Status: Update every other day!

Memory Field

Day Zero.

“Who does that guy think he is?!” I pulled into the parking lot of the library. “I mean really!” I walked on inside into the back where the employees were allowed. “Woh! Who has got you worked up?” Amanda.
She was a co-worker and a close friend. “Some idiot who tore up the left side of my car!” Amanda laughed. “I love how worked up you get. It makes for great entertainment.”

Ah Amanda Smith. She always got the biggest kick out of my misery but she was the closest person to me. And no she doesn’t know about my “condition”. I refuse to tell anyone.

I don’t want pity. I want friendship and happiness. I can never achieve that if people knew. Anyways my time is running out. I have 91 days left.

“Earth to Lottie!” Amanda had been waving a hand in front of my face. “What?” She shook her head. “You were talking about the guy who screwed your car up.” I sighed. “Next time when I forget don’t remind me of it again.”
“Alrighty!” She went back to the front to sort books. I grabbed the cart full of returns.

Suddenly the song Somebody’s Watching Me by Rockwell started to ring through my shorts. “I knew I picked the right song for mom.” I sighed. “Hello?” I leaned over the cart.
“Jack Hunter is coming to see you.” Jack? Jack Hunter? Jack Hun...! “Mom! Why did you tell him to come here!? He’s Noah’s friend not mine! He’s never liked me! Why would you do that?!”

“Don’t yell at me young lady!” I rolled my eyes. “And don’t roll your eyes either. Now I asked Jack to come see you because you need at least someone watching over you.” I could hear dad’s TV in the background.
“Mom. Why is he coming here? We were never friends and he doesn’t even live here.” Mom scoffed. “Oh yes he does! He has an estate there. He said he would be okay with you living with him for awhile. It’s perfect!”

She always thought about herself. “It’s perfect for you! But it’s going to be awkward for both of us! He picked on me! He even once said he hated me!” Mom was silent. “I take your silence as you don’t care.”
“Okay you will be meeting him at his house. I will text you with the address and his phone number. Make sure to put it in your notebook and phone. Love you! Bye!” She hung up before I could say another word.

“I cannot do this!” I grabbed my stuff and walked to the front where I saw Amanda heading to the elevator. “Amanda!” She turned around. “Yeah?” I held my fast paced walk. “Can you cover for me today?” She nodded. “Yeah, why?”
“I need to go drink my sorrows away.” She laughed. “Alright. Happy drinking!”

The entire drive to the bar I ranted to myself about everything and everyone. I pulled up to the parking lot and got out. “Ah Benji’s. The perfect place to forget about life.” I stuffed my bag under my car seat and took my cash and my phone in.
“Lottie!” Benji. He was a sweet person. He wouldn’t let anything happen to me here if I got drunk…..which I planned on doing just that.

“What brings you to my bar at 4 in the afternoon?” I laughed setting myself upon a stool. “My mom.” Benji smiled then gave me a water. “Story of my life.” He then handed me an open beer.
“What would you do if you had a paranoid, overprotective, annoying, only cares for herself mom?” He laughed then leaned over the counter. “I moved out and bought a bar.”

Benji Moore. I’ve only known him for about a month but during that time he has helped me out of tight spots. He’s asked me out twice and both times I told him I wasn’t ready for a relationship.
Being the gentleman he is he told me not to worry. We could just go on being great friends. I mean he’s handsome, charming and kind but I don’t want a relationship when I’ll be gone in three months.

“So why is she acting like that?” He cleaned the counter top. “Because I moved away unexpectedly and she didn’t like that.” Benji high fived me. “Nice!” He laughed. “Can I have three beers?” Benji nodded to a husky man. He was bald, no facial hair whatsoever; he wore jeans, a wedding ring and a black ACDC shirt.
Benji handed the guy the beers. “What?” He looked from me to the guy with the beers. “He’s married.” We both watched as the guy handed his friend and a girl a beer then sat down next to her draping his arm around her shoulders.

“Yeah and that’s his wife.” I turned back to the bar shaking my head. “No, she isn’t wearing a wedding ring.” Benji laughed. “Thanks Sherlock Holmes.” I sat my phone on the counter top.
“You’re welcome Watson.”

Four drinks later I’m slurring my words, spilling my drinks everywhere and ranting to Benji about my entire life while being careful not to spill my memory beans.
The last thing I remember was telling Benji that I had a dream about him a couple of weeks back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to my first commenter SilentSymphony!! Your comment meant a lot to me!

Anyways please comment more I will discontinue.

I hope you are enjoying my story so far!