‹ Prequel: Your Heart

Dark Before the Dawn

Untangle me.

On the 14th of December, Alex and I were driving back to Baltimore. It’s taken us two days to drive back home, two of the 16 days that Alex booked off, so we’ll be at home until the 26th of December, and then we’ll have two days to drive back again. I’m really fucking looking forward to it, to be honest. Like I said to Alex, we barely go back to Baltimore as it is, and my dad’s only been up to see me a few times, so I thought I’d keep it as a surprise from him that we’re coming home for Christmas. I hope he doesn’t mind.

Today’s also Alex’s birthday, and he mentioned something about going out to celebrate when we’ve settled in, so that’ll be nice. He’s been really sweet since we first started talking about coming home, so I hope his good mood stays. I know he doesn’t like spending time with his parents at the best of times, but I hope (for my sake if nothing else) that he’ll behave.

By the time Alex pulled up outside my house, I was exhausted. I need a nap. Definitely. Alex parked the car, the two of us getting out. Alex had promised to help me with my bags (I seem to have accumulated a lot of stuff), so the two of us grabbed two duffel bags each and walked up to the front door.

Here goes nothing.

I rang the bell twice, biting my lip as I waited for my dad to answer. And when he did, his jaw dropped.

“Holy fucking shit! Zachary! I didn’t know you were coming home!” my dad gasped.

“Yeah, it was a surprise. I hope you don’t mind?” I asked hesitantly.

“Of course not! How could I ever mind? Come in, come in,” my dad beamed.

I smiled back and walked into the house, Alex behind me. I dropped my bags on the floor and gave my dad a massive hug, Alex putting down my bags too. Alex smiled at me once I’d let my dad go.

“I’ll see you later baby, okay? I’m just going to drop my stuff of at my parents house,” Alex promised.

“Yeah, okay,” I nodded, smiling.

Alex smiled back and pressed a slow kiss to my lips, before leaving the house. My dad clapped me on the shoulder and walked into the kitchen, so I followed.

“It’s so good to see you, Zack. I’ve really missed you,” my dad said honestly.

I swallowed the lump in my throat.

“I-I’ve really missed you too, dad. I’m sorry it’s been so long,” I said softly.

“It’s okay, I’m just glad you’re here now. Everything’s going…well, yeah?” my dad asked.

I smiled and nodded. Recently? Yeah, it is.

“Mmhmm. My classes are going really well, and I’m right on track with my grades. Alex has been working a little less so we can spend more time together because we went through a rough patch where we both worked too much but we’ve sorted that out now. And I’ve made some new friends at college,” I listed.

“You’ve made new friends, huh?” my dad asked, raising an eyebrow.

I fought not to blush. I’m not telling him about John.

“Yeah, I always talked to this guy Pat on my course, but I didn’t realise that he was friends with the two guys that live in the apartment below me until I went to a party with them, and there’s a couple of their other friends too,” I nodded.

“Well…it’s good that you’ve got someone else out there other than Alex,” my dad said.

“Dad!” I whined.

Yeah, he’s still an overprotective old fool.

“What? You really had no-one but Alex, and that’s not healthy. It’s good that you’ve got more people to rely on,” he said with a shrug.

“I don’t need more people,” I mumbled.

My dad sighed.

“Look, I’m not trying to start an argument. I’m just happy that you’ve got more friends. You’re happy, right?” my dad asked.

I couldn’t help but smile slightly as I thought about the pizza and Xbox nights, the parties and hanging out at college. Yeah, I am happy. So I nodded, smiling a little more. My dad smiled back.

“Well, that’s good. Now, I’ve had to force myself to learn to cook, so do you want to unpack while I make us some lunch?” my dad asked.

“That’s sounds amazing,” I groaned.

My dad just laughed and walked over to the fridge, so I left the kitchen to grab my bags. I’ve got a good feeling about this holiday. I really do.


About two hours into a sneaky nap I was taking, my phone started buzzing. I groaned and fumbled for it. Alex. I should probably answer.

“Hey,” I yawned.

“Did I wake you up?” Alex asked.

“Maybe?” I offered.

“Sorry, I can call again later if you want,” Alex suggested.

“No, it’s okay baby, I should be up anyway. What’s up?” I asked.

“My parents want to take me out for dinner to celebrate my birthday, and they’ve invited you and your dad too. Do you want to come?” Alex asked.

I smiled.

“I’d love too! I’ll go ask my dad though and let you know if he can make it?” I said.

“Sure thing. Love you,” Alex laughed.

“Love you too,” I grinned.

