Status: In progress ;)

Home Sweet Hole

Chapter 1

The next day was no different. I walked into school, and was instantly aware of Kelly watching me with a disgusted look on her face. Feeling a burst of confidence, I strode past her prentending not to notice her. Until, of course, I felt her hands gripping my arm in a tight grasp.
She spun me around and I fliched as she aimed her fist, ready to throw a punch. As I cringed, I felt surprise ripple through the gathering crowd and I dared to open my eyes. Kelly was staring incredulously at a tall boy with dark, shaggy hair who had his hand wrapped around Kelly's wrist.
"Back. Off." His voice was a deep and sexy. I don't know about any of the other girls, but I was mesmerized. Not only had this stranger saved me from Kelly, but he was hot.
Kelly tried to look unintimidated, but it was clear that everyone except for me was scared of this newcomer. She huffed and pulled her fist free, sending one last glare at me over her shoulder as she walked angrily away.
The crowd thinned, and I took a chance to thank the boy.
"Thankyou, sooo much," I smiled, unable to maintain proper eye contact without staring.
"No problem," he shrugged, like it was in his every day nature to stop bullies from punching little punks like me. "I'm new here. Mind showing me around?" His words seemed unnatural, almost forced, like he was reciting a line from a manual book.
I cast him a funny gaze as I motioned for him to follow me to my locker. "Um, sure. It's a pretty small place. Easy to learn your way around,"
What the hell am I doing!? I thought. This boy obviously wants something
, and I'm pushing him away!
"I'm Salem, by the way," I laughed slightly as I held out my hand for him to shake, balancing my heavy stack of books on one arm. They began to topple over and I sighed, but Rune caught them with impecable speed. "How'd you do that?"
He ignored my question and handed me my books. "I'm Rune." He grabbed my hand and shook it, his hand barely grabbing mine as if he were afraid to hurt me. I snorted off that ridiculous idea- I may bruise easily, but I'd become immune almost to small pains.
"Nice to meet you." I shoved my books in my locker. I had p.e. first period. "What's your schedule?"
The end of the day came faster than I'd anticipated. It turns out, Rune had a schedule similar to mine, but we only had two out of the eight classes together. One of them, as luck would have it, was my favorite period- english. It was the end of the day, my eighth period class, and it was almost always kinda laid back for an english class. Rune sat across the room from me, but I swear I felt his eyes on me once or twice during the day.
When the bell rang, I collected my books and turned around. He was still sitting, casually glancing in my direction, pretending to read the board. Inspite of myself, I shed a half-smile. His eyes met mine for a half a second and then he looked away. I got the feeling there was more to him than what meets the eye. On the outside he appeared to be just like me- into different things than the other kids here- things that get you a bad rep.
There was just something different about him, something I couldn't put my finger on....
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoever's reading this (as I only have to readers now) I hope you enjoy it. (:
Btw, since this is a bit short, this is like a part 1 for chapter 1. :p