Status: In progress :)

Let Me Love You

Chapter 2

Matt Sanders rolls over in his bed and pulls the warm body close, resting his head on her breast. A soft giggle comes from the small figure as she threads his short hair through her fingers.

“Good morning Matt.”

“Morning Harmony.” He says back, his voice muffled by her C cups.

“What did you call me?”

Matt sits up and opens his eyes, tired hazels meeting alert dark browns. He groans as his eyes take in her features. As usual, Matt's dreams were invaded by his angel, who taunted him by the distance between them. But in this dream, she was wearing a lace form fitting t-shirt. It barely hid the small pieces of fabric covering her breast and heat. Her brown hair was touseled, like she had attempted to pull it off her face before giving up and running her fingers through it a few times. She had smiled and beackoned him forward. When he was close, Harmony stood on the tip of her toes and kissed him. Her soft lips moved against his in a passionate kiss. Matt had grabbed tendrils of her hair and wrapped them around his hand, pink lips smiling a little when he heard her sigh against him.

He then released her hair and allowed his hands to travel pass her hips and to the back of her legs. Automatically, Harmony's lips detached from his and she jumped up, her legs wrapping around his fit waist. Matt could feel her heart against his chest, beating erratically as if she's scared. Or excited. That alone enralled Matt to his very core.

Matt's lips found her neck and nipped at the sesitive skin as he carried her to the bedroom. Her quiet moans were enough to make him want to drop the the floor and make love to her right there. But he held out, he wanted her to enjoy every sensation that filled her body as he rocked her to her orgasm.

His hands found the hem of her t-shirt and lifted it over her head, the fabric releasing him to feel her warm torso against his already bare one. A soft gasp left her lips as Matt slid her onto the soft silk sheets on the bed. He releaved himself of his pants then climbed on top of her. Harmony's small hand seized the back of his neck and pulled him into a heated kiss. His hands released her breast from the intruding fabric. Her small breasts dragged against his heated flesh, as he kissed her all over. Her face, her neck and shoulders were coated with loving kisses before he finally dragged her panties off.

Matt grinned and looked up at her for approval. That's when Harmony parted her pretty pink lips and said,

“Matthew Sanders, answer me!”

His eye brows pull together in confusion before he returns to reality. The Harmony look-a-like is looking at him, her less appealing lips pulled into a frown.

“What?” Matt asks.

The girl blows and crosses her arms over her chest. Her face molds into—what Matt is assuming is—a heart broken expression. “It breaks my heart that you don't even care about me. You don't listen to me probably don't remember my name!”

Matt blinks, his expression blank.


“Well what? If that irrates you, just leave. It's not likewe're sleeping together or anything.” Matt throws the covers back and climbs out of bed, leaving her alone in the bedroom to rant.
He doesn't care about her. The only reason she's here is so that he's not alone. Also because she looks like Harmony. The resembles is almost uncanning and it helps his dying soul to have her near sometimes, but if she walked out of the door and never came back, he won't miss her. Of course it's nice to have someone else in the spacious condo but it doesn't mean anything when you don't love that person.


Harmony drops onto the couch after a long day of school. Nothing relatively interesting happened. Her math teacher gave them a project due friday, the Literature gave them a prject due next monday, the History teacher gave them tons of homework and the Science teacher just sat back and chilled the entire period. She's almost certain she won't pass any of her classes.

“Harm, I've been so bored here without you.” Asher calls from the kitchen. Almost a minute later, he comes into the room with a bag of popcorn and settles onto the couch right next to her.

"Babe, you've got to find something to do with your life,"Harmony jokes. "I mean, you're home almost 2 hours before I am and all you've done is pop popcorn."

Asher shakes his head. "Nope, I've also watched 2 short films, washed a few dishes and swept the floor. See I do something with my time." He grins and throws a kernel of popcorn into his mouth with a smile.

Harmony punches his arm lightly and looks at the tv. "Whatcha watchin'?"

"Some stupid shit on TV. Jersey Shore went off almost a minute ago. I was not amused." She looks back at her blonde friend in question."

"By the show or that it went off."


Harmony grins and cuddles into Asher's side, him throwing an semi muscular arm around her small body with a small smile. She means the world to him, even the whole universe. In the three short years that he's known her, she's turned his life upside. Asher wasn't used to running from someone, but he'd done it from her. And he' d even grown to love her. The first time that he'd looked into Harmony's eyes, he'd wanted to love her. It may have not been as a lover at first but...he'd grown to love her as one as soon as she'd opened and let him love her. At first she'd push him away, tell him that she didn't want to be touch or walk away from him but she'd began to trust him. Gradually, she'd started trusting him with her heart and that alone made Asher's heart soar.

Harmony calls his name and asks for the remote control. After handing it to her, he watches the flicking TV, his hand absently picking up a random tendril of her hair and twirling it around his middle finger. He would never admit it to any of his three friends, but he loves the way she can't make up her mind. He loves how messed up she is because it makes her unique...besides how many people get to say that they were able to fix and completely shattered girl and maker her whole again. Be able to make her face light up in that dazzling smile and bring that irreplaceable twinkle back her eyes.

"Asher look they're showing Paranormal Activity 2! Wanna watch it?"

"Well technically I'll be the only one watching it. You'll be cowering behind my bicep like a little kitten." Harmony's jaw drops.

"Wanna bet?"

"Oh keep your money Harm, I know you so I know I'm right." Asher smirks cockily at her stunned face.


Almost 20 minutes into my movie, Harmony's hogging the popcorn. The still warm bag is clutched in her small hands, her body curled into a ball. Asher laughs seeing her shiver at something on the screen. The movie isn't remotely scary but she hates anything horror after her time with Matt.

Almost 45 into the movie, Harmony's on her second bag of popcorn. She's curled into a small ball around the popcorn bag, shoving the buttery food into her mouth in hand fulls. Asher shakes his head. It's only a matter of time before she cracks.

An hour and 10 minutes into the movie, Harmony jumps almost 5 feet in the air, sending the fresh batch popcorn all over the place. The added butter sears her pale skin painfully, eliciting a pained scream from her lips. Asher immediately jumps to her aid, grabbing the rubbing alcohol from the bathroom and patting it onto her searing skin.

"Asher it's not working!!”Harmony groans.

“That's because it's expired!!”Asher groans loudly, looking around for a sustitude.

Harmony slaps his arm. “How the hell did you buy expired alcohol, I thought it took years to expire! Just go to the store, and hurry!” She can't help but laugh as Asher rushes around, grabbing his keys and jacket while trying to assure that she won't die on him. His ash blonde flies after him as he zips from room to room. “Go!!”

Asher stops moving and finally runs out of the house, throwing a quick 'don't die!' to her on his way out.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's took me forever, sorry :)
I just couldn't seem to get the chapter right. I was like:

It didn't help that my best friend was right next to me like:
"Make up your mind woman!!"
I don't really like this chapter but, may be you do? Comment to let me know :)