Alex ended the call, making me sigh happily. He’s been saying ‘I love you’ a lot recently. Considering how few times he said it up until recently, it’s still quite nice to hear it. Heading downstairs with my phone in hand, I went in the living room, where my dad was watching a football game. He hasn’t changed a bit.

“Hey dad, um, it’s Alex’s birthday today and his parents have invited us out to dinner – can you make it?” I asked, standing next to him.

“Ah, shoot, no I can’t. I already have plans,” my dad apologised.

“You do?” I smiled.

My dad blushed slightly, making me raise my eyebrow.

“I, uh, have a date,” my dad said gruffly.

“No way! Who is she? Where did you meet her? Details, details!” I demanded.

My dad laughed, although he was still blushing a little.

“Her name is Diane, and she’s a new hairdresser at the place I’ve always gone to get my hair cut. We just ended up talking about all the stuff we’ve got in common, and I asked her out to dinner, and she said yes,” my dad explained.

“Oh that’s so sweet! I’m so happy for you!” I gushed.

“It’s early days, kid,” my dad warned.

“Don’t ruin the moment, old man. You’d better wear something nice,” I said firmly.

“I bought a new shirt and everything,” my dad mused.

I squealed and hugged him, before racing up to my room. Holy shit, this is the first time my dad’s ever been on a date since my mom left – and it’s been a while! He deserves to be happy, he really does. I pulled out my phone to text Alex.

My dad can’t make it – he has a date! What time should I be ready? X

I smiled and sat down on my bed, waiting for his answer.

No way, that’s so great for him! Uh, I’ll pick you up at 6, okay? X

That’s fine by me.


“Ssh, you’ve got to be quiet baby. Don’t want your neighbours to complain,” Alex chuckled, his fingers tracing my bare torso as his lips ran up and down my neck.

“H-How can I when you’re torturing me like this?” I moaned, cupping my hands over his ass.

Alex laughed again, sucking particularly hard on the top of my collarbone, his hands reaching down to unbutton my trousers. We’d just got back to my house after an extravagant dinner with Alex’s parents, and seeing as my dad was still out on his date, Alex and I were making good use of the privacy. Very good use.

“Rock hard for me already,” Alex teased, palming me through my thin boxers as he pushed my trousers down with one hand.

I just growled softly, kicking my trousers off completely. My hands went straight to Alex’s shirt, unbuttoning it as quickly as I could, Alex only stopping his groping assault to shrug his shirt off completely. I watched unashamedly as he slid down his trousers and boxers, leaving his naked and throbbing in all his glory. Fuck, he looks good.

“No foreplay tonight. I just want you,” Alex purred, crawling back over my body.

“Y-Yeah, okay,” I nodded, licking my lips as Alex tugged my boxers off, freeing my erection.

“Nhn, so beautiful,” Alex moaned, giving me a few lazy tugs as he reached into the drawer next to my bed for a condom and lube.

In no time at all I was stretched out and had my legs wrapped around his waist, Alex’s dick poised at my entrance. He smiled at me before slowly pushing in, filling me with the familiar heat.

“Fuck, you feel so good. So tight, even after only 2 days,” Alex moaned, stilling as he bottomed out.

I just choked a moan, trying to relax around him. Alex pecked my lips and circled his hips a few times, before pulling out and slamming back in. I couldn’t help the moan that tore from my throat, Alex chuckling softly before repeating the movement. Again. And again. And again, until I was a writhing, sweaty mess, my hands clutching to his sweaty back with the sound of his grunts in my ear.

“C-Can’t last much longer,” I whimpered.

Alex nipped at my jaw, before thrusting his hips harder, making sure to hit my spot every time. I cried out as I stiffened impossibly, before shooting long strings across our chests, my back arching as I came. Alex moaned as I clamped down around him, thrusting a few more times before unloading into the condom, groaning a string of obscenities into my ear. When he started to soften, he pulled out, moaning slightly. I watched sleepily as he tied off the condom and threw it into my bin, smiling as he grabbed a pair of our boxers and wiped my cum from our torsos.

“Fuck, you’re amazing,” Alex sighed happily, nuzzling into my neck.

I wrapped my arms around him, holding him as tight to my body as possible.

“Happy birthday, baby,” I murmured.

Alex just smiled against my skin.
♠ ♠ ♠
And a bit of birthday smut, just for you guys =]
The old gang are back in the next update...

Thank you to everyone who commented on the last chapter! Please keep it up!

Ultraviolet Light
Rory The Roman
two sided heart
ItAddsMoreFizz (lol I don’t even live in the US so I wouldn’t know about snow in Oakland! Sorry!)
Forever Young.
