Status: read my other story: The Mind Killer

Love's a Villain

The Announcement

-Finally- Sophomore year-


"You really shouldn't be here." I whispered to my best friend Erik. Guys aren't supposed to be in the girl's dorms after 9:30.
"Well, what are you gonna do about it? It's 9:00 right now Cam. Settle your OCD ass down."
"You know I'm not OCD."
"That's not the point."
"Well then what is?" I looked at him pointedly.
"I don't know. I guess the point is that it's not 9:30 yet, and you're already trying to get me to leave. You know we don't get much time to spend together Cameron."
"Well, we're not dating or anything, Erik. And don't call me Cameron."


Well, I wish we were. But she doesn't know I'm thinking that. Thank goodness for that.

*The Next Day*


"Class!" Ms. Hanacker snapped at us. "Hush!"
The class immediatly gets quiet.
"We will be starting a new unit in Literature. It is called: Romeo and Juliet."
The class let out a groan.
"Oh, chill out. It's not that hard. Plus, I know you girls will be excited to know that the boy's school will be pairing up with the girl's school to complete this project. "
Was it just me, or did all the girls just look a little more hopeful? Emily, a girl in the class, crimped her hair up with her hand, and leaned toward Addison.
"I'm gonna pair up with Erik."
"Yeah right Emily," said Addison, "We all know he's all Cameron's."
"Well not this year, Add. He's mine this time." Emily got an evil look in her eyes. Somehow I can believe someone like her can be evil.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, so please comment, and I know I haven't written in a while, but I've had school, and blah blah blah.