons for dinner.

“How much do you think I’ll have left over from my paycheck?” I asked John as I logged into my online account.

“I’m not sure. Probably about $40 or $50. That covers most your food for a month, right?” John said.

Yeah, it probably does, especially if I stick to discounted food. I think I’m getting the hang of this student thing.

But when I saw the numbers in front of me, my jaw dropped. $5200. Yesterday I had $150. There is no way I got paid over $5000 for my work this month! Scrolling down the page, I noticed that I had a $50 payment from the college…and a $5000 payment from an account I recognised but really shouldn’t have. Alex’s account. Why would he…oh my God.


“Where are you going to stay? I’ve always paid for everything for you,” Alex asked worriedly.

“I don’t know. John said he’d sort something out but I don’t know. Hopefully I can get financial aid from the college but I don’t know,” I shrugged.

I saw Alex grimace slightly at John’s name but then he looked like he was thinking hard.

“Do you still have your old bank account?” Alex asked.

“With about $200 in yeah. Why?” I frowned.

“No reason,”


He paid me money because he knows I barely have any in my own account after only using his for three years. Holy shit.

“Alex paid me $5000,” I blurted.

John’s eyes went wide and he immediately ran to my side.

“Fuck,” was all he could gasp.

Why would Alex do this? Why does he think he can still do this for me? We’re not even together anymore! Who does he think he is flaunting his money around like this?!

“You’d think he’d paid enough with the hospital bills I charged to him!” I spat.

What the fuck is he playing at?! Does he think he can buy my affection back? Gah! I don’t need his money! John stayed silent for a few seconds, the corner of his lips twitching in a smile.

“At least you don’t have to worry so much about extra money now,” he said simply.

Why is he supporting Alex? I don’t understand! Whatever. I should’ve known Alex would pull something like this.

“I wouldn’t even know what to spend it on,” I grumbled.

“Well I think a drink would be a good start, don’t you?” John mused.

A drink? Well I could definitely use one or two or seven right about now.


And that’s exactly how I found myself three hours later – drinking in a campus bar with John, Pat, Jared, Kennedy and Garrett. I’d bought everyone the first round of drinks but we’ve been taking it in turn since then. I’ll admit, I am slightly drunk now, but nothing too bad. Just enough to relax with and wash away the irritation from Alex’s actions. I get that Alex was probably just trying to help me out, but it doesn’t change what he did. Time is what we need, not money.

“Garrett and Kennedy are leaving before the live band starts – they said they’ll give anyone who wants a ride back to the dorms a lift. I don’t think me, Pat or Jared are going to leave, but do you want to?” John asked me.

I smiled at him and shook my head. I’m perfectly happy nursing my pint of beer.

“Nah, I’m good. I’ll stay with you guys,” I replied.

John nodded and made a hand motion to Garrett and Kennedy, and they left. More students gravitated towards the seating area as the band came out on the small stage, so we all moved up inside the booth, letting more people sit down. This also meant that I was incredibly squished against John. My head said I should probably protest this, but the beer I’d consumed didn’t let it. And he is extremely warm…

“Do you mind if I put my arm around you? It’s a bit cramped in here now,” John murmured in my ear, the music too loud for anything else.

I blushed before I could stop myself, but shook my head.

“No, it’s fine,” I squeaked.

John just smiled and put his arm around my shoulders. I didn’t miss the raised eyebrows that Pat and Jared sent our way.

“Smooth,” Jared teased.

John immediately looked down at me, eyes wide in shock.

“I-I’m not doing anything that I shouldn’t be, right? I mean, I don’t want to push y-”

“It’s fine. Really. Totally innocent, right?” I said, cutting him off.

John’s cheeks flushed a little. I don’t know whether that was from the alcohol or not.

“Yeah, totally innocent,” he nodded.

“Good. Because I like to snuggle when I’ve been drinking and it looks like you’ve drawn the short straw,” I said simply.

Before John could reply, I slouched down a little and rested my head on his chest, letting him subconsciously draw me in tighter with his arm. I know I probably shouldn’t be doing this, but I really do like to snuggle. And after Alex’s semi-contact today, I really do need a bit of comfort. To me, this is completely innocent. Just a comfort. If John takes it another way, that’s not my fault. Right?
♠ ♠ ♠
So perhaps that was a slight overreaction from Zack…
…but should Alex have paid him the money?
They aren’t together after all :/
I’ll let you be the judge ^_^
Zack makes his plans for Spring Break in the next chapter!

I ate a load of chocolate cake today - want to know what that means for me? I got on a sugar high and decided to plan out another 'verse to write in the future, despite the motorbike 'verse I've got planned. This one's all about pirates, with Rian as a hunky captain, Alex as a grouchy captive, Jack as an easily impressed pyromaniac and Zack as a mysterious shirtless crewmate. It's going to be fun!

A big thank you to everyone who commented on the last chapter! I love your feedback!

coolstoryBrosif (nonono of course he won’t hurt Zack!)
Rory The Roman
kissandsell; (I can’t promise anything…)
two sided heart
crescendo. (ahaha everything has to end at some point! :p)
Forever Young.
