Dreaming of Wizards


As soon as my head hit the pillow on a night I was him. You must dream, we all dream at some point in our lives, even fluffy animals dream. Dreams are ideas which reside deep inside our mind and little do people know, dreams are matter from the universe, from dead bodies, from wasted minds. Whatever a person had lived and experienced is a memory and when that person dies for whatever reason, the memory is obliterated as the mind rots or is burned. The memories are cast out into matter and float around the universe until another person is born. I just happen to be experiencing the life of magic every single night of my life. This person is not from our planet, I don’t know what planet he was from but I certainly know everything about the guy. When he died he was a Master Wizard, an honour bestowed on him by his fellow Mystics. God, what am I saying? This man was just a character, born in my subconscious, he was fantastic in a way nobody else could be. He saved lives and risked his own and had the mind of a genius without even showing it.
I put my head on my pillow and closed my eyes’; dreaming about this character was almost a need now the dreams were gripping. I needed to be there, I wanted it more than I wanted my next breath, but I knew I had work tomorrow. I just wanted to be him once more.

Fires were burning around me; the dragon flew around the castle, trying to destroy the little creature that was pestering it. This wasn’t a job for a Wizard; it was a job for a Knight. The top of the grey stone castle crunched and fell sideways, crushing part of the deep dark forest. I sucked in a breath and sighed, I needed to get rid of it, and just thinking of the correct spell was the difficult part. I ran down the spiral staircase, stairs such as these made me incredibly dizzy. I felt the side of the tower heat up, the dragon was breathing fire in my direction, which meant it had heard my movements and knew where I was. The hunt was on, I was the mouse and it was the eagle. I reached the bottom of the stairs and came to a wooden door. I tried the handle of the heavy door and realised it was locked. I kicked the door and sighed at my stupidity; I looked at my wooden staff in my hand and didn’t even think it over. The tower was history anyway; the Mystic’s won’t miss a simple guard post.

The dragon flew overhead roaring as it went, I slammed the bottom of my staff against the stone floor and willed energy from my brain and my heart into the fire spell. I pointed the staff at the door and released a small fireball against the door. The speed of the spell threw the heavy wooden door outwards and onto the grass outside. As I walked out the dragon caught sight of the door, I felt proud; dragons aren’t the only creatures that can make fire you know. I swung the staff so it spun a full circle in my arms and slammed the staff on the floor willing energy into another spell. The dragon may have looked down upon me as feeble little creature but that feeble little creature had done something pretty damn powerful. Frost sprayed out of my staff and onto the floor that the dragon was going to use as a runway. The great beast landed on the floor with a roar of pain. Frost power affects dragons in a way I can’t really explain; I think they’re quite allergic to cold temperatures. The dragon’s huge tail spun to knock me off my feet and probably into the sky but I jumped to the side in fear, although I admit, it was a sensible kind of fear.

I watched as the dragon’s heavy tail slammed into the remaining part of the tower, knocking the structure to the floor. The dragon roared as my staff breathed more frost onto its titanic body. Huge jaws came to meet me so I ran behind the burning structure for my very life. Mud seeped into my black jeans, an irritated noise escaped from my mouth. The dragon’s wings flapped noisily and the great enemy took off from the freezing ground, it would have been foolish for the beast to stick around. I jumped over the cover I had been using and sprinted for the woods, the dragon wouldn’t be able to follow me in there very easily. The moon in the sky was taken away by the huge dragon blinding me and slowing my escape. The beast was directly above me, roaring in anger; I could feel its anger, literally. Wizards have very attuned senses. We can sense feelings in almost anything. My way forward was visible again because of a burst of dragon fire. The trees which were my cover slowly caught fire and made the very idea of my escape impossible.

I ran out of the woods and looked into the yellow eyes of the dragon. The dragon looked back to me and I briefly saw its body convulse with fear. If a Wizard stares at a human the human will instantly convulse in fear, then why the hell did the dragon? I lifted up the staff above my head and thought of the very dark clouds, I felt the clouds, I knew what they were capable of. I swung my staff and shouted; “Fulmen.” The staff vibrated in my hands, I used an effort of will to throw the spell from the staff. The lightning that shot from the tip of my staff struck the dragon in its iron grey wing. I heard a mighty and terrible roar as the dragon fell to the ground, its days of aviation over. The dragon it the frost on the floor and disappeared. I rushed to the place where the dragon had fallen. There lay a woman. She had fair hair leading all the way down her back. Scars were dotted around her body like doodles in a sketchbook. I bent down to her body and checked for a pulse, my cloak blowing in the wind.

I placed my hat back on my head and straightened the dark purple velvet cloak around my neck. The woman hadn’t any possessions, when she had transformed back from the dragon into a human she had fallen naked. I had carried her to the burning tower when I could feel no pulse. As I watched the corpse burn I threw the bodies of the guards who had worked at this tower, one had already been burned to ash. I straightened my trilby on my head and stood up. “What a waste.”

The bright sunlight flooded through my window, I groaned and tried to get a little more sleep before my alarm clock woke me up but I was too wide awake. I was disappointed that I’d been taken away from him so damn soon. I couldn’t have had another ten minutes with the Master Wizard? I was confused as I began to think over the dream. I had only seemed to relay the latter parts of the Wizard’s life, I hadn’t seen the former. Now I seemed to be dreaming of him as a young man. He was my age, he was in his thirties by the looks of it and he had just been knocked out. God, I need to see more, I just want to know what happened. I got up and collected my things for work. If I got the day over with quick enough I’d be able to get an early night. I thought of the dragon and how the Wizard had used the power of the clouds to defeat it. He was just my idol, was there anything he couldn’t do? I ran out to my car and pulled away for another boring day at the office.
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