‹ Prequel: Your Heart

Dark Before the Dawn










I stared in amazement as John, Pat and Jared burst into laughter, Kennedy and Garrett’s laughter sounding through the two-way radio in their car behind us too.

It’s March 26th – the Friday evening of the weekend Spring Break started – and this singing, banter and beer drinking (not by those driving, aka John and Kennedy) had been going on for the entire 12 hour trip. I had barely kept up with the camaraderie. My friends back home are very different from this. There was no way I could imagine Brendon or Ryan getting Martin or Rian to sing and joke like this. Jack, maybe. But definitely not as a whole group. It was fascinating.

“How are you holdin’ up there, Zack? We’re not scarin’ you off, are we?” Pat grinned.

“That country twang of yours is starting to show through, Kirch. Better watch how much beer you have or your momma will have your hide,” John teased.

Pat flicked John in the ear and growled playfully, only making John laugh.

“Seriously though, are you okay? You’re real quiet,” John asked softly.

“I’m just not used to this. My friends back home…well, we’re two groups of friends merged, really. It’s very different,” I said simply, shrugging.

John glanced in the mirror at his two friends in the back seat, who were both smiling sympathetically. I didn’t notice that.

“Well by the end of this week you’re going to be so used to us that you’ll be singing along too,” John grinned.

“Ooh! Ooh! We can start one now! I know a great song that you’re just goin’ to love!” Pat said happily.

“Not so fast, Pattycakes, we’re at your street,” Jared laughed.

Pat pouted, making the three of us laugh. Then it sunk in. I was going to meet Pat’s family. As a new friend. Without John for support. Will I be able to go in there without John? He’s been my rock since I left Alex, since I decided that we needed a break…what if I can’t do this without him?

“I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah? My parents are having a barbecue and everyone’s invited,” John told me, pulling up outside a nice-looking house.

“Your p-parents?” I stammered.

“Yeah, they want to meet you. They’re kinda having the barbecue as an excuse, I think,” John admitted, blushing slightly.

I just squeaked, not able to make any other sound. Now Pat’s house is sounding really good.

“They’ll behave, I promise. I text you later, okay?” John reassured.

I bit my bottom lip but nodded, getting out the car. Pat was already standing by the open trunk, trying to lift my large duffel bag out without much luck. I snorted and took it from him easily, swinging it over my shoulder with no problem. It’s not that heavy.

“See you guys tomorrow!” Pat yelled, slamming the trunk shut.

I waved to John’s car and waved to Kennedy’s car (which had parked behind), before following Pat up to his house. It’s show time. Pat knocked on the front door three times and smiled at me while we waited. All I could manage was a nervous smile back. What if they don’t like me and decide not to let me stay? What will I do then?

And then the door opened, revealing a short curvy middle-aged woman with long brown hair. Pat’s mom?

“Patrick! You’re home! And you must be Zachary! Come in, come in,”

Well that was cheerful. I did as she said though, and she shut the door behind Pat and I.

“It’s so great to finally meet you, Zachary! I’ve heard so much about you from Pat and the boys,” she gushed.

I blushed slightly. “I hope it’s all good things. And it’s great to meet you too, Mrs Kirch,”

“Please, call me Laura. Now Pat, if you could show Zachary to the guest room and give him a tour? I was just starting dinner,” Pat’s mom beamed.

“Sure mom. Follow me, Zack,” Pat smiled.

I smiled my thanks to his mom and followed Pat up a flight of stairs.

“Sorry if she’s a bit full on. My mom just likes meeting people, I guess,” Pat mused.

“It’s okay. At least your mom cares,” I shrugged.

Pat winced slightly, looking apologetic. I just shook my head.

“Sorry, Zack. Um, here’s your room. If you want, you can unpack a bit before I show you around? My brother Tim will be here later I think, so you’ll get to meet him too. And my dad will come home just in time for dinner. Yell for me when you’re ready, yeah?” Pat said.

“Sure thing,” I nodded, pushing open the door he’d indicated.

I can do this.


3 hours later, dinner was finished and I was helping Pat’s mom clear the table.

“The food was amazing, thank you,” I said, placing the last bowl by the side of the sink.

“Oh pssh, it was just simple chicken, mash and beans!”

“It’s the best home-cooked meal I’ve had in years,” I shrugged, telling the truth.

I’ve cooked for myself since I was 14 – I’m not that great of a cook. And Alex’s chefs don’t count – they’re cuisine, not home-cooking. There’s a difference.

“Well aren’t you just the sweetest. I used a traditional family rub for the chicken, so that might be the secret,” she laughed.

I smiled. That’s nice.

“Do you want any help washing up, ma’am?” I asked.

“Call me Laura! Gosh, you’re so polite. I can’t remember the last time my boys offered to help me,” Pat’s mom frowned.

“I’ve been the main person cooking and cleaning where I’ve lived since I was 14, ma…Laura. I honestly don’t mind,” I shrugged.

“What about your mom? Didn’t she help?” Pat’s mom asked.

I swallowed heavily, my smile slipping to a forced one. Yeah, this is still a sore subject.

“My mom left when I was 14 and my dad works all the time. And Alex…um, my ex didn’t like doing cooking or cleaning. So I really don’t mind,” I said simply.

Pat’s mom smiled softly at me, resting a hand on my shoulder.

“Go sit down, honey. Sounds like you’ve done more than your fair share. Tell Pat or Tim if you need anything, okay? They can move their butts for once,” Pat’s mom insisted.

I bit my bottom lip but nodded. “Thank you,”

“No problem. The boys will probably be watching some form of sports, so go relax and join them, yeah? We’ve got a busy afternoon ahead of us tomorrow,” she smiled.

I just smiled back and nodded, leaving the room. If this is what Pat’s mom is like, I wonder what John’s mom will be like. Surely she can’t be any more indulgent? I guess I’ll find out tomorrow…
♠ ♠ ♠
This was just a filler really, but Zack's in Arizona!
And the next chapter takes an interesting turn of events...

Oh yeah, I realised after a fair few comments that I asked for the name of John and Alex as a pairing, instead of John and Zack. Wasn't my best moment. I did like your suggestions though, and if I ever were to do a John and Alex piece, I'd use 'Jolex' I think! Thank you for everyone who made their suggestions - every single one of them made me smile :)

Thanks to everyone who commented on the last chapter! Mibba seems to be messing up my comments so i don't know if I've got everyone who commented, but thank you nonetheless! :)

The Lucky Ones
Forever Young.
two sided heart
sylarisahero (x2)
Captain Morgan
Garrett Hedlund.
AlltimeBroken (lol no, there are still 9 chapters left)
Rory The Roman
