‹ Prequel: Your Heart

Dark Before the Dawn


“Alright gang, we’re here!” Pat’s mom said cheerfully.

“Gang? Really mom?” Pat mused.

“Zack, sweetie, would you mind grabbing the potato salad? I don’t think I can carry it along with the wine and flowers,” Pat’s mom asked me, ignoring her youngest son.

“Of course, ma’am. Um, Laura,” I nodded, picking up the Tupperware box beside me.

“Trust you to make polite friends at college,” Tim, Pat’s brother, snickered.

I just smiled as Pat punched his brother in the arm. We were finally here – John’s parents’ house. The day of the barbecue that was apparently an excuse to meet me. John had snuck away from preparations this morning to call me, and we ended up talking for half an hour, mostly about nothing. I think John could tell how nervous I am about this ‘event’ so he was just keeping me calm. So sweet. Apparently John’s mom wasn’t very happy with him disappearing but when she found out he was talking to me she yelled her greetings over his shoulder. Bless her.

And now I get to meet her, and John’s dad, and John's brothers, in person. Wish me luck.

I followed Pat’s parents up to the front door, Tim walking behind Pat and I while he texted his girlfriend, and Pat was talking non-stop, relaxing me a little bit. Today will go fine. Great, even. I can feel it.

“Hi everyone! I’m so glad you made it!”

Ah, that must be John’s mom. We all shuffled indoors, John’s mom’s eyes going wide when she saw me.

“Why don’t you all go through to the kitchen? The boys are in there,” John’s mom smiled.

I could tell she wasn’t talking to me, so I handed Pat the Tupperware box of potato salad.

“Tell me that you’re Zachary?” she said hopefully, once the Kirch’s had walked past us.

“I’m Zachary?” I offered, holding out my hand.

Instead of shaking my hand, John’s mom squealed and threw her arms around me, hugging me tightly. I just squeaked.

“It’s so good to finally meet you! John hasn’t stopped talking about you since the day he met you in the park, I swear to God. And I thought he was exaggerating about how good-looking you are too – he wasn’t!” she said happily.


I turned my head at the hiss, smiling as I saw John standing there, blushing furiously.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of sweetie, especially now that’s Zack’s single,” she said with a shrug.

John just looked mortified. I stayed silent. What can I say to that?

“Oh gosh, you must think I have terrible manners! My name’s Susan – let me take you through to meet John’s dad and brothers,” she beamed.

I just nodded – I had a feeling she wouldn’t take no for an answer regardless. As she looped her arm through mine and we walked past John, I saw John mouth ‘I’m sorry’ at me. I just smiled slightly to myself. It’s easy to see where John got his confidence from.

“Shane! Ross! Come and meet John’s friend Zachary from college!” John’s mom yelled into the backyard.

I swallowed nervously. Somehow I think I’m going to be meeting a lot of people today.


The hours passed quickly, between eating John’s dad’s amazing barbecue to talking to my friends and to meeting all their relatives, and soon enough it was mid-afternoon. John and I were out on the back porch alone, Pat, Jared, Kennedy and Garrett having gone inside for dessert.

“I really am sorry about today, y’know,” John sighed, swilling the beer in his bottle in a circle.

“What do you mean?” I frowned.

“My mom hasn’t made that much fuss over someone since I first introduced her to the guys. She was kinda in-your-face all day. You didn’t come here for that,” John grumbled.

“I came here to spend time with you and that’s what I did,” I said, shrugging.

Then I blushed.

“You and the guys,” I added quickly.

John smiled anyway, draining the last of his beer.

“Even so, I promise she’ll be less…argh, after this,” John said.

“If you say so. I just think it’s been an awesome day. I can’t remember the last time, if there even was a time, where I was at a family event like this. It’s been great,” I shrugged.

John smiled a little more and bumped his shoulder against mine, so I bumped him back. Before we could speak anymore, his phone buzzed.

“It’s just a text, hold on,” John mumbled.

I just nodded, taking in the amazing views of the back yard. Baltimore sure is a lot different that Tempe, Arizona, that’s for sure.

