What story should I write

What story should I write?

As I lay in the sun-warmed, spring grass, my mind wandered to new topics. It was a small field filled with buttercup flowers and buzzing bees. The birds were singing and crickets made sweet music to each other. The sky was a baby blue and the clouds were a fluffy white. The sun shone brightly and a slight breeze caressed my face.

I lay there in the green grass, letting the sun soak into my body as I waited for an idea to hit me. I wanted it to slap me in the face and scream at me to write a story about it. My only criterion was the next story had to be based on nature. Like Guadí used nature for his inspiration to his architecture, I wanted to use nature to inspire my next story.

I loved Mother Nature. It could destroy any man made object if it really wanted to. Man should never have interfered with Mother Nature but we just couldn’t resist the urge that beckoned us to tempt fate and try to tame Mother Nature herself.

A soft breeze blew, causing the grass to flicker around my legs and tickle my soft skin. I breathed in deep, smelling the fresh scent of wild flowers and fresh air, and closed my eyes.

I tried to picture a perfect meadow. I wasn’t alone in the perfect meadow. I was there with my sole mate… but then again… did I believe in sole mates?

This was the way my mind was working, ticking over onto new topics like clogs in the clock work.

I exhaled slowly and opened my eyes. Two fantails were dancing on an overhanging branch above my head. Looking beyond the fantails, I watched the clouds drift through my life with no hesitation. I realized the world was going to keep spinning, the human race would go on, whether I was still in it or not.

“Hmmm… Maybe my next story could be about survival of the fittest…” I murmured to myself. I sat up and watched the soft breeze blow gently through the treetops, making them sway slightly, like they were participating a majestic dance.

The breeze died away again and the sun came out from behind the clouds. Clouds. They were so mesmerizing. The way they shifted from shape to shape and how if you looked hard enough, and had a good enough imagination, anything could come to life.

I always wanted to live in the clouds. It was the land where everything was real. You could ride the sweet unicorns, their coats as white as snow. Cupids sat on their clouds, arrows ready. And angels were your best friends. You were surrounded by brilliant colors and rainbows. And, of course, you never grew old.

I looked down from the fluffy fairyland as I heard a faint twang come from the fence. I saw a flash of white as a small white bunny disappeared into the thick green hedge.

Another idea hit me. I could base my next story on the life of animals! About how in tune with nature they are. Well, at least compared to us humans. They could tell if a natural disaster was coming long before we knew it.

They could get to safe ground and watch as the disaster occurred, while us humans carried on with our lives, none the wiser that they were about to change for ever.

Something that amused me about animals was that, despite how us filthy humans would constantly mistreat animals, they were loyal to us, and would attempt to warn us if they sensed a natural disaster was about to occur. Of course, we are too ignorant to understand them.

And another thing, why do we think we are above all? I mean, yeah, we have evolved to be more powerful above all other animals, but at the end of the day we were still animals, just like them. And not all our new inventions are for the better of mankind, we could do bigger and better things with out so much technology.

I zoned back in as I felt the first few drops of rain hit my skin. I liked the rain. It was so refreshing and cleared your mind so you are able to see clearly again. I felt a few more raindrops hit my skin and decided it was time to go inside again.

I walked inside and closed the ranch slider behind me. It was no longer sunny outside but a cold and dark world had formed to block out the sun and happiness that was there a moment ago.

I realized nature was a magnificent and curious thing that deserved to left alone. I would be doing it no justice to write a story about it because I would most likely confuse the concepts and ideas and portray it in a way that it wasn’t meant to be.
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Love this story. It was fun to write and is something different. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.

Thanks for reading and comments would be appreciated :)