Status: Update every other day!

Memory Field

Day One: Part Two.

“Seriously where is your apartment?!” Jack did a u-turn almost causing an accident in the process. “It’s just down this street.” I held in my laughter. “You suck at directions Charlotte.”
I pointed to a small apartment that was kind of hidden by trees. “Who would have thought this was an apartment?” He pulled into the small parking lot. “It’s on the second floor.”

Jack followed behind me up the stairs. “Seriously! They only have stairs outside?” I stopped at my door then turned to him. “What?” I had locked the door and I didn’t have the keys. “My keys are in my purse….in my car.”
Jack walked back down the stairs and went inside. “He’s so melodramatic.”

A couple minutes later Jack walks back out with keys. “I got an extra pair.” He handed me the keys and I opened the door. “But what about my car? My purse?” He waved his hand.
“We’ll get your purse but your car stays.” He acted like my father. “Thanks dad.” I grabbed my suit case and started taking my draws out one by one.

“Oh come on!” The outfit Jack gave me, the short skirt kept riding up. “Okay before I continue I’m going to change.” I grabbed some of my clothes and got up. “Why?” Jack stood at the entrance of my bedroom door.
“Because these clothes make me feel like a prostitute.” He laughed. “I think they’re hot on you. But whatever.” He went back into the living room and I shut my door.

I changed into an off white shirt that had the Doors on it, blue jean shorts, and black tights then slipped on a pair of my favorite black lace up boots. I finished stuffing all my clothes in my suit case.
“Here are all my clothes.” I went into the living room where Jack had been packing the pictures up. “Honestly?!”

“What?” He massaged his temples. “You look like a 15 year old!” I looked down at my clothes. “I like them.” He rolled his eyes. “We are going shopping for clothes that are meant for 21 year olds!”
“I’m not going to be seen with someone who likes like a teenager! People will think I’m robbing the cradle.” I frowned then went to go get the rest of my stuff (which wasn’t much).

“Is that all?” I put the rest of the stuff from the room and bathroom in a box by the front door. “Yeah. The rest came with the apartment.” Jack took a deep breath and grabbed boxes and started loading it in his car.
“You don’t have to do it all by yourself.” I grabbed the box I had just set down and took it down to his car.

We finished putting all the stuff in his car. “I’ll give the dude the key.” He grabbed the apartment key and walked into the front office. Jack came back out a couple minutes later. “Okay that guy is a slum lord. Just saying.”
“What do you mean by that?” I got in and buckled up. “Exactly what I mean.” Jack started up the car and backed out of the parking lot. “Benji’s?” I nodded silently.

We passed a couple of Subway’s and tattoo parlors on the way. “Who puts a Subway next to a tattoo shop?” Jack laughed. “Apparently they do.” Benji’s was on the outer skirts of town.
“So you have any girlfriends?” I turned the music down just so I could hear his answer. “Nope, haven’t had one for a couple of years.” I nodded. “Why do you ask?”

“You just seem like the kind of guy who would have a girlfriend or possibly a fiancé by now.” Jack glared. “By now? Are you saying I’m old?” I laughed. “I’m only 27.” I snorted as I kept laughing.
“Oh Lottie.” He joined in on the laughter creating a melody of joy.

Jack calmed down. “Make sure you get all your items that you want out of the car also.” My gaze met the road. “Why?” He switched lanes. “Cause I’m having that car towed to the junk yard.”
“Why? It’s a working car!” He raised an eyebrow. “Lottie it’s falling apart.” Jack pulled into the parking lot of Benji’s. He pulled in behind my car. “You get your stuff and I will call the tow company.”
I rolled my eyes and got out of the car and unlocked mine. I picked up my purse then sat there in the driver’s seat. I really didn’t have anything else….. “Oh shit!” I slammed the door.

“What?” Jack stepped out. “I forgot I had food in the trunk of my car.” Stupid memory! “Well then get it.” I threw my purse at him. “It’s been in there for two days. I’m good.” I got in his car.
“Alright. Well the Tow Company will be out tomorrow to pick it up.” He put the car in drive and drove out of the parking lot. “Where are we going?”

“Don’t act like you’ve forgot. We’re going to buy you some new clothes.” I was hoping he would forget. “Do we have to?” He nodded.

The “fun” day of shopping ended rather quickly. Not only did we just shop at one place but we had to leave early cause of the storm coming in. Jack on the other hand might as well bought the entire store out.

“A couple of shirts and pants would have been fine. You didn’t have to buy me one of everything!” I got out of his car. Jack slammed his door. “Well if you wouldn’t wear such childish clothes then we wouldn’t be in this predicament!”
He popped the trunk which held all my boxes from my apartment. “Hey I like those childish clothes!” I snatched a box and stomped my feet up to the wooden path then onto the house.

“What are you five?! Stop stomping your feet!” I actually don’t know when we started yelling at one another. “I can stomp all I want! You’re not my boss!” I put the box down inside the front door and went back to get more boxes.
Jack and I passed one another over and over again not talking. Finally Jack had the last box in hand as I passed him.

I started to grab the clothes when the sky darkened, the wind picked up and snow started falling. Jack opened the other side of the back seat. “Get as much as you can! I’ll get the rest!”
I nodded and filled my hands up with the bags of clothes. Jack took the rest; we shut the doors and ran inside.

“They weren’t kidding when they said it was going to be a snow storm!” I sat down on the bed that was now full of bags. “Yeah well.” Jack grabbed all the boxes and brought them in the room while I took off my shoes.
“Hey thanks.” He nodded. “Hey Jack.” He turned around. “Sorry.” He waved his hand. “Don’t worry about it. I always tend to go overboard with things.”

Jack went to bed early since he had some big meeting in the morning. However I couldn’t sleep. I put on a purple t-shirt, black pajama pants and tucked that inside my mid-calf fuzzy slippers, brewed some tea and sat criss-crossed on the couch watching the storm outside.
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I'm really excited for this story! I have high hopes and plans!

Please comment to tell me what you think!

I hoped you enjoyed!