“Halvo’s invited us to a party tonight. Do you remember Halvo? The guy whose party we actually properly met at?” John asked.

I nodded. It’s hard to forget that night. “Yeah, I remember. He’s having a party tonight?”

“Yeah, he had some holiday time owed to him by work so he’s come back here with a couple of his friends and he’s having a party tonight. He’s invited us, you included, but we don’t have to go if you don’t want to. We can just chill here or something,” John shrugged.

I can see in his eyes that he actually wants to go. Why would he say differently for my benefit?

“No, we can go. A party might be fun,” I replied, shaking my head.

John’s smile spread into a grin and he immediately walked over to his open back door.


I laughed at the responding cheers and whoops, smiling as John walked back over to me.

“We can hang here for a couple of hours before heading over, if you want. And if you want to change at all, you can borrow something of mine,”

“Are you saying there’s something wrong with what I’m wearing?” I teased.

Did I just…flirt? With John?

“N-No! I think you look great in whatever you wear! I just thought you might be more comfortable…”

Then John caught the teasing glint in my eyes and scowled playfully.

“That was mean. I believed you,” John pouted.

Fuck, that pout is cute. You know what? Screw it. I can flirt all I want.

“Suck it up, you know you love it,” I winked.

John’s jaw dropped as I slinked back into the house. Luckily he didn’t see the blush on my cheeks or the grin on my lips. That was way too easy. I like this flirting thing. Maybe I can continue it at the party tonight. What have I got to lose?



Oh Kennedy, what are you getting yourself into?

“Oh he’s so going to puke in the next hour,” John murmured in my ear.

“I reckon he can hold it. He hasn’t even gone pale yet,” I grinned.

“Wanna bet?” John smirked.

“Wanna dance?” I replied.

John just laughed and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the makeshift dance floor. Somehow this party at Halvo’s had spread like wildfire, and the house was rammed. Pat and Jared were in the corner playing beer pong, while Garrett and Kennedy were drinking in the kitchen, and Pat’s brother Tim was somewhere with his girlfriend. So that just left John and I alone. Funny enough I didn’t mind.

As the song changed to a medium beat, I found myself face to face with John, pressed up against his body with one leg between his thighs, grinding like I never have before. It’s not like I’m the only person grinding – pretty much everyone else was dancing the same way. But I’m pretty sure they didn’t have hands like John’s on their hips, the body warmth searing through their clothes.

Fuck, I’ve had a lot to drink.

“You don’t know what you do to me,” John mumbled, burying his face in the crook of my neck.

I’m not sure if I was meant to hear that or not, so I didn’t reply, choosing to slide my arms around his neck instead. I don’t know how long we were dancing for, but when John eventually pulled me away from the crowd, I felt like I was covered in a sheen of sweat, my thighs burning and adrenaline pumping through my veins.

“Stay here, I’m going to get us some water,” John said into my ear, pressing me against the railing of the stairs.

I just nodded, swallowing heavily at the closeness of his body. I think that dancing burned some of the alcohol out of my system. Everything suddenly feels a lot sharper. In no time at all, John was back with two cups filled with cold water, and we drank them in silence, grateful for the coolness. Fuck it’s hot in here.

“I’m so glad you’re here, Zack. Like, really glad. I know you probably think this is the alcohol talking but…you make me feel alive, somehow, like more than I was before. So yeah…I’m glad,” John said softly.

I bit my bottom lip and looked up at him. “I’m glad I’m here too,” I murmured.

After that, John just looked down at me, really looked. My skin seemed to tingle at the intensity in his eyes, the way the corner of his lips curled into a smile, the way his body was practically pressed against mine in this narrow corridor.

Then his hand cupped my face, a little warm, a little shaky, and his thumb brushed over my cheekbone. I found myself leaning into his touch, closing my eyes briefly before opening them to see John even closer than before.

“I really want to kiss you. Can I?” he whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
To be continued...

I think I like 'Zahn' as the 'ship name for John/Zack :) Thanks to everyone who suggested it!

Thanks to everyone who commented on the last chapter! Please keep it up!

Garrett Hedlund.
Rory The Roman
two sided heart
Forever Young.
