‹ Prequel: Your Heart

Dark Before the Dawn

But you heard me all along.

“Baby…Zack…wake up!”

I groaned at the sound of Alex’s voice, and buried my head under the pillow. Too. Early. Alex laughed and pulled the pillow away, only making me groan again. What does he want?!

“Get up!” Alex demanded.

“Why?” I whined.

“Because it’s snowing and all the roads are iced over so no-one can get anywhere,” Alex told me.

“Which means I have a day off college and therefore can lay in bed all day,” I retorted.

“I want to go and play outside and you’re coming with me,” Alex said firmly.

“No chance,” I snorted.

“Hmm, will you change your mind if I give you a blowjob after?” Alex offered, a smirk on his lips.

I blushed slightly, and he knew his answer. Fuck. I’m normally the one giving blowjobs, so to get one instead? Fuck yes.

“Fine,” I squeaked.

“Good boy. You have fifteen minutes to get up, get dressed and eat something before we go outside,” Alex grinned.

I stared at him with wide eyes as he cheerfully walked out of the room. I’d almost forgotten how much he loves snow and winter time. Fuck. Ever since the…uh…glass smashing incident, Alex has been nothing but perfect to me. He really seems to be trying hard, and it’s almost like I’ve got my old Alex back. Almost. He’s still getting into bad moods easily, but he leaves the room when he needs to calm himself down, so we haven’t really been having any arguments, which is a nice change. I’m actually starting to believe he means it this time, when he says he’ll try to get better.

Hopefully I won’t be proved wrong.

Not even 10 seconds after the fifteen minutes marker hit, Alex was dragging me out of the apartment. I didn’t have my shoes on yet, but luckily I managed to grab them before he shut the door, meaning I had to put them on in the elevator.

“Have you got gloves and a hat?” Alex asked seriously.

“Yes, mom, they’re in my coat pocket,” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Stop being such a sourpuss,” Alex grumbled, “I thought you’d want to spend the day together,”

I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck. I didn’t mean to make him mad. I’m just tired, that’s all.

“Sorry, Lex. I think it’s a great idea to spend the day together,” I said softly.

“Good. We don’t have to spend long outside. I just want to have some fun in the snow before everyone else tramples on it,” Alex said.

“And we will,” I smiled.

Alex grinned and pressed a slow kiss to my lips, squeezing my hips lightly before letting go. I laughed at his enthusiasm and quickly zipped up my coat, pulling on my gloves and woolly hat, before following him out of the elevator when it stopped.

“Oh wow. The snow’s so thick!” Alex said happily, running outside.

I shook my head in amusement and followed him outside. I swear it’s going to be like dealing with a 5 year old today. I laughed as Alex scooped a pile of snow in his hands and threw it up in the air.

“Oh, you think this is funny?” Alex asked.

“Yeah, pretty funny,” I grinned.

Alex smirked, but before I could run away, he threw a large ball of snow at me, hitting me right in the chest. He whooped in triumph as my jaw dropped, but stopped laughing as I gathered a ball of my own.

“My turn,” I said innocently.


4 hours. That’s how long we were outside in the snow. I don’t know where the time went, I really don’t. Between a really fucking long snowball fight (which neither of us wanted to surrender to, seeing as we’re both so stubborn), making snow angels, and just generally playing around in the snow, the time just flew by. But I eventually got too cold and Alex gave into my whining, so we went back inside and had a hot shower together to warm up.

And I finally got that blowjob I’d been promised.

As soon as we were dressed, we sat down on the sofa after Alex put a random DVD in to play. Ah, Thor. I like this film.

“Thanks for playing in the snow with me today, Zack. I had a lot of fun,” Alex said warmly.

“Me too. It reminded me of that snowball fight we had in Senior year,” I mused.

“Oh yeah! You and I completely obliterated everyone. When Ryan and Brendon weren’t distracted by each other’s tongues. And when Martin wasn’t trying to get Jack out of that tree,” Alex grinned.

I laughed and nodded my agreement. That was a good day. We sat in silence as the opening credits started, Alex pulling me against his body with an arm around my shoulders.

“What happened to us, Lex? We haven’t been like this in so long,” I said sadly.

“I don’t know. I really don’t. I missed it,” Alex said softly.

I just sighed and snuggled into his side, kissing his skin lightly. I don’t want this to end, I really don’t.

“Hey, how about we go home for Christmas this year. For, like, a week or something. You won’t have college and I can book some time off work?” Alex suggested.

“You said you didn’t want to go home for Christmas. Like last year,” I replied, confused.

“But you do,” Alex said with a small smile, “and if it’ll make you happy, we can go back,”

“You really mean that?” I asked hopefully.

“Yeah, I do. Hell, we can even see if Rian, Jack, Martin, Brendon and Ryan are home, and we can all meet up or something,” Alex mused.

I squealed and threw my arms around Alex’s neck, hugging him tightly. Alex just laughed and hugged me tightly back, pressing several kisses to my neck.

“Thank you so much! Ooh my dad’s going to be so surprised!” I grinned.

“Anything for you,” Alex smiled, pecking my lips in a soft kiss.

I kissed him again, a little harder and a little longer, before snuggling back into his chest. This day could not go any better. Alex said he missed the old us. We spend all day in the snow. We snuggle after. And he said we can go home for Christmas. What can possibly go wrong?!
♠ ♠ ♠
Is Zack right?
Or did he just jinx himself?
And who believes that Alex is really trying?
They go home in the next update...

Thank you to everyone who commented on the last chapter! I love all your support so much, so please keep it up!

Ultraviolet Light
Rory The Roman
Forever Young.
