Status: Update every other day!

Memory Field

Day One.

It was the field again. I was there sitting in the grass. I was picking multiple “wish makers” I grasped them all in one hand then blew. It was like it was cut from a movie. Each piece floated up then followed the currant of the wind.

The sun felt warm on my skin, the grass felt nice. It was perfect. It was peaceful. This was my heaven. This was where I was going to end up.

Then it hit me like a wave of pain. My head started throbbing. The beautiful vision started to fade. What was wrong? Why did my head feel like it was going to explode?

“Bloody Hell!” I popped straight up. “My head is killing me!” I pulled my legs up to my chest and put my forehead against my legs while covering my ears. The pain wasn’t going away.
It ached, burned, thrashed, and thrived. It was like fire.

“It’s called a hangover.” A tall clear glass appeared in front of me. It held tomato juice with a celery stick hanging to the side. “What? Who?!” I screeched pushing myself back to the head of the bed.
“It’s kind of funny that you don’t remember me. Have I changed that much?” Was this person a creeper? Stalker? Benji? Oh no! Why would Benji do this?! Well unless he was taking care of me.

“Oh for crying out loud!” The glass clanked on the stand next to the bed. “It’s me Jack Hunter! Noah, your older brother’s best friend?” I looked up to find Jack in all of his pajama glory.
“Jack?” He sighed then nodded. “Sorry I didn’t recognize your voice.” He laughed sitting at the edge of the bed. “Yeah well both my voice and appearance has changed. I mean I got better looking reading glasses then the ones I had back in high school.”

I took acknowledgement of his new found glasses. “Sanzy. Now how did I get here?” I paused, looked around then met Jack’s gaze. “Wherever here is.” He laughed and got up. “You called me.” He shook his head.
“I’m still surprised you haven’t noticed your hair yet.” I looked at him. My head did feel surprisingly lighter and I didn’t see my wavy brown locks flowing over my shoulders. Calmly looking about the room I located the bathroom and ran to it.

“What happened to my hair?!!” My hair was much shorter than yesterday. “What do you mean?” He leaned on the inside of the bathroom door. “It’s boyish!” He laughed. “No it’s called a “pixie”.”
“It’s hideous!” He shook his head. “I’m actually fond of it. Your old hair cut didn’t do you justice.” I glared. “I’m going to show you some justice.” I mumbled under my breath.

“Tell me the whole story.” Jack shrugged his shoulders. “Long story short, you called me from a bar called Benji’s. Said you needed to be picked up. I came. I brought you to my car but you pulled out scissors and cut the right side of your hair….god knows why.”
“So then I took you to a salon. They cut your hair then I took you back here.” My mouth dropped. “I got drunk, cut my hair and ended up in a guy’s house….all in one night.”

I walked past him and into the room. “What are you doing?” He followed behind me. “I’m getting my clothes, and then I’m getting out of here.” He once again leaned against the door frame.
“The clothes you were wearing last night were gross so I threw them away, your car is back at that bar and you’re wearing my shirt.” He was the same Jack Hunter I remembered.

“So I’ll walk barefoot, in your shirt back to the bar.” I nodded giving myself some motivation. “Yeah and get kidnapped on the way.” He shook his head and rolled his eyes. “You’re the same Lottie Keane I remember.”
“Same goes for you buck-o.” He scoffed then walked out of the room. “Breakfast is on the island if you want some!”

I sighed then followed Jack admiring the view on the way. “This place is great!” His house looked like it was a good distance from the city. “Thanks. It’s all mine, house and land.” Jack went to the kitchen and I went to the big windows in his living room.

He had a wooden pathway that wrapped around the house and led up to the driveway. On one side of the wooden path there was a pond. It had Lilly pads floating about. “Seriously how did you get so rich?!”
Jack took a spot by me. “My father owned Hunter Stadiums. It wasn’t very successful until he passed it onto me.” He stuck his hands in his grey pajama pants. “Now we have exactly 48 stadiums around the world and counting.”

“I see you have come a long way. How’s your father anyways?” He scratched his head. “He passed away a year ago.” Jack went back into the kitchen. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up the past.”
I followed Jack. “Don’t worry about it. My old man and I never really were on good terms.” He had two plates set out. He put a variety of fruits in a white bowl and filled our plates with eggs, bacon, and fried potatoes.

“This is seriously good!” I kind of felt like a monster eating this food. “Why does that surprise you?” I shrugged then finished chewing. “Well because I never pinned you as the cooking type.”
“And I never pinned you as the drunken type.” I shook my head. “Touché.” Two silent bites later Jack finally spoke. “So why does your mom want you to stay with me for awhile?”

“She’s paranoid.” I stabbed a pineapple with my fork. “We all know that but what’s the real reason?” Crap! How could I do this and get a way with it? “Well….uh….I moved here without really telling my parents.”
“They didn’t like that so now my mom calls me every two hours to make sure I’m still alive.” Jack laughed. “Your mom is great isn’t she!?” He put his fork down. “I mean I remember this one time Noah and I snuck out of the house just to sit outside and stargaze. She ended up calling the cops saying we were kidnapped.”

“Good times. I kind of wish we could go back to those days.” He picked his fork up again and started eating. “I don’t. You picked on me.” Jack chuckled almost choking at the same time.
“Silly Lottie. I liked you back then.” He drank some orange juice. “I can’t believe you never noticed.” I sipped my orange juice. “It was kind of hard to when you said you hated me.”

“Yeah I remember that and I also remember that I was angry that day. Sorry.” I waved my hand. “Water under the bridge.” We finished our breakfast while just chatting about the past.

“So do you want to go pick up your stuff today.” Jack washed all the dishes and I dried. “What do you mean?” He handed me a washed plate. “I mean you’re going to live with me.”
“Still?” He laughed nodding his head. “Yeah. I did kind of promise your mom.” I sucked in a deep breath. “Fine. Okay.” Jack turned off the water and dried his hands. “Well we better get there and back.”

“Why?” He led me to his room. “Cause there’s supposed to be a blizzard coming.” He opened his walk-in closet and pulled out a woman’s outfit. “Why do you have women clothes in your closet?”
“Just in case if I have a girl over.” I nodded and took the clothes. “Glad to know that you’re a womanizer.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is third chapter!

Please comment telling me whether I should Keep or Kill

Thanks and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!

Next one up in a couple of days!