Status: Update every other day!

Memory Field

Day Two.

“Yes, yes I will be there in 30.” Jack fixed his tie walking into the living room. “Now, where’s my watch?” He skimmed over magazines before coming across his watch and Charlotte.
“Charlotte?” She was asleep on the couch, legs curled up to chest, hands supporting head and a cup on the coffee table.

Jack went to the hall closet and removed an extra blanket and pillow. “The things I do for you.” He sighed. He draped the blanket over her and gently pushed the pillow under her head. He finished the rest of his morning routine.

The field. There was a gentle breeze that touched my hair. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and felt the world calm. Nature filled every sense. I then opened my eyes to the lime colored grass below me.

My eyes began to open. I faced the ceiling. A couple seconds later I got up. “So tired.” I groaned picking up the cup, bringing it to the sink. My feet dragged from the kitchen, to the bathroom then to my room.
I took a quick glimpse at the clock. “7:46. I can sleep a little longer.” I pulled the covers back and threw myself into the bed. “Comfy.”

I’m pretty sure I wasn’t that tired but it felt like I haven’t touched a bed in ages.

“Hey! Lottie! Charlotte! Hey!” I heard Jack’s voice. “Mmmmmm. What?” I groaned then turned over. “You need to wake up! You’ve been sleeping all day.” I turned back over and forced my eyes open.
“No it’s only 7 in the morning.” I tried to push him back so I could pull the covers over my face. “No it’s not. It’s 5 in the evening.” Jack stood there.

“What?” I sat up. “That’s impossible. I was only going to sleep for one more hour.” Jack’s face filled with amusement. “I think you over slept.” I frowned. “Oh be quiet Apple Jack.” I tried to kick him.
“Next time you try to do that, I have the right to maul you. Now let’s cook some dinner.” He stepped out of the room.

“Hmph!” I grabbed the brush by the stand. I felt even more tired and even more sluggish than I did the day before.

The kitchen smelt of dough and herbs. “What are you making?” I sat down at the island. “What we will be making is homemade pizza.” Pizza sounded great. “Yeah but I don’t know how to cook Pizza.”
“I shall teach you.”

Jack took one side of the island and I took the other. We each made one pizza. “Seriously! How do you make it round?” I massaged my temples. “You really do suck at cooking.” Jack looked up from his pizza dough and started laughing.
“What?” I touched my face in different spots, which in turn made him laugh even harder. “Okay seriously!” Jack walked over to my side of the island.

He seized a napkin and wiped my face. “You’re so cute.” For a moment my heart fluttered. “Uh…thanks.” Jack paused. “You honestly don’t know how beautiful you are do you?”
“And you don’t know how silly you sound do you?” I took a step back and breathed for the first time in minutes. “Yeah well I’m a silly person.” Jack threw the napkin away and walked to his side of the island.
“Now I’ll show you how to make a proper circle.”

Thirty-three long minutes later we finally got the pizzas in the oven. “I vow never to make a pizza again.” Jack leaned against the counter, crossing his arms. “How’s Noah?” He changed the subject.
“I don’t know. I haven’t seen him since he left for the Military four years ago.” Jack nodded slightly. “Yeah I haven’t seen him for five.” He pulled out a bottle of wine and two glasses with it.

“Here.” He poured the wine. “Pizza and wine. Interesting combination.” I took a sip of the blood colored drink. It was soothing on my throat yet strong on my senses. “I heard you graduated from high school at top of your class.”
“Yeah but it wasn’t easy.” Jack liked to change the subject pretty quickly. “But you did it. Not many people can say that.”

The pizza dinged and one by one we took them out. Mine was cheese and Canadian bacon and Jack’s was meat lovers. “Smells great doesn’t it?” I nodded taking a whiff of the rich smell.

We each took a piece of pizza and the wine to the living room. I pulled my legs to my chest and Jack propped his legs on the coffee table while he turned on the TV.
We watched this thing on ABC called Comedy week.
We finished our pizzas within minutes, drank our wine one sip at time but continued to laugh. Before I knew it my eyes were struggling to stay open.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the late chapter. I was babysitting my mom's friends daughter, my mom's friend's boss's son and my sister in-law's little sister. So yeah crazy.

Please comment and tell me what you think

Update Date: 11/13/11