Status: Update every other day!

Memory Field

Day Three.

My sanctuary. My field. I looked up towards the sun. It slowly became hidden by black clouds. This has never happened before. It then started to rain and hard. The blue dress I wore was now soaked.
Bright lights would pass in front of my eyes like a car driving at night. The lights became brighter. “Watch out!!!” Someone screamed.

I pushed myself from where I was lying. “What was that?” I took deep breaths, each one slowing after the other. “That has never happened before.”
My breathing became normal and I sighed. It wasn’t until then I realized I was in my own bed. “What happened?” I got up and walked into the living room where it was dark (of course).

I then peeked into Jack’s room where he lay sleeping. “You’ve been so good to me.” I sighed then made my way back into my bedroom.

I didn’t sleep at all. I was afraid to. Laying there I stared out the window. I wasn’t really even tired. I was more scared than anything else. I then thought about Noah and the day he boarded the plane.

We had fought a lot within that year but that day he still managed to make it a great one. He didn’t like a lot of things I did and he was afraid when he came back I wouldn’t know who he was.
I was afraid of that too. He knew everything about me. Even when we were little kids we made up our own language and we, both still remembered it as we grew older. He understood me when our parents didn’t.

I wrapped the comforter around my body and walked into the kitchen. I made some coffee and sat there on the bar stool in darkness.

Night soon became morning. “Morning.” Jack strode into the kitchen wearing blue pajama pants and no shirt. “Morning to you too.” He grabbed two apples and handed me one. “Didn’t sleep well huh?”
“Yeah.” He took a bite of the apple. “Nightmare?” I shook my head. “No I just slept too much to sleep again.” Jack stole my cup of coffee and poured it out. “Eat.” He pointed at the apple.

I took a bite then read a text on my phone. “This is just great.” Sarcasm was my daily cup of Joe. “What?” He threw his apple in the garbage. “Rachel from high school wants to meet up.”
“Why is that a bad thing?” He raised an eyebrow. “Because last time we talked I told her I was married.” Jack chuckled. “You told Rachel Barr that you were married? Why?” I groaned then set the apple down.

“Because she was getting married at that time.” Jack laughed even harder. “So you want to prove that your life is better than hers?” I nodded in silence. “Well I guess it can’t be helped.” He walked out of the kitchen.
“Text her back and tell her that you and your husband will be glad to meet up.” Jack walked away. “Wait! What does that mean?” I followed after him into his bedroom.

“It means I’d love to pose as your pretend husband.” My mouth dropped. “Oh honey.” He walked over to me, closed my mouth then winked. “Text her and tell her we’ll meet at Lion’s.”
I then walked into my room while texting. “I think I’m going to faint.” I inhaled and exhaled slowly. “Pull it together Charlotte! You can do this!” I mentally prepared myself then opened the closet.

I put together an outfit. I wore a grey and white striped pullover shirt that I tucked into black bubble hem shorts with a pair of seal grey bow lace high heels. “Hot.” Jack leaned against the wall.
“Thanks you too.” Jack wore a black blazer, a grey tank top under (which showed his muscular torso), a black pair of jeans with extremely nice black shoes. “Let’s go.”

Jack grabbed my hand before I moved past him. “One last detail.” He put a ring on my finger. “This would be bad if we forgot that.” He too had one on his ring finger. “Thanks.”
If it wasn’t already hard to breathe. My phone sounded with the text message ringtone. “She said okay.” Jack smiled. “This is going to be fun.”

A short car ride later we were in Lion’s café parking lot. “You okay?” Jack unbuckled. “Yeah…..I think.” He grabbed my hand. “You’ll be just fine. I’ll be there with you.”
“Yeah cause that helps.” I got out with my purse in hand. Jack came around the car and took my hand in his. “Let’s go honey.” Lion’s was famously known for their home made wine and butternut muffins.

“Oh! Char!!” I looked to my left side to find Rachel with someone else. “Hey Rachel!” I acted like she didn’t betray, hurt, and humiliate me back in high school.

The guy turned around. “Robert?” I lowered my hand. “Who’s Robert?” Jack put his other hand on my back. “My first love.” Rachel threw me into a bear hug. “How long has it been?!”
I shook Robert from my thoughts. “It seems like forever. Doesn’t it?” Rachel nodded. “You remember Robert?” I nodded and shook his hand. Of course I do. I told you how I liked him back in high school.

“And this must be your husband?” I smiled. “Rachel.” She held out her hand for him to shake. “Jack. Let’s grab a table.” Jack shook her hand then grabbed my hand. We sat by a window. “You look like you’re doing well.” She patted my hand.
“I’m doing well myself. Married to the man of my dreams.” She linked arms with him. “With a little baby girl on the way.” She then did an Eskimo kiss with him.

Jack grabbed my hand. “We’re pretty great ourselves.” He nudged me to continue. “Uh, yeah we’re going to Italy next month for our anniversary.” Rachel’s face dropped just a little.
“Oh really?” Jack nodded. “Yeah it’s just a little trip. It’s the least I can do for her. She is carrying my baby twins after.” Not only were they shocked but I was too. “Right honey?” I nodded.

“Yeah, I’m only two weeks along.” I really shouldn’t have said that. Rachel tilted her head giving me a pity look. “Aw then you can come see my child before yours are due.” Robert rubbed her stomach.
“We also bought a little house in the suburbs! She squealed like a five year old. “We plan on having five or six kids.” I squeezed my knee. “That’s good for you.”

“How many do you two plan on having?” Jack looked at me, giving me a slight elbow nudge. “Only two.” She once again gave me a pity look. “Oh well I guess two is fine also.”
Jack leaned into my ear. “Be the bigger person.” He fell back into his seat smiling at Robert and Rachel. “Two is perfect for us. It will be easier to travel with two children. Not to mention, easier to raise.”

Robert went to say something and Rachel hushed him. “Well our towels say R.R on it. You know like rest and relaxation? That’s what our relationship is. It’s all sunshine and flowers.”
She raised her eyebrow like she wanted me to try and top that. I wasn’t going to. No I didn’t want to. I was tired of her manipulating ways!

I gave a slight laugh. “Okay I could handle your fake attitude, I could handle the snide remarks but this is the last straw!” I stood up and threw water at her. “You knew I liked Robert in high school.”
“Goodbye Rachel and have a good life!” I pulled my purse over my shoulder and stomped out. Jack followed behind. “I thought you liked me when you were in high school?”

I turned around. “No, what made you think that?” He shrugged. “I don’t know. The way you were towards me.” I shook my head. “I acted like that because I’m not a people person.”
“And you were 22 when I was 16. Kind of gross.” Jack shrugged. “So now that you’ve told off your ex best friend what next do you have on your list?” He acted like it was some sort of bucket list. “Going home.”
♠ ♠ ♠
OMO! Thank you all my wonderful commenters!!!!
Amanishi Vengeance
Estella Marie
Derek Fitz
the power of justice
Edward Teach

Update Date: 11/15/11

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I hope you have enjoyed!!!