Status: Update every other day!

Memory Field

Day Four.

I laid on the couch pouting. “Seriously? Why are you pouting?” Jack lifted up my feet, sat down then put my legs over his legs. “Because!” He raised an eyebrow. “You told her off. I thought that was great.”
“Says the person who calls my mom great.” I threw my head back on the couch. “Anyways that was yesterday. Today is a new day.” He hit my feet. “Ow!” I yelped sitting up and grabbing my feet.

“You have to work today right?” I nodded rubbing my red feet. “Then stop whining and get ready.” He stood up making my feet hit the couch. “I have to work too.” Jack exited the living room.
“Yeah I guess I better get ready.” I reached for my phone then made my way to the bedroom. I really didn’t want to work. But people didn’t get by in this world by not doing so.

My closet was full of unknown clothes that Jack had bought. Granite they were all extremely cute even down to the shoes but he didn’t need to go and buy me new clothes when I had some already.
Yawning I skimmed through the abundance of clothes, hoping to find something cute and comfortable.

Towards the end of the shirts hanging up. I actually found a shirt I liked. It was a swing top in the color of light coral. I found a tan blazer, a light blue pair of skinny jeans and grabbed a pair of floral flats and added some wooden bangles to my attire.
“Not bad Charlotte Anne Keane.” I walked down the hall and into the bathroom. I did my makeup in all natural and brushed what hair I did have left.

“Well I think I’m ready.” I walked into the living room where Jack finished fixing his tie. “Alright let’s go then.” Jack opened the door then shut and locked it after him. “Library right?” I nodded silently.
When we reached the car Jack had unlocked the car and opened my door. “Well thanks. You didn’t have to do that though.” He shrugged then got in.

The drive was incredibly long and quiet. Jack had a mixture of the heat and the music on. It was relaxing yet it made me want to fall asleep. I rolled the window down just a tad. “Are you hot?” I shook my head.
“No it’s just making me tired.” I smiled weakly. “Are you okay?” I finally asked. He seemed different from early this morning. “Yeah, I just have a huge presentation today.” He took a right. “I’m sure you’ll be great.”

Jack pulled up in front of the library. “Thanks.” I opened the door. “I’ll pick you up at 7 tonight.” I smiled and shut the door. Jack drove off. I turned around and faced the building.
“Hello there Hell?” I frowned then walked inside.

It was like it was everyday. Busy but not too busy. I went into the back and threw my bag on the chair. “You okay?” Amanda came rushing in with her cart. “What happened to your hair?!”
“Oh yeah.” I ran my fingers through my short hair. “Oh yeah? What do you mean oh yeah?!” I let out an awkward laugh. “It’s been like that for a couple of days now.” Amanda glared. “When do you not return my calls? When do you ignore Benji? When do….?” I stopped her.

“Yes I get it. I’m sorry. Things just have been hectic these past few days.” I stole Amanda’s cart. “Now I have to work.” I checked in then went out to the front. Book after book I put them away.
There was this one book I came across. I Love You In Everyway. “Blech!” I turned it to the back. It talked about loving your spouse or lover everyway possible. “This sounds like a fetish book.”

“It is.” There was Benji. He had his hands in the pockets of his “lucky” brown leather jacket. “You’ve read it?” He chuckled lightly. “Yeah some girl left it at the bar one time.” He walked towards the cart.
“Yeah cause everyone should read it.” He laughed mockingly while I put more books away. “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” His thumb glided over the top of each book on the top shelf of the cart.

He was making my heart beat fast. That’s never happened. Why was it happening now?! I cleared my throat then moved down the shelf. “Why haven’t you answered any of my calls or texts?”
“I’ve been busy.” I mumbled kneeling down. “You could have still made time to text me back.” Stop heart! Stop beating so fast! I clutched my chest.

Benji bent down and tilted his head. “Can you look at me?” I gulped. “No.” He scoffed. “Why not?” I cleared my throat. “Because I’m busy.” I whispered trying to stay calm. “You’re busy kneeling on the ground?” I nodded.
“If you don’t want to talk to me just say.” He stood up and I did so right after. “No it’s not that.” He smiled then grabbed my hand. “Good cause I bought you something.”

He brought me out into the parking lot where his car was. “Stay there.” I stood silently by the back right side of the car. He popped the trunk and pulled out a white and tan box. “Here.” He opened the box.
There in the box were a pair of cream colored heals. “These are beautiful!” I gasped covering my mouth. “Remember we were walking around downtown and you saw these shoes in the window?”

Honestly I didn’t remember that much of that day. “Yeah. But when we came back an hour later the lady said the last pair in my size was bought.” I looked from the shoes to Benji who was smiling.
“Yeah cause I bought that last pair.” There went my heart again. Thump! Thump! Thump! “Here let’s try them on.” He opened the passenger side door. I sat with my legs outside of the car.

Benji took out the shoes then took off my flats. His hands were gentle, soft and warm. “You okay?” I nodded silently. He grabbed the left shoe and slipped it on my foot then the right. “How does that fit?”
They were so cute! I really did love them. He stood up and held out his hands. “Give me your hands.” I grabbed a hold of them. He hoisted me onto my feet. “Let’s test these suckers out.”

He intertwined my arm with his and we started walking the parking lot. “Now are you going to tell me why you haven’t been answering my calls or texts?” I took a deep breath. “Jack.”
“Who’s Jack?” Couldn’t I just say he was no one? “He’s my brother’s best friend.” Of course not! “Okay what does he have to do with you?” His pace slowed. “Well…..uh….um…..that’s the thing.”

“Charlotte don’t beat around the bush.” His voice was caring yet strong. “Okay…..uh…..well I’m living with him.” He stopped abruptly almost making me fall. Benji then grasped both sides of my arms.
His eyes stared at me but I didn’t want to look back. “Why?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I rushed this!! I thought I wouldn't be able to make it tonight!!

So what do you guys think of Benji? I'm actually liking him more than Jack! >.>
Should I even be able to do that? I mean I don't know. Well Whatever.

Tell me who do you like more Benji or Jack?

Update Date: 11/17/11
